Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Principal causes that they provoke ictus

It is possible that, in general, the ictus is an illness little known by the society. Nevertheless, it is believed that between 120.000 and 130.000 persons suffer a year this illness. For it, from this health blog we reveal you what are the principal causes that they provoke ictus, an illness that affects 9 % of the population younger than 55 years.


To start, we would have to know something more to close to the ictus. If we attend to RAE, he says to us that the ictus is a “morbid picture that appears in a sudden and violent way, like produced by a blow. Ictus apopléjico, epileptic, traumatic“. Namely an illness cerebrovascular that it affects to the blood glasses that give blood to the brain.

The ictus represents close to 10 % of the cerebrovascular infarctions, which symptoms happen for loss of the muscular force and of the vision. Also, it can happen in persons who did not have any type of precedent.

But centring on the causes that they provoke ictus, we have to depart from the base of which two types of patients exist. On the one hand they are those in that the ictus takes place as a result of a congenital pathology. In this case it is difficult to prepare them. On the other hand there are those who yes can get ready and that are motivated for taking a bad habit of life, propitiated by a bad control of the factors of vascular risk.

It is in this second case in which it is necessary to prepare. Therefore, between the principal causes that they can provoke ictus they are the mentioned bad nutritive habits the obesity, to take a bad diet, to have hypertension, etc.

On the other hand, the sex also influences. Namely between the men appear you cause like the alcohol, the tobacco and the cholesterol, while in the women they appear like principal causes that there provoke ictus the contraceptive oral ones that, in combination with other factors like the tobacco, can provoke a cerebral infarction.

Wikipedia image

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