In spite of the step of the months, the problem of the fastidiousness in countries of South America still worries authorities and citizens. In this occasion, this health blog will allude to the actuality of this illness in Argentina and to a possible solution to diminish the number of mosquitoes in this country.
In other opportunities, this blog has referred to an illness that at present it harms to numerous nations of the world. It is a question of the fastidiousness, which is transmitted to the human beings by means of the female of the mosquito of the species Aedes Aegypti.
As regards this topic, it is necessary to emphasize that the Argentine government has decided to realize tests with a mechanism that takes as a principal function to attract and to catch mosquitoes. For example, Australia, Brazil, Canada, South Korea and the USA are some of the countries that have already used this technology, he informed official web page of the government of Buenos Aires.
This type of pitfalls (two in this case) will allow to brake the advance of the population both of common mosquitoes and of Aedes Aegypti, according to the web, which added these robots they emulate the respiration of the human being, that is to say they produce CO2.
It is important to add that, according to the last reports of the Department of Health of Argentina, published some days ago in his web site, at present there are 57 confirmed cases of fastidiousness in six provinces of the South American country. These cases have been brought from the 1st of August, 2009 until January 14, 2010, he informed the web.
On the fastidiousness
The fastidiousness affects principally the persons who live in tropical and subtropical zones of the planet, reports the web site of the World Organization of the Health (WHO).
After a vaccine does not exist against this illness, the only way of preventing this one from propagating, it is avoiding the reproduction of the mosquito vector. How is it achieved estp? The specialists recommend to clean the places where the insect puts his eggs (tires, vases, canisters or other objects that accumulate water).
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- Flu TO H1N1 in Argentina
- Flu TO H1N1 in Argentina (II)
- What is the fastidiousness?
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