Saturday, December 26, 2009

New Esteve web

With the intention of creating an union point for the professionals of the medicine, the new Esteve web appears more intuitive and completes, with all kinds of details and a little closer to any that one that is interested for the medicine. From this health blog we have verified how more than 50.000 professionals already use the services of this web.

Thought to make more accessible all the information that it possesses, in the new Esteve web you will be able to find all kinds of information, from the accredited courses that will allow you to extend your formation, up to multitude of hardware that you facilitate every day and the dealing with your patients. Also, it is a question of a web designed for and for the user, in that your opinion has a fundamental role, since you will be able to create your own professional blog or value the information that is published in the web. On the other hand, also you can find in the web a finished allergic calendar.

The new Esteve web page is a completely specializing area created for doctors as you, in whom, between others, you have at your disposal the following functions:
- Simple and intuitive hardware to create your own professional blog.
- Indexes calendar polínicos.
- Hardware of dietetic help.
- Wide file with papers and the last vademécum.
- Information about the most current topics in medicine.
- Courses credited to complement and to reinforce your formation.


Finally, if you are a professional of the medicine and are looking for a useful virtual space in which you could consult practical hardware that help you in your daily work and also you want to improve your formation, between many other things, you are interested in the new Esteve web page; across her, to redeem your work is now easier that never, and they are already many professionals those who know it and use.

Image: Peter Shanks

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