We do not agree, not even the scientists who tackle the topic of the tears seem to coincide in anything such banal how to know why it serves to cry. For it, it will not be this health blog that we establish a theory of crying, but yes that will analyze some of the important points of the tears.
On the one hand, we have the biological function of the tears and for other the psychological function, but both, in depth, the only thing that they obtain is to confuse us, since they do not answer to the question that tackles us: why does it serve to cry.
Some think that the tears discharge after a tension situation, it relaxes and detaches certain chemical substances. But skylight, others affirm that crying does that we are more defenseless and that we are more vulnerable before those who surround us. Although it does not stop being true that, on having cried, when it is done in group, they can establish very strong union connections between the persons who cry. Here we come to an important conclusion. When someone weeps for those who surround him they usually show him his support, be the type of cry that is. Also, also we can say that to cry serves to vent us.
To cry serves to express emotions, feelings and to suppress a crying it can generate problems and disorders as the anxiety. Even proper Sigmun Freud says that crying is slightly liberating. This can take us to the conclusion that to cry does that we relax and that we express an interior sensation. Obviously, this depends on the motive by which it is wept, since there is infinity of emotions for which we cry: fear, happiness, anger, stress, anxiety, repentance, anxiety, pain, love, confusion, confidence, admiration, sadness, compassion, sorrow, hate, … Are great the feelings for that it makes us weep.
It is necessary to emphasize the contribution of Kim Bard, a teacher of the University of Porstsmouth (United Kingdom), who said that there were four factors for which the movies make to cry: sadness, frequency with there cry the protagonists, final positive message and grade of happiness of the whole movie.
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