Saturday, December 5, 2009

Resonances to diagnose the breast cancer

Undoubtedly, the cancer has turned into one of the illnesses most afraid by the human beings, since it affects indiscriminately all the persons and all the organs of the body. For it, the prevention is the best measurement to locate this illness. From this health blog we center on the resonances to diagnose the breast cancer.

Magnetic resonance

The prevention is always the best measurement to brake any type of illness. A diagnosis on time as for the cancer refers, can be many utility.

In Spain, every year there are diagnosed more than 21.000 new cases of breast cancer. Of them, close to 10 % they are of character heriditario, something that many women were not knowing. For it, it is suitable explorations to be realized and to come to the specialist to evaluate a possible breast cancer.

naked woman

It is then when the resonance turns into a good measurement to diagnose the breast cancer. It is an important advance of the medicine, which can detect on time a problem of this type and begin a specific treatment to relieve his effects. Also, the experts make sure that the magnetic resonances are an option indicated for those women who have high risk of enduring breast cancer. In this sense, it is considered that a woman has high risk if there are a bearers of the mutation BRCA1 and BRCA2, a type of genes that can raise the possibility of suffering this tumor up to 60 %.

In the same way, it is recommended those women with a risk superior to 20 % (of enduring this breast tumor) to do a magnetic resonance to him. The risk factors spend for bad habits of life, heredity, late menopause or to have children in advanced ages. The high-risk groups also center on women older than 50 years.

  • World Association for the Investigation of the Cancer
  • Guided therapies and the Breast cancer
  • Lapatinib, Oral Guided Therapy against the Breast cancer

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