As all the substances of the body, the blood also can have problems. From our health blog we have wanted to realize a synthesis of the principal disorders of the blood and his circulation, being one of the vital elements.
Well, synthesizing the concepts, the principal disorders of the blood are the following ones:
- Aneurisma. It is the anomalous dilation of a blood glass.
- Arteriosclerosis. It is characterized by the hardening of the arteries, produced by the accumulation of fat inside the walls.
- Anemia. The red globules do not contribute enough oxygen to the textiles. It can be for lack of hemoglobin or for lack of red globules.
- Cianosis. It is characterized by a bluish coloration of the skin, and is a sign that the arterial blood is become oxygenated badly.
- Isquemia. It is the absence of irrigation with blood become oxygenated in a concrete area of the body.
- Leukemia. An illness that it affects to the leukocytes of the blood, in which the number of leukocytes increases but these are bad, and rest of substances of the blood do not allow to work to.
- Arterial hypertension. One of the most common. It is characterized by the high pressure or tension in the arteries.
- Low blood pressure. I joust the opposite that the previous one. Here the tension is lower than the normal thing (lower than 120/80 mmHg).
- Hemorrhage. Technical word with which it is named the action to bleed.
- Thrombosis. It is the formation of a clot (or thrombus) in a blood glass.
- Trombocitopenia. The number of thrombocytes diminishes or trombocitos that circulate along the blood.
- Toxemia, bacteremia and septicemia. It is the poisoning of the blood.
- Policitemia. It is the increase of the number of blood cells.
Also there are other disorders of the blood like the peripheral vascular illness, purple, factor Rhesus (Rh), illness of Raynaud or the shock.
- Blood donation
- Reasons to donate blood
- Is it possible to create blood?
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