Friday, February 5, 2010

Lacking myths on nutrition

To look after is fashionable, not only to slim and turn better, but to feel good. A young and very active new generation is changing little by little the myths and beliefs that our biggest were inculcating us. In other times yasabemos that to eat very much was a health symptom.


Formerly to be thin was the image of the poverty, of the misery of not being able to eat. If our ancestors saw our current models, we would make them sad. But everything takes root in the balance, nothing slims, but if we control the scales, we can support an ideal weight and enjoy very good health.

“After the milk, throw nothing”. Thousands of phrases and sayings that our parents and grandparents were repeating for generations, things that today we know it is not true. There is many food that can provoke allergies or digestive problems, but the reality is that what we consume is mixed in the stomach and it is not possible to demonstrate that to take anything after the milk is dangerous.

There are myths and beliefs that thing about to eat earlier or later, for example the fruit after the meal puts on weight, this depends much of the type on diet that is taking, but if it is true that for the quantity of sugar that they contain, it would always be better to eat fruit between meals, even like breakfast, an apple in the morning contributes more energy and cheers up more than a coffee.

In the XVIIIth century in Europe, it was thought that the vinegar was slimming, the citrus fruits and the vinegar do not slim, is thought that drinking them on an empty stomach they make tea lose kilos. Skylight is true that a lemon in the morning is better that coarse with chocolate, it is an antirust one. The most advisable thing is to take first of all a good glass of mineral water.
Do the integral products slim?. This is a very daily question. The integral food, bread, cookies and other current inventions, they contribute the same calories, but if it is true that for his high fibre level, they are healthier, the trick is that there are more saciantes with what it is possible that you eat less. The Fibre if that is a good ally for diets and to be supported in your weight and with health. It is not necessary to study very much to know that the natural fibre, it is the most important for the health. Broccoli, Celery (Celery), tomato, all the garden products are a pure medicine for our organism, it is demonstrated that to eat of assiduous form raw or boiled vegetables, diminishes to a great extent the coronary problems and the intestinal cancer. Always telling that, on having consumed integral products and many fibre, it is essential to drink a lot of water, this is not a myth, it is a reality, because in many cases it is possible to return in against and instead of unblocking, it can provoke intestinal retention.

All these myths, they are debatable, the chocolate does not provoke acne, if it takes in limited quantities does not produce anything. To realize 5 meals a day to slim, it is clear that it is suitable to eat little often, but moderately, not at all of fried food, bread etc.


Finally this health blog, recommends balance, we even can go out of covers and not put on weight, one of the big myths: THE BEER puts on weight, since not. A cane has less calories that a refreshment, with the difference that is diurética, the wine is recommended and beneficiaries are both in the first food positions for the health. Skylight of that consists the balance, the secret is in the quantity and what accompanies the cañita, the covers.


If you pass one day, the following day you compensate with raw food and fruit between meals, and if you want also can ask for aperitifs that nobody would notice that you are to diet or are avoiding fats: What seems to you, a few anchovies in vinegar, grilled cuttlefish, gherkins or mussels? Covers Vámonos!




  • The myths of the osteoporosis
  • Lies on how losing weight
  • Sports nutrition: when to eat

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