In the frame of the celebration of the World Day against the Cancer, this blog keeps on informing about this important international event that it is used for someone years so that the persons take conscience about this illness, which provokes the death of million persons. Although it remains clear that the motto of this year is “The cancer also can get ready”, it would be interesting to inform the reader about how it is possible to prepare this illness.
After developing last Thursday, the 4th of February, the World Day against the Cancer will think about how to leave the most important message to the world population. And the fact is that, although this illness is one of the principal causes of world mortality, the cancer yes can get ready.
But how is it possible to prepare? 40 % of the cancers is potentially prevenible, tells the web site of the world campaign World Cancer Campaign, organized by International Union Against Cancer, that it offers a series of recommendations to be less exposed to the appearance of this illness.
According to the web, the UICC tells that the risk of developing cancer can diminish in a significant way across the implementation of simple measurements (which also have been published by the World Organization of the Health on his official web page).
The above mentioned recommendations are: 1) to Stop the tobacco consumption and to avoid the exhibition to the second-hand smoke (to remember that the nicotinism is the second cause of mortality, according to the WHO); 2) to Moderate the alcohol consumption; 3) to Avoid the excessive exhibition to the sun; 4) to Support a healthy weight by means of a healthy feeding and the regular achievement physical exercise; and 5) to Be Protected opposite to the carcinogenic infections.
It is important to add that knows each other already on what topic the edition will be centred 2011 of the World Day against the Cancer. Next year will look to teach the children and the adolescents to avoid the exhibition to the beams UV.
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- Advices to Prepare the Cancer
- “Live through the resistance”, campaign to prepare the womb cancer
- The importance of preparing the leather cancer
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