Sunday, February 7, 2010

More than 20 years of cosmetics for men

The idea of that the women were the only ones who were worrying if physical aspect some time ago that stopped being something exclusive of the feminine sector, since more than 20 years ago of the cosmetics for men. The treatments of health and beauty for the men it is a fact of the contemporary society and this health blog tells you more details.

cosmetics men

The world of the cosmetics has always fixed his look to the woman, looking out of the corner of the eye at the man. This one tendency has seen assaulted in the last 25 years with the entry in the sector of the beauty the cosmetics treatments for the man. At first, only a few signatures saw the man of the XXIst century as to a potential public and 25 years later there is already no mark of cosmetics that has not prepared its own masculine exclusive line.

The cosmetics treatments for men are for all the tastes: antifall to regenerate the hair and scalp, products for the personal care, moisturizing, anti-wrinkle, reaffirmants, greasy lotions, masks, shampoos, conditioners, perfumes, depilatory, tanning creams, exfoliants, fire, etc. Practically the same line of products of cosmetics as for the women, but applied to the man.

In empirical terms, the world entire market of masculine treatments (without counting the perfumes), reaches almost 1.500 million euros. Also, in a period of five years (2002 – 2007), the consumption of products of cosmetics for men multiplied for five. The products that more have grown, 67 % is the anti-age. That less, the makeups, which only it uses a 1 %. In a next future one of the three sold cosmetics will be masculine.

It is curious how more than 20 years ago the cosmetics marks only saw the man as an absolute products consumer like the shaving foam or the alter-shave. Since then, the masculine public has entered strongly the world of the cosmetics.

  • Neurocosmética and neurodermatología, towards the intelligent cosmetics.
  • What is Geocosmética
  • Heyday erotic cosmetics

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