The world is still to enter at the rate of station both of his hemispheres: autumn in the South; spring in the North. As this event is always related to the human health, in this occasion one will refer to the actuality of the first world pandemic of the XXIst century, the Flu TO H1N1, that, according to information of the WHO, has provoked until now approximately 16.813 deceases.
To one year of brought the first case of Flu TO H1N1, this sanitary topic keeps on being a news for one or another thing.
Less than one month ago, and then that the World Organization of the Health was hardly criticized for thinking that the pandemic of Influenza A fue such, the seventh meeting of the emergency Committee was carried out, route teleconferencing, to which there became present authorities linked to the area of the health, like for example the general manager of the WHO, doctor Margaret Chan, who was who presided at the day.
The same one served so that the World Organization of the Health could inform, of good source, the situation of the Flu To in every point of the planet.
After analyzed the information, the WHO has decided that the countries must not close his borders to restrict the international traffic and the commerce; to support the alertness of the pictures gripales unusual and of the serious pneumonia; and he advises himself to postpone the trips if one is in the presence of illness, he reported the web site of the organism of international health.
To be closing this journalistic note, it would be important to refer to the last official numbers of the World Organization on deaths for Influenza A. With date of March 19, 2010, the web site of the WHO informed that the Flu To ha caused about 16.813 death in the whole world.
Only in the countries that shape the region of the Americas, nearly 7.622 deaths have been brought, being this one the area where there were more deceases.
If he wants to read more about this respiratory illness, you can consult a special paragraph that was realized several months ago in the same blog.
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- A Flu pandemic is imminent TO H1N1
- World pandemic of Flu TO H1N1
- Sanofi-aventis will donate vaccines against the Flu TO H1N1
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