Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Jam: miscellany of fruit and sugar

If they were asking you to explain with few words of what the jam is done, of course you would have to quote the two that we propose to you in this health blog on the jam: miscellany of fruit and sugar. A good breakfast needs that the toasts are accompanied by the jam.


To start well the day with a consistent breakfast to fill with energy the organism is practically essential to have a full day. In this breakfast the toasts cannot be missing with jam.

The jam, according to the Spanish Royal Academy (RAE), is a “conserve of quinces or of other fruits, with honey or sugar”. Namely we can synthesize and say that the jam is a fruit and sugar. Also, it is necessary to make clear that the jam is not the same as the jam, although they share certain qualities, since the jam is much more concentrated than the jam and has more sugar quantity. Let's say that they are different as for texture it refers.

The jam begun being made concerning the 30s. At present, there are great the types of jams that you can find in the supermarkets. Jams of all the flavors and qualities. They are of cherry, of orange, of raspberry, of strawberry, of peach or of plum, between many others. Precisely that of plum is one of the most advisable, since it favors the intestinal transit.

Also, it is a healthy and natural product, therefore the jams low in calories suppose one more incentive to be praised by them. Precisely, as for calories it refers, a daily ration (of 20-25 grams) contains nearly 45 calories.

On the other hand, the jams do not take preservatives (or they should not take them). The sugar is an excellent natural preservative. In fact, the jam was born to preserve the fruit of a natural way. Allergies are not known to the jam.

  • Differences between the White Sugar and the Brown Sugar
  • The fruit and his benefits, health source for our organism
  • What the benefits of the sugar are

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