Both the public opinion and the expert doctors, are divided in his opinion about the use of the Cannabis like palliative. There are studies realized in illnesses in which the current treatment does not provide mitigation or does not improve the symptoms of the patient.
cannabis plant
This is a topic of debate that takes more than 100 years of polemic, and that at present not only is a juridical matter not politically, but a matter of all. The Cannabis has in his against several points, does not enjoy good image, and that a big sector thinks that the efficacy of Maria is based only by anecdotes and information contributed by patients, but the reality is that the studies realized in the University of Washington on 33 clinical essays from 1971 until 2009, they affirm that the cannabiodes are extremely sure like analgesics, with a minimal toxinicidad. There it continues the polemic, while the medical community in general ignores in general the use of the Cannabis, more than 7.000 doctors prescribe his use to more than 400.000 patients in USA.
14 the States in USA have legalized the medicinal consumption of the Marijuana, which more promotes it is California that has even clinics and moves his sales services. He is followed by Alaska, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington. His therapeutic use remains prohibited in 36 states.
At present scientific clinical processes keep on being studied and of the 5 completed ones they showed that the Hemp can relieve the pain in accidents, nervous system diseases and the pains produced by the multiple sclerosis. There is studied in California the therapeutic potential of the hemp and the products with a suppressed Cannabis high place.
An investigation realized in Canada reveals that the adolescents of this country are between the biggest consumers of this product and analyzing it defines that his daily consumption can cause depression and anxiety, as well as an irreversible effect in the brain. From Australia there comes another study published in the press that it indicates that the young people who have used hemp during a long period of time, can have hallucinations or present psychosis symptoms.
In the United States it seems that the therapeutic benefits that the Cannabis contributes advance before the reservation of a the majority of the population. According to surveys realized in 3 areas of USA. in 2009, on the east coast of the country 48 % supports the legalization of the marijuana, in the center and south 37 % and on the coast west, in a report published in January, 2010, 58 % thinks that the marijuana should be paid regulated like the alcohol and the tobacco.
The population keeps on contributing information on proper experiences in patients with multiple sclerosis, spasticity, immobility, cancer and other illnesses, trying to contribute information that demonstrate that the Cannabis has a big therapeutic potential and it is necessary to have it in consideration for a next future.
- What You Must Know On the Cannabis
- Curative uses of the Marijuana
- Risks of the Cannabis
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