With the topic of the floods that happen in different parts of the world, it is possible that illnesses appear how, for example, those who are transmitted by vectors (mosquitoes or rodents) to the human beings. As regards this topic, the fact is that this health blog will refer to a well-known illness like leptospirosis.
In last weeks, the international press has done to itself echo of diverse natural disasters that they have affected to several countries of the world. For example, in Uruguay, till recently time, one was living through a situation complicated enough in several of his cities due to the intense rains and the overflowings of the rivers, what led to provoking serious floods.
On this topic, some days ago the means of press of Uruguay reported about the appearance of a case of leptospirosis. Possibly, of going so far as to confirm this clinical case, one would be in the presence of a serious illness arisen from environmental topics (floods).
As regards this topic, it would be important to tell a little more on what it is the leptospirosis.
The leptospirosis is one of the most well-known zoonosis, as tells the web site of the Wikipedia, that he adds that it should be feverish pathology is caused by a bacterium known as Leptospira interrogans.
Considered one of so many people world problems which there faces the public health, this illness fond principally of the inhabitants of humid tropical and subtropical areas, he publishes the web page of the Pan-American Center of Fever Afotsa, also known as Panaftosa (of the OPS/OMS).
The above mentioned illness is usually transmitted by the urine of the infected animals, like the case of the rodents (rats). The time of incubation of this illness can change from two until four weeks and the symptoms are numerous, reports Wikipedia.
It is important to add that this illness can cause the death to the persons, if it is not treated appropriately.
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