Thursday, December 31, 2009

How much magnesium do we need?

From this health blog we keep on facing you and announcing you what the principal nutritive components are, as well as his ideal consumption quantity. In this occasion we have wondered: how much magnesium do we need? It is a question of an essential micronutrient for the correct development of our organism.


The principal magnesium sources are the cereals and the vegetables, the above mentioned especially those who are of green sheet. There is other food that also have big magnesium quantity in his composition, like the pips of sunflower, the almonds, the hazelnuts or the snails. In general, the dry fruits are an important source of magnesium, a nutrient very necessary for our organism.

But: how much magnesium do we need? It is estimated that close to 360 mg a day. Therefore to eat 100 % of magnesium, that is to say, the Recommended Daily Quantity (CDR), you might eat in one day a filet (for example a good grilled steak) accompanied by parsley, two slices of smoked salmon, 100 grams of lentils, a bunch of grapes, 20 almonds and 15 pistachio nuts. This way you would have the magnesium that your organism needs in one day.

But if you want to complete it with a good menu like principal magnesium source, we can do it with one liter of mineral water (that always contributes magnesium and other micronutrients), 15 grams of hazelnuts, 250 grams of strawberries, four apricots, two kiwis, three figs and 100 grams of bread.

Since you see, the dry fruits are a type of food that contain an important magnesium proportion in his composition. Also you can eat something of brown rice. The magnesium is a mineral that acts in our organism against the nerves and the stress, by what it is considered to be a good tranquilizer. Also, it is beneficial for the heart and for the arteries. The magnesium is the eighth element that more abounds in the Earth.

  • Top 10 salty food
  • Benefits of the sardines
  • Top 10 food with more sugar

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

How much iron do we need?

The correct nutrition is fundamental to support the organism active and full of vitality, for it, it is a very useful knowledge how many micronutrients quantity we need to eat every day. For it, from this health blog we have wondered: how much iron do we need?


To know the quantity that your organism needs from every micronutrient will help you to take a healthy and balanced diet, despite the difficulty that we have nowadays of taking a diet in conditions. Nevertheless, suitable knowledge is always how much iron we need, as well as other nutrients.

Well, as for the iron, we have to say that our needs are approximately 16 mg a day. It is necessary to point out that a woman who has spent the menopause needs almost half of iron, approximately 9 milligrams a day.

On the other hand, the iron is in food like the shellfish and the meat, being this the principal iron contributors for the organism, emphasizing the red meat. Also the lentils, as popularly one knows, they contribute an acceptable iron quantity, as well as the rest of vegetables. The vegetables also are an iron source. Also, the integral cereals and the dry fruits are rich in iron.

For example, an ideal menu to consume iron might be formed by 100 grams of chicken breast, 100 grams of lentils, two eggs and a spoonful of coffee of wheat germ. The bread also you can add it to your ferric menu.

But there is more. We can center on 100 % of the Recommended Daily Quantity (CDR) of iron. For it, in one day you would have to take an artichoke and half red pepper, a semiskimmed yogurt and four fresh figs. This way you would introduce your organism the needs for iron that you need in one day. To know our organism and to give him the quantity that he needs to work correctly, is of vital importance.

  • Benefits of eating pips
  • Benefits of the Citrus fruits
  • Energy needs of the human being

Monday, December 28, 2009

Cells mother against the multiple sclerosis

The cells mother jump again to the epicenter of the medical actuality with another demonstration of use and of medical advance. In this occasion, this health blog centers on the use of the cells mother against the multiple sclerosis, after an affected one was recovering big part of his mobility. A big medical advance that can open many doors.


The use of cells mother every time is more habitual and especially more advanced. His application to treat illnesses as the multiple sclerosis was in study pear now, after an operation realized to a patient affected with this illness, his use seems to have been purified.

In the surgical intervention one was realized mother of the marrow transplants autólogo of cells, which allowed to affected of multiple sclerosis to recover big part of his mobility. Till not long ago, this skill had an index of death near to 10 per cent, but now it has become possible to reduce up to a 1 per cent.

The patient in question managed to walk after being submitted to the operation, in which him cells extracted mother of his marrow and, after treating them with medicines to destroy all his immune cells, they turn to insert the patient, so that his immune system is completed and is renewed. After the operation, affected only it had certain weakness in his right leg and something of loss of vision, but it managed to walk.

This one treatment goes to the immune system and he might benefit 60 or 80 per cent of persons affected by multiple sclerosis. This way, it would become possible revertir or to brake the deterioration that is suffered by this illness. There is not doubt that this therapy is an important medical advance in the struggle against a degenerative illness as it is the multiple sclerosis. Also, the use of cells mother is appearing as effectively.

  • Get wet for the Multiple sclerosis
  • Cells Mother
  • The greasy cells are regenerated

Saturday, December 26, 2009

New Esteve web

With the intention of creating an union point for the professionals of the medicine, the new Esteve web appears more intuitive and completes, with all kinds of details and a little closer to any that one that is interested for the medicine. From this health blog we have verified how more than 50.000 professionals already use the services of this web.

Thought to make more accessible all the information that it possesses, in the new Esteve web you will be able to find all kinds of information, from the accredited courses that will allow you to extend your formation, up to multitude of hardware that you facilitate every day and the dealing with your patients. Also, it is a question of a web designed for and for the user, in that your opinion has a fundamental role, since you will be able to create your own professional blog or value the information that is published in the web. On the other hand, also you can find in the web a finished allergic calendar.

The new Esteve web page is a completely specializing area created for doctors as you, in whom, between others, you have at your disposal the following functions:
- Simple and intuitive hardware to create your own professional blog.
- Indexes calendar polínicos.
- Hardware of dietetic help.
- Wide file with papers and the last vademécum.
- Information about the most current topics in medicine.
- Courses credited to complement and to reinforce your formation.


Finally, if you are a professional of the medicine and are looking for a useful virtual space in which you could consult practical hardware that help you in your daily work and also you want to improve your formation, between many other things, you are interested in the new Esteve web page; across her, to redeem your work is now easier that never, and they are already many professionals those who know it and use.

Image: Peter Shanks

  • Social health networks
  • Lipofilling: new skill of increase of breast
  • New vine of the virus of the Flu TO H1N1

Flu TO H1N1: 10.582 dead persons

The topic of the Flu To es foreign to this health blog. From his appearance, somewhere near March, 2009, they has informed about the innovations and the numbers that there stops this illness (even an interesting guide has been prepared on the first pandemic of the XXIst century) that, as it seems, has come to remain. Continuing with the above mentioned thematic line, in this occasion it would be necessary to wonder: what is the current situation of the Influenza A?

Flu TO H1N1

From December the numbers are not already taken into account of affected by the Flu To, the last thing that was known was that 622.482 were the persons who picked up the virus H1N1, causative of the illness. The same way, it is necessary to clarify that yes there is continued the pursuit of the number of deceases on a global scale by this pandemic.

According to the last information spread by the World Organization of the Health (WHO), across his official web page, the Flu To has already caused the death of approximately 10.582 persons in the whole world, being the most affected area that of the Americas where there has taken place the death of more than 6.300 patients.

To finish this journalistic note, it would be necessary to add that some days ago the public state took a series of declarations of an official of the WHO as regards the pandemic of Influenza A that it affects to the entire world.

It is a question of Adviser Especial of the General manager of the World Organization of the Health on the subject of Pandemic Flu, doctor Keiji Fukuda, who said that it is still too prompt to realize the announcement that the world Flu pandemic TO H1N1 has finished, according to the informed for the news agency AFP.

If you want to know more on the Flu TO H1N1, this health blog invites it to read the special paragraph on this respiratory illness.

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  • World pandemic of Flu TO H1N1
  • Vaccine of the Flu TO H1N1 would be ready in October
  • New vine of the virus of the Flu TO H1N1

Like looking after in the work

Our habits are those who mark our health and our quality of life. We spend almost noon in our job and it is a vital knowledge to eat, to be able to move and be able to rest.

red apple

The daily routine can kill us, it is very easy to learn and to change habits that harm us. In Spain more than 50 % of the population does not realize physical exercises regularly. The dairy products are consumed excessively and in very few quantity raw vegetables and fruit.

Our organism is grateful for these raw vegetables, some of them considered medicinal, like the garlic and the tomato, there are authentic stabilizers, but all the vegetables are excellent for the ideal functioning of our complicated but perfect human computer. We have the best gardens of Europe, let's be useful. It is recommended to realize several eaten, not abundantly and to a great extent without fats, but everything can be leveled, this is the secret, to obtain a balance is not so complicated, you can excel yourself one day in what it is, sweet, greasy, what you want, but then compensate it. For example every Monday morning an apple, it is the fruit she reigns or pippin, alarm clock superior to a coffee supposes an effect, it is a diuretic and an excellent way of cleaning and of eliminating the excesses of the week end. An apple and yogourt of breakfast, salad at midday and 2 liters of water in the whole day, if test bores different options to you, put a cucumber track in the water with ice, he will know you like a glass with a light flavor to melon, a soft dinner also with vegetables boiled like green Jewish women and melon.
In the work to watch the position that we adopt in the computer, it is the most important not to create bad habits, not to eat during the work, creates an addiction difficult to save, if you get accustomed to eating chips in the computer you will not be able to go out of them, better a bottle of mineral water.

From time to time, stand up, stretch with the back given to the straight wall, and breathe depth, it is an advisable gait, he looks for the way of being walking to the work, of raising the stairs, do not use the elevator it is the best exercise, stairs.

The most important thing is to sleep the exact hours and with serviceability, fundamentally the pillow and the temperature, sleeping is necessary, it is a health.

He remembers, we spend many hours in our job, he looks for your tricks and secrets, balanced, Mediterranean diet eliminates in everything possible the fried food, move bundle any type of exercise, drink 2 liters of water as minimum and sleep your necessary hours. Happy sleep

Image: leoncillo sabino

  • How to overcome the depression caused by the work
  • How to be hydrated
  • The work produces allergy

Friday, December 25, 2009

How to fight the dermatitis atópica

The dermatitis atópica is a pathology of the skin, a chronic inflammation that is characterized by a strong itch in the area in which it is had. It is very significant that his incidence has increased greatly last years, especially in the developed areas. From this health blog we tell you how to fight the dermatitis atópica.


It is possible that for the causes of this increase of cases of dermatitis atópica them it is necessary to look in the use of pledges of clothes by means of wool and silk, since these favor the appearance of the dermatitis atópica. Also the hygiene excess might be another factor.

Nevertheless, there is a series of measurements that you can adopt to fight the annoying itch of the dermatitis atópica. The most intuitive thing is that you avoid these situations and these factors that generate the appearance of a sprout of dermatitis atópica. For example, if a woolen jersey stings you, since you do not put yourself them. The high temperatures or few moisture can be other factors desencadenantes of this pathology of the skin.

Another point that you have to bear in mind to fight the dermatitis atópica is that you do not scratch those places in which you have injuries, since you can become infected. For it, it is better that you isolate yourself well the injuries that you could have to avoid itches and contagions. For it, you can use light clothes, which he does not press. The cotton is one of the materials most recommended in these cases, since it is soft.

To fight the dermatitis atópica you must avoid to bathe with cold or warm water, the moderate water is better, and of course, to use moisturizing soap, which does not irritate the skin to you. Later, you have to dry off the skin gently, without rubbing. To finish off it, it is advisable that you apply to yourself a cream that contains greasy acids omega, to give him a gentleness touch to your skin.

  • Dermatitis
  • How to fight the aging of the skin
  • Hydration against the dermatitis

Friday, December 18, 2009

The relation of the happiness in the health

When I first read the story about how Canadian Science Fiction writer Dr. Peter Watts, was beaten and arrested at the Canadian/US border while trying to return back to Canada from the US, I have to say I was not too surprised. I am an expat who lives in Mexico close to the Mexico/US border and this behavior from Homeland security is very common. A cyclist friend of mine told me he would never cross into the US again because he was going on a training ride on his 7,000usd bicycle and dressed in his team uniform, but the Homeland security agents were convinced he was smuggling drugs and proceeded to dismantle this very valuable bike. When they found nothing after hours of detention, they LET him return to Mexico with his bike in pieces. He had to call his wife to pick him up because they destroyed his special bike.
Another example, again from a cyclist friend, said she crossed the border and before she knew what was happening, a female military trooper began to frisk her from behind and she became scared when 5 other soldiers were watching and waiting to "get" her for speaking back to the soldier but fortunately she calmed down and said nothing more and the soldier left. What is the military doing reaching into peoples pockets without a word or reason!?
I personally have been detained in secondary inspection with other cars, trapped in a line, while dogs circled the cars. I was there for 1/2 and hour and given no explanation. I rarely enter my own country now because of the aggressive and rude behavior of the Homeland security agents and Military. I do not recognize my country anymore, it is not the same place it used to be and that is very sad. This is the very topic I usually discuss in my blog about the human condition, Big Brother, and treating each other with respect. If we cannot treat human beings with respect, what chance do aliens have if they dare set foot on Planet Earth?
I feel very sorry for Dr. Peter Watts and know from personal experience that he most likely did not provoke or attack any official. They look for the chance to abuse their power whenever possible.
Here is a link to the story with updates.
Here are some links well worth reading about the abuses of the US Boarder Patrol.
From Amnesty International. About the regular abuse on the US side of the border. Here is a part of the story: In 1992, students and staff at a local high school brought a class action suit against the El Paso Border Patrol alleging a pattern of serious human rights abuses. Cases adopted by the court as findings of fact included that of a 15-year-old girl, Nieden Susie Diaz, who was assaulted by a Border Patrol agent on her way home from school. According to the court, the agent “for no apparent reason knocked Nieden down to the ground and kicked her about twenty times.”
Here is another link :A Laredo man is speaking out against the Laredo sector Border Patrol tonight, saying agents repeatedly violate his rights.
He says after several years of complaining Border Patrol supervisors continue sweeping the issue under the rug.
He says he spent twenty years in the military all to be harassed by Border Patrol agents who seem to be taking advantage of their authority.
Now the concerned resident says either the U.S. is becoming a communist nation or people along the border are simply considered second-class citizens.
Carlos Gonzalez says getting home to his ranch off highway 83 just north of Laredo means having to battle border patrol agents.
“It's just harassment in its purest form out there.”
That is just the tip of the iceberg, it goes on and on. Here is a video and a prime example of the abuse of the border patrol and the lack of rights you have within a 100 miles of the border north and south.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

How to fight the insomnia

The absence of sleep is one of the problems that more determines the daily yield of a person. For it, resting is fundamental. Now then, like already we have seen in this health blog, the disorders of the sleep there is times that do the impossible life to us. It to try to solve, we center on one of them and tell you how to fight the insomnia.


Let's say that the first thing that you can do is to resort to the natural treatments. The medicinal plants are the best option to take the sleep. In this sense, he emphasizes over the rest the valerian, although also the melisa. to take it in the shape of warm infusion, before going to bed, helps to relax the organism.

If it trumps this type of the first option to sleep, it is always possible to resort to another type of practices against the absence of sleep. The doxilamina is another product that is usually between the first remedies to fight the insomnia. It has a hypnotic and relaxing effect.

The skills of relaxation or the natural therapies are another good way to fight the insomnia. The acupuncture, for example, that increases the endorfinas level in the body, or the shiatsu, there are two skills that they relax. On the other hand, it is always possible to resort to the melatonina, whose target is regular the sleep. This is a natural hormone that is used, especially, for persons with few regularity of the sleep, more than for lack of sleep. It is useful for the short-term treatment.

Let's say that, a last option might be the benzodiazepina, which is a medicine that needs certain precaution and that is acquired by medical recipe. It is necessary to be careful because it can generate psychic dependency and it is not necessary to abuse this type of medicines, therefore it is necessary to go reducing the dose gradually. Other similar active beginning is the zoldipen and the zopiclona.

  • Remedies to Fight the Insomnia
  • How to fight the aging of the skin
  • How to fight the headache

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Why does it serve to cry

We do not agree, not even the scientists who tackle the topic of the tears seem to coincide in anything such banal how to know why it serves to cry. For it, it will not be this health blog that we establish a theory of crying, but yes that will analyze some of the important points of the tears.

to cry

On the one hand, we have the biological function of the tears and for other the psychological function, but both, in depth, the only thing that they obtain is to confuse us, since they do not answer to the question that tackles us: why does it serve to cry.

Some think that the tears discharge after a tension situation, it relaxes and detaches certain chemical substances. But skylight, others affirm that crying does that we are more defenseless and that we are more vulnerable before those who surround us. Although it does not stop being true that, on having cried, when it is done in group, they can establish very strong union connections between the persons who cry. Here we come to an important conclusion. When someone weeps for those who surround him they usually show him his support, be the type of cry that is. Also, also we can say that to cry serves to vent us.

To cry serves to express emotions, feelings and to suppress a crying it can generate problems and disorders as the anxiety. Even proper Sigmun Freud says that crying is slightly liberating. This can take us to the conclusion that to cry does that we relax and that we express an interior sensation. Obviously, this depends on the motive by which it is wept, since there is infinity of emotions for which we cry: fear, happiness, anger, stress, anxiety, repentance, anxiety, pain, love, confusion, confidence, admiration, sadness, compassion, sorrow, hate, … Are great the feelings for that it makes us weep.

It is necessary to emphasize the contribution of Kim Bard, a teacher of the University of Porstsmouth (United Kingdom), who said that there were four factors for which the movies make to cry: sadness, frequency with there cry the protagonists, final positive message and grade of happiness of the whole movie.

  • 10 advices to choose a toy for our children
  • Food to fight the depression

WHO: World report on Malaria 2009

Although this health blog has already treated in several occasions the topic of the malaria or malaria, in this opportunity it will turn to refer to this illness since the World Report appeared on the Malaria 2009. In the same one there is detailed, between other things, the work realized by the World Organization of the Health to fight the illness. As informed the international organism, it is still missing very much for doing as regards this topic.

Bed with mosquito net

The malaria is produced by parasites of the species Plasmodium and it distinguishes neither age nor genre, as he informed that it does a time the same blog, who added that this illness is transmitted across the sting of infected mosquitoes and can turn out to be mortal, if there is not realized a clinical treatment adapted to the patient.

The World Organization of the Health (WHO) is worn out of tireless form in order to fight against this illness (for example distributing mosquito nets and medical treatments).

To fulfill the Targets of Development of the Millenium it is necessary to increase the actions and to continue for the same footpath, he reported the web site of the WHO, that there was done echo of the World Report on the Malaria 2009, and added that it is necessary to improve the coverage of the programs of control of the illness.

This important document tells that, although the financing has increased greatly in the last years, it is still much moved away of having the ideal funds for the struggle against the malaria or malaria. According to the report, 5.000 million dollars a year it would be the necessary number, he published the web of the WHO.

Before finishing this article, and related to the topic in question, it would be important to emphasize that some weeks ago the World Fund of Struggle against the AIDS, the Tuberculosis and the Malaria decided to grant approximately approximately 17 million euros to Brazil to fight and to brake the expansion of the malaria in his territory.

Image subject to license CC

  • What is the malaria?
  • World day of the Alzheimer's disease
  • WHO presented report on risk factors for the health

Monday, December 14, 2009

What to do in case of hemorrhage

The hemorrhage, which as well you know it is when you bleed, is usually very pompous and showy. That's why, there is convenient not to get alarmed in excess and to try to support the calmness, always according to the gravity of the situation. For it, from this health blog we tell you what to do in case of hemorrhage.


Since that, the first thing of everything is to support the calmness and not to allow to be afraid for the blood, that it always is usually very scandalous. Later, it is necessary to try that the hurt person does not move, to prevent from bleeding more. Also it is suitable that it lies down and calms down.

Next, to cover the hemorrhage you can use a gauze and press it in the area where it is bled, and if possible, raise the area over the heart (this is possible if the part in which the hemorrhage takes place is an extremity).

If it is bled by the nose, the first thing that you can do it is to blow lightly, and later pinzar the nose during 10-15 minutes. The head has to support straight line, not ahead not backwards. If the nose hurts, it is possible that it has some broken bone or the oblique dividing wall. In this case, it is better not to touch it.

What to do when it bleeds the ear. The first thing, to cover it with a sterile gauze or, if it is not had, with a clean cloth. Later, it is important to come to a medical center, so that the specialists evaluate the origin of the bled one.

These are a few small advices that we can give you so that you know what to do in case of hemorrhage. Obviously, if the hemorrhage is very pompous and intense it is necessary to come to the doctor as soon as possible and to try not to lose the calmness, since a desperation situation can to harm to the hemorrhage. The nerves sometimes play bad spent.

  • To do swimming in winter
  • What to do if an animal bites you
  • When to do a depurative diet

10 % of the world population suffers some disability

Since he had already promised to be in post previous, this health blog will allude to the celebration of the International Day of the Persons with Disability, which was carried out last Thursday, the 3rd of December. Since it could not be otherwise, the World Organization of the Health (WHO) did to itself echo of this important celebration and realized an interesting special paragraph on this complex phenomenon that reflects an interaction between the characteristics of the human organism and those of the society in whom he had him to live, according to the definition that the organism of international health handles.


It is important to emphasize that this world celebration, which is carried out on December 3 of every year, takes as a principal target to inform the world population about the most important topics associated with the topic of the disability. According to the official web site of the WHO, in the frame of this celebration a lot of information about the different disabilities is offered as this way also one looks for support to dignify the persons who must live together with them.

Since one is speaking about the WHO, it would be important to publish the official numbers that the international sanitary organism handles in the relation to the persons with disabilities.

In his web site, they informs that approximately 650 millions of persons endure some type of disability and must coexist with her and he added that 80 % of them lives in countries of low income. To be a little more precise, adding would be good that this number of persons would correspond to about 10 % of the world population, he informed the above mentioned web page.

It is valid to add that there are different the institutions that help the persons who must live together with some type of disability. A clear example there are the foundations named Teletón, presents for several years in 13 countries of Latin America (one has already alluded on this topic in the same blog).

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  • World day of the Alzheimer's disease
  • They celebrated the World Day of the Heart
  • What looks to manage with the World Day of the Vision?

Friday, December 11, 2009

Why does the constipation take place?

The constipation is the difficulty to go to the bath. Namely it is considered that a person is constipated when it goes less than two times per week to the bathroom. But then: why does the constipation take place? From this health blog we give you the most frequent reasons, as well as the porqué operates like that the human body.

pain stomach

The causes for which the constipation takes place might become condensed in only one: to take a bad nutritive habit. To have a healthy and healthy diet is fundamental to fight the constipation, and a bad feeding is the principal person in charge of that produces constipation to himself. The idea is to improve the intestinal transit.

This way, to answer to the question of: why does the constipation take place?, we would have to aim to a diet low in fibre, that is to say, at an insufficient consumption of fibre as one of the principal motives of the constipation. In this sense, both the fruit and the vegetable are fundamental to fight the constipation.

On the other hand, the constipation also takes place for drinking little water. This substance is basic for the correct functioning of the whole organism, and it is indispensable to purify us inside. Also, another factor that we can consider to be a key in the causes for which the constipation takes place is the absence of exercise. To obtain a sport habit helps to avoid the constipation.

As for the metabolic porqués, we have to say that s and constipation produces when the large intestine neither contracts nor realizes the necessary movements to mobilize the dregs towards the rectum, to expel them. Also, also there influences the absence of sensibility of the rectum that, on not having recognized the dregs, it accumulates them. Another point that can unleash constipation is a mistake in the year at the time of evacuating, with the absence of contraction of the abdominal muscles.

  • Home-made remedies: constipation
  • Causes and Solutions for the Constipation
  • How to prepare the constipation

Thursday, December 10, 2009

To smoke aggravates the flu A

Not only the flu A, but also any other flu or any other virus, since the tobacco is one of the more important problems of public health of our society. From this health blog we make the most of the opportunity to recommend to you that you stop smoking, since between many other evil, smoking aggravates the flu A. It is a good moment to leave it, if it is that you have not already done it.


The smokers must bear in mind that the tobacco harms the defenders of the organism, so that a smoking person is more vulnerable than not smoking person. Also, if we bear in mind that the tobacco centers especially on the lungs (and inside them the bronchi), the problems that any flu infection can cause are to bear in mind.

This way, we have to put ourselves on the idea of that to smoke aggravates the flu A and any other flu, for the exposed thing previously. Of course, it is necessary to make clear that to smoke does not have a direct relation with the flu A, but skylight, the smokers have more risk of contracting any type of infection that a person who does not smoke. For it, the infections of respiratory type are more common in the smoking persons, who must carry to extremes the precautions to avoid the flu contagion A and of any other flu, since his immune system is more vulnerable.

In these cases, one of the most vulnerable groups they are the chronic patients, like those that suffer Epoc (chronic obstructive pulmonary illness). If also the chronic sick person smokes, the problems in case of being contagious of flu A or of any other flu they are capital.

Consequently, it is necessary to make clear that to smoke aggravates the flu A, as well as other respiratory problems and other flu. In fact, a year four million persons die for illnesses related to the consumption of tobacco.

  • To stop Smoking
  • You help to stop smoking
  • Why is it difficult to stop smoking

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Flu To: to kiss or not to kiss?

In this health blog we stop on one of the questions more mediáticas of last months again: the flu A. With the arrival of the world pandemic there are great the questions that you arise, fruit of the exhorbitant alarmism with which they strike us. In this occasion we reflect again on the flu A: to kiss or not to kiss?

Flu To kiss

This social alarm is born, possibly, of the recommendations of the Ministry of Health, those who were suggesting not to unite nor to give kisses. Certainly, before this, the citizens, that we are alarmist for nature, we wonder if really this is necessary, that is to say: to kiss or not to kiss?

To the margin of many medical insurances that contribute the kisses (which we are not going to describe), something that is more that confirmed and studied it is that two kisses that we have through habit to give in the Spanish society it is a tradition so deep-rooted that it would turn out to be difficult to imagine to have to exile for motive of the flu A. To give kisses is a sample of affection and a social custom, that like all, it is not easy to eliminate.

Obviously, the principal motive for which it is recommended not to kiss is to avoid the contagion. It is known that across the kisses, simply for the next contact face - face between two persons who go to greet, you can transmit yourself gérmenes and microorganisms. But skylight, it turns out to be curious that there are more probabilities of being contagious of flu A by means of a hand hug, other of the habits that the Department calls to avoid.

Then: is it necessary to allow kissing? The recommendation that we do to you is that simply you have precaution when you are with persons with flu symptoms A or in those places in which the transmission of the virus is high. Also, the flu infected ones A must avoid the kisses. In your normal life you should not allow giving two typical kisses, but I insist, it is necessary to have precaution to avoid the contagion.

  • Flu To: recommendations of the Ministry of Health
  • Flu To: how is it contagious
  • What mission does the vaccine have against the flu A

World day of the AIDS on December 1

Since it is of public knowledge, last Tuesday on the 1st of December the World Day of the AIDS was carried out on a global scale. Since it has come doing in the last time in relation to the celebrations linked to the sanitary area, this blog of health there will allude to this one so important world celebration for that he looks that the persons take conscience on this illness.

World day of the AIDS

The World Day of the AIDS is a vehicle used to make aware the world population about the big world sanitary problem that the VIH/SIDA means. Several are the activities realized in all the corners of the world to achieve the target to inform the persons about this so important topic.

As he informed the official web site of the World Organization of the Health (WHO), the above mentioned world celebration serves to inform all about the situation about VIH/SIDA. Between other things, in the frame of this celebration they are impelled “advances on the subject of prevention, treatment and attention to the affected ones”, he published the web.

The VIH affects at present about 33,4 million persons, according to the web page of the WHO that handles official numbers that date of the year 2008. For his part, the region of sub-Saharan Africa is most affected by this illness, he added the web.

It is important to add that a solution to diminish these numbers, would be to find finally a vaccine to fight against the illness. As the same blog will report some months ago, he informed that “an effective, sure and accessible vaccine would be a long-term solution; it would reinforce the existing prevention methods and would make sustainable the current answer to the epidemic VIH/SIDA”.

To finish, and speaking about celebrations, also the International Day of the Persons was realized with Disability (the above mentioned celebration was realized last Thursday, the 3rd of December). Shortly, this blog will allude to this topic with more depth.

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  • Authorities of Onusida visited Rwanda
  • It lowers the Number of Cases of AIDS in Spain
  • Transmission sexual and AIDS

Monday, December 7, 2009

Half of the patients does not finish the treatment

And the one who says the half, possibly, could remain short. It is known that when we go to the doctor and we are prescribed by an antibiotic, pills or a treatment in general, to two three days, when we are more or less well, we forget to keep on taking it and leave it. In this health blog we tell you the consequence: half of the patients does not finish the treatment.

The sensation of being a little better that when one comes to the doctor, although only three days have happened, sufficient reason is for many to stop taking the medicines that the doctor has prescribed to him. The principal consequence of this is that the state of health can worsen and there can arise complications or relapsing, which are, as popularly it is known, worse.

Also, the chronic patients are another group that we can put in the big drum of the "dangers" for not finishing the treatment. In these cases, the side effects, the minor efficacy of the medicines or a bad standard of living are some of the consequences that can become detached. For it, the chronic patients have to be specially careful not to forget a capture of medicine. In the same way, it can be relatively simple that a patient who has to take several medicines in one day, forgets one. A solution for the above mentioned there are the pillboxes.

To say that half of the patients does not finish the treatment supposes saying that there are those who yes fulfill it literally. Those who yes do it are usually those patients who are well informed about his illness, know the factors of risk that it has, the good ones and the bad habits of life or they know which there are the benefits that he supposes fulfilling with the treatment that the doctor has ordered him.

The patients who forget a capture as well as the absence of knowledge of his illness are some of the causes that they motivate that half of the patients does not finish with the treatment that the doctor has prescribed.

  • Almost Half of the Operations Necesitan Revenue
  • Treatment with flowers
  • Treatment of the autism

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Resonances to diagnose the breast cancer

Undoubtedly, the cancer has turned into one of the illnesses most afraid by the human beings, since it affects indiscriminately all the persons and all the organs of the body. For it, the prevention is the best measurement to locate this illness. From this health blog we center on the resonances to diagnose the breast cancer.

Magnetic resonance

The prevention is always the best measurement to brake any type of illness. A diagnosis on time as for the cancer refers, can be many utility.

In Spain, every year there are diagnosed more than 21.000 new cases of breast cancer. Of them, close to 10 % they are of character heriditario, something that many women were not knowing. For it, it is suitable explorations to be realized and to come to the specialist to evaluate a possible breast cancer.

naked woman

It is then when the resonance turns into a good measurement to diagnose the breast cancer. It is an important advance of the medicine, which can detect on time a problem of this type and begin a specific treatment to relieve his effects. Also, the experts make sure that the magnetic resonances are an option indicated for those women who have high risk of enduring breast cancer. In this sense, it is considered that a woman has high risk if there are a bearers of the mutation BRCA1 and BRCA2, a type of genes that can raise the possibility of suffering this tumor up to 60 %.

In the same way, it is recommended those women with a risk superior to 20 % (of enduring this breast tumor) to do a magnetic resonance to him. The risk factors spend for bad habits of life, heredity, late menopause or to have children in advanced ages. The high-risk groups also center on women older than 50 years.

  • World Association for the Investigation of the Cancer
  • Guided therapies and the Breast cancer
  • Lapatinib, Oral Guided Therapy against the Breast cancer

Diet of the sirope of sap of maple

Can I slim without my health being in danger? If, this question has a peculiar answer, if we can purify and clean our organism with a fasting diet, the diet of sirope of maple.


What is the maple sap

This sweet and sweet liquid is the sap of the maple, these big Canadian trees that, they contribute to this country one of his principal resources like major producer of this almost miraculous product.

They were the American Indians those who realized that not only it was a honey species, but it had a few extraordinary qualities, they were using it for the long walks of fighter that had to do, without scarcely eating anything, were resisting strongly and vigor, they even saw that it had properties curative and like that it turned into the sirope of maple and palm.

This sweet product comes to us from North America or from Canada and it is possible to obtain in herbalists and shops of dietetics, it usually appears in canisters of way and one liter. It is very nourishing and energy, very rich in Calcium, iron, phosphorus and potassium, magnesium and it contributes Vitamins B1, B2, B6, And, To.

Benefits for your diet

The benefits are great, although the basic ones are of clean cleanliness and it purifies the organism. It normalizes the cholesterol, arterial tension. It improves the mental and physical health. Although you never eat you feel weak or fallen of fortitudes.

This sap is a 100 % biological without additives or preservatives or chemicals. To realize this diet brings us also a control on our habits with a big award, to grow thin and to rise in health.
The making is very simple, and cheap. P uedes to mix in liter and a half of water approximately 10-12 sirope spoonfuls, adding lemons and a cayenne pepper to him, in fact is a lemon soda sweetened with this sirope, it stays of a similar color to I fry you. According to the tastes of each one, you can strain it so that you have not left the pulp of the lemon. You can consult with your doctor.

The diet you can form it to yourself and administer as you want or could. It is possible that the first time turns out to be difficult to you not to eat anything, the secret is to try that there are the biggest days quantity they are to consume solid food, but you will see that once you take it you will not be hungry. The recommendation there are 7 days continued with the fasting, you will notice at once that free toxins, the body begins releasing what it exceeds him, fats that do not serve to us.

For whom he could not support without eating, you can do during the day the diet of the liquid and in the evening or to midday eat something, ideally raw or boiled vegetables. It gives result and you will feel phenomenal, you can lose from 5 to 10 Kilos, according to how you do it, can rest a few days but eating little and vegetable.

The most important fact that you cannot forget, you have to drink more than 2 liters of mineral water a day. You will see that at once you feel with energy, you will feel like walking or something something of sport and you will see as it contributes you, health, beauty, harmony and safety in you. You will use clothes that you had forgotten and you will be fashionable.Si you obtain it you will congratulate yourself with complete certainty, will realize that you have saved winning very much in health. You already will tell us how there you was the diet of Sirope of Maple.

  • When to do a depurative diet
  • Healthy diet to gain weight
  • Diet of the sandwich

Friday, December 4, 2009

Aloe will see to hydrate the skin

To obtain a hydrated skin and to avoid the dryness that takes place as a result of the cold, there is one of the remedies that brings us the Aloe an edge. From this health blog we worry for your skin and for his well-being in these epochs of winter cold. For it, we recommend to you Aloe edge to hydrate the skin.

Aloe will see skin

Be in the shape of cream, gel or any other one, the Aloe edge is a plant that helps to your skin to obtain a fresh and soft aspect. His use in cosmetics is very ancient, and it contributes a finished care both for the face and for the body. The cosmetic Aloe products Edge dealers contain substances combined with accredited extracts especially adapted to fulfill the needs for the skin, therefore prepared of Aloe they refresh Edge, they take care, calm and leave the soft and creamy skin.

There are positive effects that the Aloe produces edge in the skin: moisturizing, tranquilizing, healing, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, hemostáticos, analgesics, antialergénicos or antiprurignosos. All these functions do that your skin has an aspect revitalizante. Also, between the benefits of the Aloe it will see in the skin the following ones stand out: they protect and treat scars, regenerate of the conjunctive textile, help against annoyance, strengthen the protective layer of the skin, have an effect repairer, regenerate deeply the cells, stimulate to produce collagen against the signs of the aging and also they help in case of acne, stings of insects, burns, burns of the sun, neurodermitis and psoriasis.

On the other hand, to obtain a few even more moisturizing effects in the care of the skin, the Aloe edge can get together with other natural substances like the própolis, grasses and exclusive oils that harmonize with the Aloe Edge and treat the skin of rapid and punctual form. All this is directed to support the soft and creamy skin during the winter cold.

  • Benefits of the grapefruit in the skin
  • Aloe will See, a Product in Heyday
  • The best soaps and gels for your skin

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Cellular regeneration against the aging

The women worry for his esthetics and his physical state with a lot of frequency. It is one of the worries that turns out to be aggravated in the course of time. The old age and doing major worries and very much. For it, from this health blog we center on the cellular regeneration against the aging.

naked woman

Since that, that with the cellular regeneration one can fight the aging of the skin, since the fear that exists, to become major, is capital. The wrinkles are the most faithful testimony of the passage of time. For it, the treatments antiageing suppose an essential task in the cosmetics.

Now then, one of the new tendencies to fight the aging of the skin is that mother uses cells, that the name of genetic cosmetics is received. Many of them have been obtained of vegetable origin, a skill that is beginning being studied and developing.

At the moment, only a few cells are mothers of vegetable origin those who are tested, and even a lot of way stays for covering for the cellular regeneration of the skin with these skills. What seems clear, is that this type of advances in medicine of the beauty is the beginning of what will be in the future, since the cells mother applied in cosmetics, there seem to be the future of this sector.

There are those who already use anti-wrinkle treatments so that the cells mother of the skin to develop all his capacity. This is the target of the new studies, since the cellular regeneration is the base so that the skin is healthy.

On the other hand, we might say that to the margin of the cellular regeneration, there are other factors that can look after to fight against the aging of the skin. The external aggressions dominated by the sun, are the principal measurement with which we can fight to avoid the aging of the skin.

  • A Vaccine fails Against the AIDS
  • Melatonina against the aging
  • The benefits of the vitamin E

Monday, November 30, 2009

What is the puerperio?

This health blog will refer to a topic linked exclusively to the women and that childbearing is related to the post. In this occasion, one will speak about the period so called puerperio known also like “quarantine“. The same one spreads from the precise moment in which a woman gives birth to his son up to 40 days after the birth. Next, there will be mentioned a brief description and some things that must be known about this feminine cycle.


It is necessary to begin this journalistic note with the following question: what is the puerperio? Known like “quarantine“, this period goes from the moment of the childbearing, or illumination, up to 40 days after the same. As he informs the web site of the Wikipedia, in his version in Spanish, this period includes, also, the first two hours after the birth of a baby, feminine cycle that is known as “a post childbearing”.

It is in the puerperio that the feminine reproductive genital organs are making themselves comfortable. In simple words, here the woman recovers his normal internal rhythm and begins to have the same body that it had before the pregnancy, he reported the web site Cosasdebebé, that it does some time treated the same topic.
After consulting an informative material spread by the Bank of Social Forecast (BPS) of Uruguay, it was possible to have obtained some interesting recommendations that must be born in mind and that are closely linked to this period that the women must face immediately after the childbearing. For example, the daily hygiene is necessary principally in the well-known area as "perineal"; it is important to feed healthily; and especially it is recommended not to support sexual relations up to six weeks after the illumination.

Between other things, also it is necessary to watch the corporal temperature and to consult the personal doctor in case of presence of fever, as he informs the above mentioned informative material spread in Uruguayan territory, but that is useful for any country of the world.

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  • What is the male menopause?
  • To reduce the unnecessary Cesarean sections

Friday, November 27, 2009

Brazil and his struggle against the malaria

The World Fund of Struggle against the AIDS, the Tuberculosis and the Malaria will grant 17 million euros to fight and to brake the expansion of the malaria in territory of Brazil. Several towns located in full Amazon forest will be the beneficiaries with this important investment.


As one informs across his web site, the World Fund of Struggle against the AIDS, the Tuberculosis and the Malaria is an institution that finances numerous projects with the simple intention of saving lives in all the corners of the world.

As regards this topic, this world fund has decided to destine 17 million euros to finance a struggle program against the malaria, illness known also like malaria or marshy fever, in the Amazon forest of Brazil. The same one will have two years of duration, he published the web page of the international institution, which added that it can get longer up to three more years and for that another sum of money will be granted.

As it was known, this investment will think about how, for the year 2014, to limit to the half the number of cases brought at present.

Since one has already reported across this health blog, the malaria is transmitted across the sting of infected mosquitoes. The above mentioned illness can turn out to be mortal, if a patient suitable clinical treatment is not realized. It is necessary to emphasize that the only way of preparing the malaria, since a recommended vaccine still does not exist, it is to avoid the spread of the vector (the mosquito) that transmits the illness.

According to information of the World Organization of the Health (WHO), which can be consulted in the official web site of the international organism, approximately 250 millions of persons fall ill annually of malaria, of which 800.000 die.

It is important to add that, until now, the international institution has invested about 18.400 million dollars in a whole of 140 countries.

To consult more about this interesting news, do not hesitate to enter to the web site of the World Fund of Struggle against the AIDS, the Tuberculosis and the Malaria.

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  • In search of a vaccine against the malaria
  • The first death for Flu TO H1N1 in Brazil
  • What is the malaria?

Dismetría: a leg longer than other one

Although you have to simple sight the impression of which all the human beings we are symmetrical, really it is not like that. Although it is not easy to verify the absence of asymmetry that presents the human body, the reality shows that we are not symmetrical. In this health blog we speak to you on the dismetría: a leg longer than other one.


It is possible that you have not stopped to think that it is possible that your legs are not exactly equal. Moreover, it is more than probable that they it are not. In fact, it is believed that close to 70 % of the Spanish population it has a leg longer than other one. This complaint receives the name of dismetría.

The question takes root in that 1 ó 2 centimeters of difference of a leg with regard to other one is not problematic and scarcely it is perceptible. Like much the person who has this small difference can notice that the pants drag more than one leg that of other one, but it does not contain major problems. The mishaps come when the dismetría is superior to two centimeters.

The dismetría can take place of birth or for a strong accident, in which the growth cartilage has turned out to be affected. The simplest and intuitive way of controlling if there is had a leg longer that other one one is fixing in the knees and verifying that they are to the same height. Also it is possible to do with the pelvis. Another way of verifying a dismetría is, as we were saying earlier, across the pants, seeing if it crawls of a leg more than of other one.

The dismetría can provoke column problems, artrosis, scoliosis or even lameness, any time it is not detected on time.

If the children present dismetría, it is convenient to wait to that finalize the growth process (up to 16 years approximately), since sometimes the body autorregulo. In adults it is possible to operate, shortening a bone (the femur or the shinbone generally) and placing a nail.

  • To overcome the Sciatica
  • Another theory by the beginning of the Flu To

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Norway and WHO confirmed mutation of the virus H1N1

The first world pandemic of the XXIst century, the Flu TO H1N1, keeps on being a news in the world. In this occasion, the public state has taken the existence of three patients in whom the causative virus of the illness has suffered a new type of mutation. The fact was confirmed in territory of Norway by the local sanitary authorities.

Flu TO H1N1

In the last hours, the World Organization of the Health (WHO) confirmed the versions that had managing about the existence of cases of Flu To in those that there has detected to itself a mutation of the virus H1N1.

The Norwegian Institute of Public Health was the manager of reporting about this mutation of the virus H1N1, published the international sanitary organism across his official web site, and added that this was detected in three persons, of whom two died, were the first mortal cases brought in Norwegian territory, and the third patient is seriously ill.

After realizing numerous tests and verifying that new cases do not exist with the same characteristics, it went over to the conclusion that this virus mutado has not expanded in the territory of Norway, informed the web of the WHO.

It is important to add that the mutation of the causative virus of the Influenza A has been already detected in other countries like Brazil, China, the United States, Japan, Mexico and Ukraine.

According to the last numbers of the World Organization of the Health (WHO), which have been published with date of November 20, 2009, the Flu TO H1N1 has affected about 526.060 persons. Until now, the mortal victims for this illness climb to about 6.770, he reported the web site of the international sanitary organism.

If you are interested in the topic, this health blog invites it to read more news about the Flu TO H1N1 entering to the special paragraph on the illness.

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  • New vine of the virus of the Flu TO H1N1
  • New vine of the virus of the Flu To in Canada
  • The virus H1N1 resists treatment with Tamiflu

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Caffeine against the Alzheimer's disease

The scientists seem to be joined in the idea of announcing the benefits of the coffee and of the caffeine with diverse studies, as we indicate already in due time in this health blog on having said that the coffee improves the memory. There is another group of investigators who with his studies have got out the benefits of the caffeine against the Alzheimer's disease.

Coffee Alzheimer's disease

Therefore, it seems that we will have to believe that the coffee is good for the memory, we go, since those persons who consume caffeine of a regular way have less risks of suffering from the Alzheimer's disease evil.

This way, the coffee consumers will be satisfied, since according to the study CAIDE, taken forward by the neurologists of the University of Kuopio in Finland, in collaboration with other Scandinavian institutions, they came to the conclusion that those habitual caffeine consumers have less risks of enduring the Alzehimer evil, between problematic others related to the central nervous system.


According to the results of the study, those persons who consume a high grade of coffee (between three and five cups of coffee are considered to be a high place a day) have 65 % less possibilities of contracting Alzheimer's disease and other sufferings neuronales. The study was practised in 1.409 persons who previously had been part of two important studies realized on the matter (the sample is scarce again). In whole, the above mentioned individuals remained in observation an average of 21 years to determine how the caffeine was acting in the neurological system with the step of the years (perhaps variable time is more effective).

On the other hand, also it was proved that the caffeine stimulates favorably the central nervous system and favors the intellectual yield.

This way, the relation between coffee, caffeine, memory and Alzheimer's disease becomes latent again.

  • The Evil of Alzheimer's disease
  • The coffee improves the memory
  • World day of the Alzheimer's disease

What is the EPOC

Last Wednesday, the 18th of November there was carried out the World Day of the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Illness with the achievement of several events in the different countries. According to the web site of the World Organization of the Health, which did to itself echo of this celebration, the EPOC, as also it is known to this pathology, includes to several chronic pulmonary ailments that limit the air entry in the lungs.


Organized on the World Initiative against the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Illness (GOLD), this international celebration was created by the principal target that the persons learn more on this illness, informed the web site of the WHO, that he added that, between other things, one thinks about how to achieve a better attention to the patients who endure it.

According to the last numbers handled by the World Organization of the Health, which date of the year 2007, the number of persons who suffer from EPOC in the world is of approximately 210 million, although it is foreseen that for the year 2030 I increased this number, if the current tendency is not achieved revertir, and that I went so far as to turn the illness in the third cause of mortality in the world, it spread the web of the international organism.

Although the number of cases of EPOC is raised and alarming, it is important to emphasize that the chronic obstructive pulmonary illness is prevenible and friendly, as he publishes the version in Spanish of the web site of the Wikipedia, who did to himself echo of informations of the World Initiative against the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Illness (GOLD).

Before finishing this journalistic note on the celebration of the World Day of the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Illness, it would be interesting to add which there are the factors of risk of EPOC. The same ones are the nicotinism; the contamination of the air in closed places; the contamination of the exterior air; and the existence of dust and chemicals in the work environment.

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  • How to treat the bronchitis
  • World day of the asthma
  • What is the Fibromialgia?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Alcohol gel against the flu A

Since the flu was coming A the world seems to be living through a psychosis of which efímeramente it seems to want to go out. The people seem to have assumed that it is a question of a flu and that you can spend it without much ado. Now then, from this health blog we have treated thoroughly the topic of the flu A and hence, keep on telling you everything to close to this virus. In this occasion we center on the alcohol gel against the flu A.

Gel alcohol

In particular, more that to say “alcohol gel against the flu A” would be necessary to say “alcohol gel as a result of the flu A“, since this one is second the one that it has propitiated that the companies install dispensers of gel of alcohol so that his personnel is free of the "awesome" virus of the flu A, and therefore, workpeople avoid the contagion between.

It is necessary to say that the hand hygiene is of vital importance to prepare the flu A (and any other respiratory illness, so habitual in winter). For it, it is advisable to wash his/her/its them after sneezing or after coughing. In this sense, the demand of gel of alcohol has suffered a boom in the last months on the part of companies and individuals, who want to avoid at all costs the flu contagions A. Pero nevertheless, we see that the flu A keeps on being contagious from some to others.

Gel alcohol

The alcohol gel must be used by precaution, since it irritates the eyes and the mucous membranes. Namely it is not necessary to abuse the use of these products since the skin gets angry. In the composition of these gels of alcohol he emphasizes the presence of disinfectants and of alcoholes like the ethyl one and the propanolol. These rubbing alcohols are used in hospitals and especially in the operating theater.

Imagen1 cosasdesalud. Imagen2 under license CC

  • Neurological disorders derived from the consumption of alcohol
  • Stages of the vaccine against the Flu To
  • They donate vaccines against the Flu To for developing countries

The dangers for the heart

Since well you know, the heart is one of these organs that we have to spoil everything what we prune. To take a healthy and healthy life, to do exercise regularly and to obtain satisfaction of the bad nutritive habits are some of the advices to take care of the heart, as we have already treated in this health blog. In this occasion we tell you which the principal dangers are for the heart.

dangers heart

There are certain scoreboards of risk that warn you about the dangers of the heart:

- The hypertension is a key factor that it is necessary to watch. He remembers that the normal tension levels must range between 135-140 mg/85-90 mg. To take an intensive rhythm of the heart can be to propitiate infarctions.

- The tobacco. Not that to say has, that you must eliminate the tobacco. Smoking is a risk factor for the health of our heart. It produces an oxygen decrease in the blood and also, encourages the clots formation.

- The obesity. Other of the evil and of the epidemics of the society of the XXIst century. We are overfed and it is a problem of the developed world. The obesity provokes problems the heart, and can generate diabetes and hypertension.

- Cholesterol. It is necessary to avoid the hipercolesterolemia, another evil that it affects to the heart. He remembers that the cholesterol levels must be, in general, below 200 mg/dl.

- The stress. Obviously, the level of anxiety and of stress that also there suffers this fond society, of a very negative way, to the heart, which sometimes does not support the oppressive standard of living that we take. The myocardium infarctions are to the agenda for these motives.

- Diabetes. It is the incapability of the pancreas to segregate enough insulin that the organism needs, for what the glucose accumulates in the blood and affects to the heart, propitiating a hyperglycemia.

- The sedentary life. Obviously, the absence of mobility is other of the factors of risk to suffer illnesses of the heart. The sedentarismo can propitiate arteriosclerosis, hypertension, heart failure and respiratory illnesses.

  • It knows the Age of your Heart
  • How to Take care of the Heart
  • Dangers during the pregnancy

Friday, November 20, 2009

Can I be contagious of flu A in a hospital?

From this health blog we keep on analyzing one of the topics that more worries the population: the flu A. For it, we have formulated the following question: can I be contagious of flu A in a hospital? Beyond a rapid and direct answer, it is necessary to bear in mind that the sanitary centers are an important risk focus.

I medicate flu hospital

Bear in mind that the viruses, already not only with the flu A, but with any other illness, are swarming for the hospitals and sanitary centers, since the sick persons are there precisely so that they treat them. Namely there are more possibilities of being contagious of flu A in a hospital (eye, of flu A and of any other infectious and contagious illness) since the virus is contagious for respiratory route.

But it is necessary to bear in mind several factors. First of all, that the sanitary centers are carrying to extremes the precautions to prepare more cases of flu A. The use of gloves and masks has spread between the sanitary personnel, and one has chosen to isolate the flu patients A. In those serious cases, the UCI seems to be the destination, with the complications that that could suppose, since the flu A aggravates the patients' problems with serious illnesses, the high-risk groups and those with chronic respiratory problems.

But skylight, the question of becoming infected with flu A or of not doing it depends on the immune system of each one. Namely it is possible that a person spends many hours in the hospital and is not contagious, and nevertheless other one comes and is a little time and yes it is contagious.

Finally, it is necessary to point out that it is not necessary to go to the hospital to be contagious deliberately. It is true that the person who has suffered the flu A remains immunized opposite to her, therefore it is not contagious again, but it is completely imprudent to come to hospitals to be contagious on purpose, to spend it as soon as possible, since the only thing that it might to obtain is to extend the virus of uncontrolled form.

  • Flu To: high-risk groups
  • Flu To: how is it contagious
  • Medicines against the flu A

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Traffic accidents cause 1,3 million deaths a year

Since it is already a custom for some years, last Monday, the 16th of November the World Day was carried out in Memory of the Victims of Traffic accidents. Annually about 1,3 million persons die because of accidents in streets and routes, according to numbers handled by the World Organization of the Health (WHO).


The World Day in Memory of the Victims of Traffic accidents is a date imposed somewhere near the year 2005 and for that he looks that the persons take conscience about the big number of deceased who provoke the transit accidents. Although the principal target is to offer a homage to those persons who lost his life in these circumstances as this way also a tribute to the relatives who must live with the pain of the loss, he reported the web site of the WHO.

As regards the annual numbers of deaths in road accidents, almost 1,3 million are the persons who die and about 50 million human beings those who suffer some type of damage, he informed that the web of the World Organization of the Health, which he added this is the first cause of death in persons whose ages go from 10 years to 24 years.

For his part, the web page of United Nations published that almost 90 % of the annual deaths concentrates in the countries of low and medium income.

As regards this topic, it is important to add that, as he published the web of the WHO, between Thursday, the 19th and Friday, the 20th of November will realize the first edition of the World Ministerial Conference on Road Safety. The same one will be carried out for two days in the city of Moscow, Russia. Shortly, this health blog will give more details of this international event that will think about how, between other things, to improve both the road safety and the world health.

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  • Cervical lash and traffic accidents
  • Illnesses that cause insomnia
  • WHO will destine 250 million vaccines to developing countries

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Guide of the tablet postcoital

Very much one has spoken and discussed the tablet postcoital (also known like morning-after pill), even from this health blog we treat the topic of the morning-after pill to debate. Well, after all the dimes and diretes of this medicine, we center on the guide of the tablet postcoital.

tablet postcoital

The tablet postcoital is a method of emergency, not of habitual use. This is the first question that it is necessary to make clear. It acts up to 72 hours after having had a sexual relation with coitus, in which there is pregnancy risk. Now then, the capture of the tablet must be done as soon as possible after having supported sexual relations without protection, if possible, in 24 hours later to the coitus of risk, since in this case the efficacy is superior to 90 %, percentage that diminishes the same way as is spending the time.

For it, the tablet postcoital must never be used as a contraceptive method of the first option, and it has always to be a secondary and extremely special method, which is used when they trump the traditional contraceptive methods, especially the condom. The tablet postcoital also is indicated when one has forgotten a capture of the oral birth-control pill, when the contraceptive patch remains detached more than 24 hours, when the vaginal ring moves back temporarily (more than three hours) or when the DIU is expelled coinciding with a coitus. Also, it is necessary to point out that this medicine can be of a capture or of two.

couple sex

Before the groups who think or are afraid that the tablet postcoital turns into a widespread contraceptive method, we would have to speak about the side effects, since the morning-after pill is a hormonal dumbfounded certification, although beech experts who are postulated in the opposite idea.

Well, the polemic comes because the morning-after pill can be obtained in the drugstores without medical recipe, what all the women in fertile age can take it and be done by her. But skylight, if the woman is already pregnant, in this case the tablet postcoital would not be effective.

The morning-after pill also has side effects, which go from morning sickness, vomiting or disorders in the menstruation, up to bled vaginal irregular, increase of sensibility of the breasts, fatigue and abdominal pains and of head. If it is vomited before three o'clock after having taken the medicine, it is possible that this one has not supplied effect.

Finally, to insist that the tablet postcoital is not a contraceptive method to the use, and that it must only be used in case of emergency. Also, it is necessary to insist that it is not necessary to practise sex without protection, to already not only to avoid not wished pregnancies, but also to avoid the sexually transmitted diseases contagion.

  • Lybrel: Tablet Antimestruación
  • The feminine condom
  • Contraceptive methods

Therapies with horses

From this health blog we give a conceptual jump to speak about the therapies with horses, a curative form that little by little begins being done by a name inside the therapeutic panorama, due to the heyday of the therapies with animals, especially with horses.

woman horse

The majority of us does not know (or he was not knowing) the curative properties that could have the horses.

To know what types of therapies exist, we have to divide of the Hypotherapy (word that proceeding from the Greek “Hippos“, who means horse). The Hypotherapy is a therapy based on the use of the multidimensional movement of the horse for the treatment of different physical and mental complaints, which provide the person in treatment of an increase of the self-esteem.

It is a question of a concept and of an idea that they are not, for anything, new. The Greeks were already using to the horses with therapeutic ends, to fight diverse types of illnesses, and in the Middle Age, were recommending the trot or gallop in horse to fight illnesses as the drop. Therefore the therapies with horses are not new. For the persons familiar with this question, they speak about the miraculous trot of the horses.

As for the benefits of the Hypotherapy, they depart from a series of physiological effects in the organism, which are born of the increase of the capacity of perception of stimuli. On the other hand, also it generates a series of psychic effects, like the stimulation of the attention or the concentration. But also we meet physical effects, due to the corporal temperature of the horse.

For all this, this type of therapies with horses is diagnosed for illnesses like the multiple sclerosis, cerebral Palsy, Autism, chronic Complaints, Syndrome of Down, Forked Thorn, cerebral Traumas, neurodegenerativas Illnesses, traumatológicas Illnesses, Anorexia, Bulimia or diverse types of disabilities.

You can find this type of therapies with horses in Madrid, in the Foundation Friendly Horse (C / Lope de Vega, 36).

  • Alternative therapies, Acupuncture
  • Alternative therapies, Aromaterapia
  • Alternative therapies, Homeopathy

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The diabetes fond of almost 220 million persons

Everywhere of the world the World Day of the Diabetes was celebrated, the most important date to achieve that the population takes conscience about this illness. Organized in joint form by the International Federation of the Diabetes (IDF, by his initials in English) and the World Organization of the Health (WHO), this celebration was carried out last Saturday, the 14th of November.


The World Day of the Diabetes is the most important vehicle for all the countries to achieve that the people know the real magnitude of the problem of the diabetes, an illness that at present affects approximately 220 million persons, according to official numbers published in the web site of the WHO.

Since it could not be otherwise, the General Secretary of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, expressed a message in the frame of the World Day of the Diabetes, which was published entirely in the official web site of the international organism.

The leader said that this illness, characterized for having in the blood the high sugar levels, kills more than one million persons a year, especially in nations about to development, according to the published by the web of the UNO.

According to this web page, Ki-moon expressed that United Nations it offers all his support to the countries that they have to face the problems that the diabetes raises and asked both the international community and the international organisms also to give his support to the developing countries.

To finish this note, it would be good to answer the following question: why is this celebration realized one November 14? It turns out that in the same date, but of the year 1891, the medical Canadian Frederick Grant Banting was born, one of the investigators who discovered the hormone named insulin, who gained some years later the Medicine Nobel Prize for the above mentioned find.

Image subject to license CC

  • Diabetes: epidemic
  • Symptoms of the diabetes
  • Million persons do not know that they suffer hepatitis B ó C

False myths of the headache

After knowing how to fight the headache, a matter about which we have already spoken to you in this health blog, it has us to give one more step and analyze this problem, since it constitutes one of the most habitual pains of the human being. We are going to put the attention focus in the popular sayings: false myths of the headache.

woman with headache

How many times have you listened that such and such food produces headache? Of course more than you have stopped to think. The motive is that we become accustomed to a series of social practices and use popular sayings without stopping to think if they are true.

We can say that the false myths of the headache depart from the chocolate. Traditionally, this food one has said that it causes headache. Well, we can say that it is a question of one of the myths of the headache. In the same way, the wine, in excess, clearly, also is other of the products that can affect you and that can produce migraines or migraines. In the latter case, it is a question of a myth that more or less is justified, since the wine contains more tannins, but it does not stop being insufficient. In the same way, also we can affirm that the alcoholic beverages with carbonic gas, like the champaign, are more inclined to unleash migraines.

The true thing is that the headaches produced by food are quite unusual: this is the real myth. On the other hand, the real problem of the headaches they are unleashed by other factors, like the stress, the absence of sleep, to sleep in excess, the changes of habits, the sudden changes of atmospheric pressure, the disorders of the sleep, … But as regards the food, it is difficult to justify them and we can say that they talk each other of false myths of the headache.

  • 6 of Every 10 Spanish Suffer Chronic Pain
  • How to calm the backache
  • Myths of the bronze-colored one

Friday, November 13, 2009

Flu To: is it necessary to use masks?

The pandemic of the flu A continues his advance, and the groundless fear of million persons in the whole world goes out afloat. From this health blog we keep on analyzing and wondering everything relative to the flu A: is it necessary to use masks? The immediate answer would be simply not, except cases of contagion.

Flu To masks

The experts r ecomiendan that the general public does not use the masks, at least at the moment, since they do not avoid the contagion. As has shown the National Center of protection Means (INSHT), only masks have to use the infected persons, the sanitary personnel, for the most part, although the notice also includes the relatives and persons near to the patients of flu A.

This excludes the use of mask to the general population. In fact, they have verified that the use of the masks does not reduce the spread of the virus and most of masks do not avoid the flu contagion A. Of course, in those open spaces, as in the street, the use of the masks seems completely groundless, since the virus is his wide ones for the air.

Now then, it is possible to do a small distinction in the use of the masks. On the one hand, we meet the surgical masks, which must be used by the flu patients A, since they help to avoid to extend the pandemic. For other, we meet the protection masks, which are directed to the sanitary personnel and to the relatives of the patients. It is ready it might do more exhaustive, since inside the latter type of masks there are different protection levels.

All this does not remove that the masks are effective to avoid the spread of the virus of the flu A, although the majority of them does not avoid the contagion. I insist, at the moment they are not indicated for the general population, only for patients, relatives and sanitary personnel.

  • Flu To: high-risk groups
  • Flu To: how is it contagious
  • Symptoms of the flu A

How does it affect the cleanliness in the civil health

We are saturated of so much information about new epidemics and flu that attack us and that debilitate us. Full of so much information, sometimes unnecessary and always exaggerated, the citizens we want to understand what happens and what actions are carried out for our protection.
The hygiene is certainly an important point, if not more, so that our health does not weaken, as well as, we must understand that the cities in which we live and breathe are saturated cities and therefore, the cleanliness and care of the metropolises is basic.

But; who is in charge of cleaning a city? or: How is this task carried out?

Companies of integral cleanliness

Limasa, is one of many Spanish companies that takes charge of the maintenance and cleanliness of Malaga. Across prepared professionals and multitude of varied services, Limasa tries to arrange and to clean the city boquerona at the same time that it tries to sensitize the population of how important it is to support your ambience in good conditions.
With tasks of cleanliness and collection, treatment and elimination or with services of support of maintenance, Limasa, works every day in Malaga. Although it seems foreign to us to our health and to our routine, to support a clean and elegant city supposes a good health for the whole set of citizens who live in her.

Across the treatment of the garbages and of the humedificación of the streets, the of Malaga inhabitants will notice certain improvement if they had some asthmatic problem or of pulmonary character.

Again, we realize that the quality of life, not only it depends where from we live, but also of how is life of bootblack the city in the one that we inhabit, so he takes note.

  • The Dental Cleanliness
  • Ultrasonic cleanliness against the Impurities of the Skin
  • How does it affect the absence of sleep to the daily yield