Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Guide of the tablet postcoital

Very much one has spoken and discussed the tablet postcoital (also known like morning-after pill), even from this health blog we treat the topic of the morning-after pill to debate. Well, after all the dimes and diretes of this medicine, we center on the guide of the tablet postcoital.

tablet postcoital

The tablet postcoital is a method of emergency, not of habitual use. This is the first question that it is necessary to make clear. It acts up to 72 hours after having had a sexual relation with coitus, in which there is pregnancy risk. Now then, the capture of the tablet must be done as soon as possible after having supported sexual relations without protection, if possible, in 24 hours later to the coitus of risk, since in this case the efficacy is superior to 90 %, percentage that diminishes the same way as is spending the time.

For it, the tablet postcoital must never be used as a contraceptive method of the first option, and it has always to be a secondary and extremely special method, which is used when they trump the traditional contraceptive methods, especially the condom. The tablet postcoital also is indicated when one has forgotten a capture of the oral birth-control pill, when the contraceptive patch remains detached more than 24 hours, when the vaginal ring moves back temporarily (more than three hours) or when the DIU is expelled coinciding with a coitus. Also, it is necessary to point out that this medicine can be of a capture or of two.

couple sex

Before the groups who think or are afraid that the tablet postcoital turns into a widespread contraceptive method, we would have to speak about the side effects, since the morning-after pill is a hormonal dumbfounded certification, although beech experts who are postulated in the opposite idea.

Well, the polemic comes because the morning-after pill can be obtained in the drugstores without medical recipe, what all the women in fertile age can take it and be done by her. But skylight, if the woman is already pregnant, in this case the tablet postcoital would not be effective.

The morning-after pill also has side effects, which go from morning sickness, vomiting or disorders in the menstruation, up to bled vaginal irregular, increase of sensibility of the breasts, fatigue and abdominal pains and of head. If it is vomited before three o'clock after having taken the medicine, it is possible that this one has not supplied effect.

Finally, to insist that the tablet postcoital is not a contraceptive method to the use, and that it must only be used in case of emergency. Also, it is necessary to insist that it is not necessary to practise sex without protection, to already not only to avoid not wished pregnancies, but also to avoid the sexually transmitted diseases contagion.

  • Lybrel: Tablet Antimestruación
  • The feminine condom
  • Contraceptive methods

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