For many persons there has not happened yet the fear of a possible contagion of flu A, despite the insistence of the public organisms and of the means (between which this health blog is) of diminishing the state of collective anxiety. One of the worries that exists in the ambience is the one that relates flu A and trips, since both the airport and the public transport are agglomerations places.
For it, it is advisable to avoid, as far as possible, the masses of people, but only when the flu A is in phases of a major incidence. The airports, train stations, of meter or of bus are very crowded places.
Although there have been some countries that have taken special measures in airports, without allowing the arrival of flights proceeding from countries with source of infection, it seems that this measurement is absurd. In Spain, for example, this measurement has not taken and at the moment, nothing is going to do specially, unless there is detected an upturn of the cases of contagion of flu A not also. While it is not flying away either it is necessary to carry to extremes the precaution measurements, it is enough to keep on doing the same that was done in ground, since the contagion risk is the same.
As for the public transports, it is not necessary to stop using them. But eye, it is always advisable not to do it when the incidence of the flu A is major, as we were saying earlier. In case it is necessary to use and do not be able to avoid it, it is advisable that you do not touch yourself the eyes, the nose or the mouth and that you wash your hands as soon as you could on having gone out of the transport way.
Now then, if you are enferm@ of flu A, what is advisable is that you postpone the trip that you reckon, any time you could, for skylight. This is done in order to avoid more contagions of the virus. But for being able, you can travel, there is no problem.
- How to avoid the sickness in the trips
- Flu To: recommendations of the Ministry of Health
- Flu To: how is it contagious
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