Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Teletón and his help to persons with disability

There are organizations that they have like leitmotiv to help the neighbor without need to be rewarded and that's why they work 24 hours of the day, 365 days of the year, thinking about the well-being of the others. This is the case of the well-known foundations Teletón, which are present for years in 13 countries of Latin America. Next, this health blog will allude to these organizations that help children and young people with disabilities.


There are different the organizations Teletón that are present in countries of Latin America. The same ones work with persons with disability so that these could achieve a prompt recovery and have a better quality of life.

In case of Teletón Uruguay, the foundation was created by the idea of inaugurating a center of pediatric rehabilitation, at present in march and working successfully, informs his web site, that he adds that the principal target is the integral recovery of the child and young bearer of a disability of origin “neuro / muscle / skeletal”, as this way also to help the patients to integrate into the society giving him a good quality of life.

It is important to clarify that all these foundations, without mattering in what country they are, have the same goals and work for the well-being of the patients with disability. Also it is necessary to add that the above mentioned institutions shape the so called International organization of Teletones (Oritel).

The above mentioned association was founded in the year 1998 and at present it is integrated by Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay. As tells the official Oritel web site, this organization is one of the biggest in the world as for voluntary help and it has an influence on 400 million persons.

It is an important destcar that the above mentioned foundations Teletón characterize for the achievement of one marathon television (them popularly known “telethons“, which also are even realized in other continents in Europe) that is carried out every year in different countries. The principal target of this television program, which lasts many hours and which is provided with the famous persons participation, is to collect money to invest in these centers to that hundreds of patients attend with disability.

Image of Wikipedia

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