Friday, November 27, 2009

Dismetría: a leg longer than other one

Although you have to simple sight the impression of which all the human beings we are symmetrical, really it is not like that. Although it is not easy to verify the absence of asymmetry that presents the human body, the reality shows that we are not symmetrical. In this health blog we speak to you on the dismetría: a leg longer than other one.


It is possible that you have not stopped to think that it is possible that your legs are not exactly equal. Moreover, it is more than probable that they it are not. In fact, it is believed that close to 70 % of the Spanish population it has a leg longer than other one. This complaint receives the name of dismetría.

The question takes root in that 1 ó 2 centimeters of difference of a leg with regard to other one is not problematic and scarcely it is perceptible. Like much the person who has this small difference can notice that the pants drag more than one leg that of other one, but it does not contain major problems. The mishaps come when the dismetría is superior to two centimeters.

The dismetría can take place of birth or for a strong accident, in which the growth cartilage has turned out to be affected. The simplest and intuitive way of controlling if there is had a leg longer that other one one is fixing in the knees and verifying that they are to the same height. Also it is possible to do with the pelvis. Another way of verifying a dismetría is, as we were saying earlier, across the pants, seeing if it crawls of a leg more than of other one.

The dismetría can provoke column problems, artrosis, scoliosis or even lameness, any time it is not detected on time.

If the children present dismetría, it is convenient to wait to that finalize the growth process (up to 16 years approximately), since sometimes the body autorregulo. In adults it is possible to operate, shortening a bone (the femur or the shinbone generally) and placing a nail.

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