The back of the children of nowadays suffers more of the account. Too much I weigh the one that they have to transport day by day it does that the back suffers, with these gigantic rucksacks that go and that sometimes it enlarges more than the proper child. From this health blog we give you a few small advices so that you know how to choose the ideal rucksack for the child.
The first thing that it is necessary to bear in mind is that there is no golden rule. Every child is different, they have different corporal structures, weight and different forces, … for what each one can need his own rucksack.
But, to know how to choose the ideal rucksack for the child, it is necessary to bear in mind that this one has to be beaten to the back, without roominess, and along with the lumbar area, between the hips. It has to have the wide suspenders and that are quilted, so that they do not hurt in the shoulders of the child.
On the other hand, the rucksack has to have an equal size to the torso of the child, never major. It has to have the possibility of being able to graduate, to be able to adapt it to different heights and that always remains beaten to the back. Also, the rucksack has to remain tightened and the weight distributed in both shoulders equally, for it, there is advisable a rucksack that has different compartments. Bear in mind that an excess weight forces the child to bend down forward, which is very negative for his young back.
Indicate him to the child that the rucksack has always to take on two shoulders, nothing of hang it only on one, and who it to be hung, stoops doubling the knees, nothing of doubling the back. Finally, there are experts who dissuade the use of rucksacks with wheels, those of type cart, affirming that the dolls of the children cannot throw of so much weight, and they end up by suffering.
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