Monday, December 14, 2009

10 % of the world population suffers some disability

Since he had already promised to be in post previous, this health blog will allude to the celebration of the International Day of the Persons with Disability, which was carried out last Thursday, the 3rd of December. Since it could not be otherwise, the World Organization of the Health (WHO) did to itself echo of this important celebration and realized an interesting special paragraph on this complex phenomenon that reflects an interaction between the characteristics of the human organism and those of the society in whom he had him to live, according to the definition that the organism of international health handles.


It is important to emphasize that this world celebration, which is carried out on December 3 of every year, takes as a principal target to inform the world population about the most important topics associated with the topic of the disability. According to the official web site of the WHO, in the frame of this celebration a lot of information about the different disabilities is offered as this way also one looks for support to dignify the persons who must live together with them.

Since one is speaking about the WHO, it would be important to publish the official numbers that the international sanitary organism handles in the relation to the persons with disabilities.

In his web site, they informs that approximately 650 millions of persons endure some type of disability and must coexist with her and he added that 80 % of them lives in countries of low income. To be a little more precise, adding would be good that this number of persons would correspond to about 10 % of the world population, he informed the above mentioned web page.

It is valid to add that there are different the institutions that help the persons who must live together with some type of disability. A clear example there are the foundations named Teletón, presents for several years in 13 countries of Latin America (one has already alluded on this topic in the same blog).

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