Friday, January 29, 2010

Basic advices to take care of the teeth

To have an ideal dental health is key, since every tooth is the only and unrepeatable piece, therefore we must offer to him all the care that is deserved. For it, from this health blog we want to give you a series of five basic advices to take care of the teeth.

to take care of teeth

It is important to be done to the idea of that the teeth are for the whole life, therefore we have to worry for them. Across these basic advices, you can know how to take care of them in a best possible way:

- Feeding. Of course it does not catch from you desprevenid@ that the teeth need a correct feeding forged in a few correct nutritive habits. In this sense, the sweets are harmful to the dental health, since they can cause caries. To avoid them it is necessary to continue a healthy diet.

- Correct brushing. The teeth need at least two daily brushing and it is important to brush for all the areas of the mouth, during 2 ó 3 minutes. This way, the language also has to be brushed of behind ahead.

- Dental silk. It is not an element that is used often but his use is advisable to fight the bacterial badge that accumulates in the interdental areas and under the gums. With the dental silk or with a brush interproximal you can eliminate it to improve the health of your mouth and to fight, also, the halitosis (the bad breath).

- Mouth rinsing. To use a good rinsing is the ideal way of completing the health of the mouth after the brushing. His use is advisable two times a day and it is necessary to rinse the mouth during at least a minute. Later it is necessary to consume neither drinks nor food even spent, like minimum, half an hour.

- to visit the dentist. It is advisable to come to the dentist at least two times a year to verify that our dental health is the correct one and let's be able to prepare the appearance of illnesses or dental problems.

  • To eliminate spots of the teeth
  • Advices to take care of the voice
  • Advices to take care of the feet

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The obesity harms to the masculine fertility

Every day there arise new studies of doctors or scientists who reveal some of the most important questions of the health. In this occasion, from this health blog we do to ourselves echo of a study published in the magazine “Fertility and Sterility”, in which is said that the obesity harms to the masculine fertility.

It is already known that the obesity has many contradictions in the organism. One of the studies last in going out to the light reflects that the obesity harms to the masculine fertility.

Namely he seems demonstrated that the obese men have more probabilities of suffering problems of fertility that those who have a normal weight for his height. This is what gets rid of a study published in the magazine “Fertility and Sterility”, in which he steadies himself that the obese men have three times more probabilities of having a lower number of sperm than the thin men.

In addition to this, in the study it is revealed that also they have three times more probabilities of having a low number of progressively mobile sperms (that is to say, that move) and almost the double of probabilities of having a high percentage of sperms of abnormal form.

The investigation, which was carried out in the University of Utah (Salt Lake City, the United States), has suggested that the men with excess of corporal fat have higher levels of the feminine hormone estrogen and it reduces the levels of the masculine hormone testosterone, which also believes that they affect to his fertility.

Finally, in the study that affirms that the obesity harms to the masculine fertility, one concludes that the men can improve the quality of his sperm and therefore increase his fertility by means of the reduction of his exhibition to the toxins, take showers instead of warm baths, moving away from the tobacco and to limit the consumption of the alcohol.

  • Problems of the Obesity
  • Infantile obesity
  • Male menopause, the masculine menopause

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

How is the Flu TO H1N1 in January

The earthquake of Haiti and his terrible consequences have captured the attention of the international press. Although this is the most important topic, there are others that also it are; like for example the problem of the Flu TO H1N1, that is still so current as earlier. This health blog will realize a general pantallazo on the actuality of this world pandemic.

Flu TO H1N1

Considered the first pandemic of the XXIst century, the Flu TO H1N1 keeps on advancing for the world and causing more deaths. That's why, next one will report about the last innovations of this illness.

With date of Friday, the 22nd of January, the last report of the World Organization of the Health expresses that at present there is about 14.142 of deceased because of the virus H1N1. It is necessary to add that it does a pair of months the WHO stopped taking into account the number of cases of Influenza A.

On this topic, it would be important to emphasize a few declarations of the general manager of the WHO, doctor Margaret Chan. In the frame of a meeting of the Directorate of the organism, realized in the Swiss city of Geneva, the leader said that it is important that the virus H1N1 is not mutado and, between other things, he stood out the fact that the vaccine should have turned out to be effective and sure, published the web site of United Nations.

It is important to emphasize that in the last hours the WHO expressed a written declaration published in his official web site, in which it expresses that yes a world Flu pandemic is living through the world To.

This clarification was due to the fact that many people have thought that it was too much to put the pandemic sign to this illness. According to this declaration, no type of scientific foundation exists to make sure that the WHO created a false pandemic to provide economic benefits to the pharmaceutical industry, he informed the web of the international organism.

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  • World pandemic of Flu TO H1N1
  • Vaccine of the Flu TO H1N1 would be ready in October
  • New vine of the virus of the Flu TO H1N1

Monday, January 25, 2010

What sound the bat wings

The bat wings are constituídas for the leather excess and fat that hangs in the top part of the arm. The passage of time is the principal person in charge of it and they are the big informers of the age. From this health blog we center on knowing a little more on them: what sound the “wings of bat”.


It seems that this type of esthetic problems is solved by means of a good face lift. The reality is that the “wings of bat” are one of the physical problems that more give a complex to the women, who look for a face-lift that eliminates it of immediate and permanent form.

The true thing is that there comes a moment in which with the age, the “wings of bat” are difficult to resolve with the conventional physical exercise, therefore frequently the women avoid to dress pledges that make the totality of the arm visible and choose for long sleeves or over the elbow to cover the skin and the hanging textiles. In addition to the age, the loss of weight also favors the formation of this problem that gives a complex to many women.

This way, the flaccidity of the muscle goes worsening the same way as the woman goes becoming major. Therefore, this flaccidity located in the later part of the arm is one of the big informers of the age of the women.

It is an interesting knowledge that in this area the muscles known as biceps find (ahead) and triceps (behind the arm), which ones are the culprits of the biggest or minor flaccidity and the desencadenantes, therefore, of the “wings of bat”. For his part, the men take the arms more developed than the women as biological and environmental reasons and it is for it therefore they develop the “wings of bat” in ages much more advanced than the women.

Not related posts.

More important topics of 2009, according to the WHO

This health blog has alluded, in several opportunities, to the most important topics of 2009, according to the balance of end of year of the World Organization of the Health. Next, and to be closing this topic, a journalistic note will be realized on other events that shape the memory made by the WHO.

"Women and Health"

Although the appearance of the Flu TO H1N1 monopolized in 2009 all the attention of the international community, it was not the only important topic happened during the last year. And this is seen clearly on having consulted the balance that the WHO realized and that includes twelve facts and achievements most emphasized of 2009.

In this occasion, there will be mentioned the remaining topics that shape this memory and that, on having known about the international sanitary organism, also were the most important of last twelve months.

For example, the World Organization of the Health emphasized the presentation of the interesting report “The women and the health: the today information, the tomorrow agenda”; as this way also the fact that more and more persons positive VIH (4 million patients, according to information obtained at the end of 2008) are receiving treatment antirretrovírico, he published the web site of the WHO.

It is important to emphasize that a few months ago the same blog alluded to the report “Risks for the world health”, that expresses that the expectation of life of the persons might increase across the control of certain factors of risk for the health. This topic also is part of the balance 2009 of the WHO, under the title “The reduction of the world sanitary risks prepares premature deaths”.

Other of the facts that integrate this memory is the presentation of the “World Report on the Malaria 2009”. Since one has already reported in this blog, the struggle against the malaria or malaria can help to fulfill the Targets of Development of the Millenium, he informed the web of the international organism.

Finally, it is not necessary to allow mentioning the topic related to the production of a new vaccine against the polio. As tells the WHO, in his balance 2009, Afghanistan realized an immunization campaign antipoliomielítica.

To know the finished balance of the international sanitary organism, only it is enough to enter to his official web site.

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  • WHO emphasizes the Flu To between the topics of 2009
  • Facts and achievements of 2009, according to the WHO
  • Summary of 2009: The financial crisis and the health

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Advantages of the hair-removal laser

The hair-removal laser, like all the skills of hair-removal, has his benefits and his mishaps, what does not mean that it is either better or worse than others. In this occasion, from our health blog, we center in the advantages of the hair-removal laser.

hair-removal laser

I insist, to speak about the advantages does not mean that disadvantages do not exist, but simply we center on the first ones and leave the second ones for another occasion. This way, we can do a list with the advantages of the hair-removal laser:

- It is the good one alternatives for all those that they want to eliminate definitely (or progressively) the hair of almost any corporal area

- It is a question of a rapid and very forceful method. Across this system it is possible to eliminate between 80-90 % of the hair of an area happened in 4-8 meetings, according to the type of skin and of hair.

- The hair-removal laser is usually the skill that the specialists recommend for women who suffer from hormonal imbalances.

- Any healthy person can be applied.

- The hair-removal laser does not produce pain at the moment of the application, although sometimes it can become a little annoying.

- This method differs from the most common (for example, the wax) in that it does not stimulate the growth of any more quantity of hair.

- The hair-removal laser brings prepared an effect rejuvenecedor, leaving the smooth and soft skin.

- It allows to treat wide areas of a rapid, comfortable and effective way. The duration of each of the meetings usually changes between the 15 and 45 minutes.

- On having talked each other of a method of definitive hair-removal, the patient will save the expenses of future hair-removals for the rest of his life.

- As the meetings pass we will be verifying how the hair diminishes in quantity and in thickness.

- The hair-removal laser is a treatment indicated for the foliculitis and the flesh-colored hair of English, legs and face.

  • To treat the hirsutismo
  • What the best hair-removal method is
  • By installments laser: cutaneous rejuvenation

Friday, January 22, 2010

They sum up 2009: Prevention of pneumonia and infantile diarrhea

Since one has already reported in previous editions, the World Organization of the Health realized a photographic memory with the facts and the most significant achievements of last year, many of which have been already treated in the same health blog during 2009. In this occasion, one will allude to another two important topics that integrate the balance of end of year of the WHO.


The World Organization of the Health published at the end of last December, in his official web site, a photographic memory containing twelve facts and the most significant achievements of 2009. In the same blog, already several have been mentioned of the topics emphasized by the WHO in his balance of end of year.

Following the same publishing line, in this occasion there will be mentioned other achievements that also are included in the memory made by the international organism.

One of the topics emphasized by the World Organization of the Health is the reduction of the infant mortality because of pneumonia. According to numbers of the WHO, about 1,8 million children, of less than five years of age, die annually for this illness, what turns it into the first cause of deaths in children.

In joint form with the Unicef, the international sanitary organism is employed at an interesting plan to prepare million possible deceases up to the year 2015, he informed the web page of the WHO.

The topic of the prevention and treatment of the infantile diarrhea also was emphasized by the WHO in his balance. The international sanitary organism expressed that approximately 1,5 million children die to the year due to this complaint. That's why one is employed arduously at several points to diminish that one high number of deaths, it spread the web.

To know more about this revision of facts and achievements of 2009, do not hesitate to enter to his web site of the World Organization of the Health.

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  • The diarrhea is the second cause of infantile death
  • Facts and achievements of 2009, according to the WHO
  • WHO emphasizes the Flu To between the topics of 2009

A healthy feeding: a happy relation

It seems that of taking a healthy life, by means of going in for sport, eating I cure the benefits and not to do practices harmful to our health they do not stop producing good results for our life. One of the last relations that we have known from this health blog is on a healthy feeding: a happy relation.

healthy feeding happy relation

Namely here two aspects melt. On the one hand we meet the aspect of the healthy feeding, by means of which we have to realize at least 30 minutes of exercise a day, eat many fruits and vegetables, to exile the alcohol, the drugs and the tobacco, to avoid in possible the greasy food and eaten garbage if we want to win to the task of supporting a healthy body and mind.

On the other hand the aspect of the relation is in couple. Therefore to part of providing a healthy body and mind, all the correct and healthy nutritive habits for your organism also might guarantee a happy relation with your couple.

In this one aspects, one of the diverse studies that relates the healthy feeding and the happy relation is the realized one in a group of men with excess weight of the University of Utah, by means of which it was discovered that his testosterone levels increased after having lost weight, together with his sexual satisfaction.

Now then, this type of studies can make to reflect: are there relations that break when one takes to the lack of concern and oversight if the same?: really does the healthy feeding imply a happy relation? I suppose that, like everything, there will be concrete cases and it will not be possible to generalize. Anyhow, the árdua task of going well together and of supporting content@ the couple, can be a good motive for taking care of us by means of a healthy feeding: or not?

  • A healthy diet: entertaining and appetizing
  • Obsession for the healthy meal
  • Healthy diet to gain weight

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The situation of the fastidiousness in Argentina

In spite of the step of the months, the problem of the fastidiousness in countries of South America still worries authorities and citizens. In this occasion, this health blog will allude to the actuality of this illness in Argentina and to a possible solution to diminish the number of mosquitoes in this country.

Fastidiousness in Argentina

In other opportunities, this blog has referred to an illness that at present it harms to numerous nations of the world. It is a question of the fastidiousness, which is transmitted to the human beings by means of the female of the mosquito of the species Aedes Aegypti.

As regards this topic, it is necessary to emphasize that the Argentine government has decided to realize tests with a mechanism that takes as a principal function to attract and to catch mosquitoes. For example, Australia, Brazil, Canada, South Korea and the USA are some of the countries that have already used this technology, he informed official web page of the government of Buenos Aires.

This type of pitfalls (two in this case) will allow to brake the advance of the population both of common mosquitoes and of Aedes Aegypti, according to the web, which added these robots they emulate the respiration of the human being, that is to say they produce CO2.
It is important to add that, according to the last reports of the Department of Health of Argentina, published some days ago in his web site, at present there are 57 confirmed cases of fastidiousness in six provinces of the South American country. These cases have been brought from the 1st of August, 2009 until January 14, 2010, he informed the web.

On the fastidiousness

The fastidiousness affects principally the persons who live in tropical and subtropical zones of the planet, reports the web site of the World Organization of the Health (WHO).

After a vaccine does not exist against this illness, the only way of preventing this one from propagating, it is avoiding the reproduction of the mosquito vector. How is it achieved estp? The specialists recommend to clean the places where the insect puts his eggs (tires, vases, canisters or other objects that accumulate water).

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  • Flu TO H1N1 in Argentina
  • Flu TO H1N1 in Argentina (II)
  • What is the fastidiousness?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Humid ambience: risk of contracting illnesses

There are places or moments in which a person is especially inclined to become infected or to contract a certain illness. The proper physical characteristics or of the environment that surrounds us they do that it is more or less easy to be contagious. From this health blog we put the eyes in the humid ambiences: risk of contracting illnesses.

swimming pool marries

A humid ambience facilitates the life of bacteria and of mites, which are the persons in charge of that we could contract some illness. This would be a simple and intuitive way of telling how the humid ambiences can increase the risk of contracting illnesses.

In fact, the moisture is the most important factor that determines the grade of infection of all the classes of mites that arise in the hearth. These microorganisms are in the dust of the houses and can unleash serious problems of health as eruptions, bronchitis or dermatitis atópica. The experts make sure that between 5 and 10 per cent of the Spanish population suffers dermatitis atópica.

In the same way, a high percentage of moisture propitiates the appearance of mold, a microscopic organism whose spores can cause asthma and other complaints of respiratory type. The mold produces alérgenos, irritants and, in certain cases, poisonous substances. Also, an incorrect grade of environmental moisture can aggravate also the symptoms of those who suffer fibromialgia, a chronic illness that is characterized by the pain, weariness and fatigue that the patient suffers.

As for the appearance of the mites, we can speak about the Syndrome of the Sick Building (SEE), a set of symptoms that there endure individuals who live or are employed at the same building and who send or diminish when they leave it. The WHO typified this syndrome in the 80s and defined as a cause the bad quality of the air of the enclosure, provoked by a bad ventilation and a temperature and grade of moisture incorrect.

  • Factors of Risk of Cardiovascular diseases
  • Illnesses caused by the use of the computer
  • Air conditioning without risk for the health

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Qúe to know on the diabetes

The diabetes is an illness that there can endure persons of all the ages (it affects at present almost 220 million human beings in the world, as informed months behind this health blog). Next, there will be realized a journalistic article about what it is necessary to know about the diabetes.


The diabetes is defined as a metabolic disorder that implies having glucose (sugar) in the blood over the established levels. It takes as normal levels in blood between 70 and 100 mg/dl on an empty stomach. When the levels overcome these values, in chronic form it is begun by injuries in organs like the heart, the eyes, the kidneys, nerves, feet and blood glasses.

It is important to emphasize that there are different types of diabetes: the type diabetes 1 that is characterized by the absence of synthesis of insulin; the type diabetes 2 that has his origin in the incapability of the body to use efficiently the insulin (it is the most common and can get ready); and the so called “diabetes gestacional” that is discovered for the first time during the pregnancy stage.

In another things order, it is necessary to add that there are certain factors that collaborate to the diabetes: obesity, stress, inadequate feeding, familiar precedents and/or arterial hypertension.

The diabetic persons can diminish the above mentioned irrigation factors and live through a normal life. For this, it is necessary to acquire some rules of behavior as the achievement of physical exercise, a controlled medication, a balanced diet as this way also having medical control panel in periodic form.

As he tells the material consulted for the achievement of this note, which was made by the web site, the patients with this illness can achieve a good quality of life depending on the habits of life that they acquire.

It is important to add that this illness fond of about 220 million persons, according to official information published on the web page of the World Organization of the Health (WHO) in occasion of the World Day of the Diabetes, and that were published months behind in the same blog.

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  • What knowledge on frozen food
  • Diabetes: epidemic
  • Care of the feet in the Diabetes

Special: Infantile obesity

The salt of the life, the reality is that the salt can take your life and we do not see the important thing that is. From the epoch of the Romans, the salt is a vital element for the humanity, salary is a word derived from the Latin salarium, that means payment with salt.

The salt was so important and so necessary, that even in long walks for deserts or difficult and warm areas, the Romans were taking a salt sachet, not to be dehydrated.

In Spain, for years in the postwar period and very much after the postwar period, it was said to the chubby child, look for him healthy what is, and the child seemed that it was going to go out rolling. Perhaps the famine that spent this country, did that the parents were inflating to potatoes to his shoots to compensate through what they had lived, “child eats that you do not know what is to spend famine”.

Today we know how harmful there is the salt and the fast and modern food that they have cleaned out of swift form to our famous Mediterranean diet. Our children receive a real bombing of pizzas, hamburgers, hot dogs, potatoes bags, chitos, little doves, bakery, and all kinds of fast-food.

The Spanish we consume every day almost 10 grams of salt of average, when it is recommended not to go on from 5. This joined to that the schools do not contribute balanced meals, and also they give only 3 hours to the week of physical exercise, does that our children keep on increasing of weight and are more vague.

It is necessary to bear in mind that it is not the saltcellar what more fond, the food that more are consumed takes of if, a big quantity of salt, unsaturated fats and sugar.

The problem of the infantile obesity is enormous, it can produce diverse alterations and problems in the child, especially it diminishes its own esteem, later alterations can appear in the skin, problems in the feet, stretch marks, constipation, arterial hypertension, to turn of obese child into obese adult at the risk of being a diabetic.

The child in fact asks for what it sees, more than 50 % of the publicity of this country, he is of slightly healthy foodstuff, it is logical that he asks for them and he likes. Fortunately there exists already a law of Food security that has the target to stop the unbalanced consumption of slightly healthy food by means of a commercial pressure, and to encourage the children to consume vegetables again if possible raw, boiled, fish, pasta, rice, everything what we ate before the invasion of the cholesterol came in bag.

It is not so difficult to control what your son eats and to accustom that can eat certain entertaining but not so healthy meals, and consume every day fresh food, and do exercise. It is possible to achieve a balance between the school and the house for the benefit of the child, he will always be grateful to us for it in the long run.

Image 1: Gorski

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  • Problems of the Obesity
  • Infantile obesity
  • Infantile hypertension, he alarms for the adults

Monday, January 18, 2010

Medicines to promote the memory

The doubts about the types of medicines that we can take or the debate between medical insurance and damage for the health, seems to have no end. From this health blog we have verified like one of many advances of the medical science they are directed to new medicines to promote the memory.

medicines memory

Imagine. A pastillita for the morning, while you have breakfast, and you are already activated for the rest of the day. Something like amphetamine that was used in the Second World War to keep the combatants awake.

But it is not so easy as it seems. The doubts arise at the time of knowing if, really, these new medicines that are in development can be used like reinforcement of the cognition. Theoretically, the medicines that help to promote the memory will be beneficial for those patients with illnesses like the Alzheimer's disease. But skylight, it seems that científicamente speaking, medicines do not exist yet for the memory that are really sure.

Nowadays medicines are used like the Ritalin or Adderall, which are a stimulant for the hyperactivity disorder or for attention deficit. It implies more cognitive yield.

But over everything, he doubts that tour appears concerning knowing if the medicines to promote the memory will be sufficiently sure for the health as to take them as we take a cup of coffee. In this respect there are those who make sure that there are medicines in circulation that can be used without fear to recharge the brain. Something like the batteries put themselves nothing more to get up.

To this step, we will go so far as to have a few pills to get connected and others to disconnect us, similar to the soma that they take in the book of A. Huxley, “A happy world”. In this book that tells how the future, only one coarse pill will be to be disconnected when we are not to taste.

  • It feeds to your Memory
  • Exercises for the memory
  • Home-made remedies to strengthen the memory

Saturday, January 16, 2010

To purify the lungs to fight the cold

With the arrival of the winter cold, we all feel a little more vulnerable before the viruses that are in the ambience, and try to protect ourselves in a best possible way to have a healthy and strong organism. From this health blog we help you with advices and habits as of purifying the lungs to fight the cold.


The annoying cough, the mucus, the sneezes, the discomfort, … are some of the characteristics of the cold, which do that we are in bad conditions. To appeal to the natural remedies to fight the cold is a good option to brake these aspects that mine our organism.

Between the options to improve our respiration that is of purifying the lungs to fight the cold. Between the products that exist on the market we meet Depur Mon, which by means of natural ingredients will help you to clean your lungs. It is necessary to know that the lungs are exposed straight to the air that we breathe, and therefore, is good that could defend themselves from the exterior invasion of virus and bacteria cleaning them of toxins and impurities and purifying them of natural form.

The way of operating that they have this type of products in the lungs is that of promoting the immune system, increasing our defenses opposite to the external agents and facilitating the respiration.

Other options to clean the lungs happen for making pulmonary exercise breathe, that is to say, deeply for also, increase the pulmonary capacity. On the other hand, to continue a correct feeding also is key to support both the clean lungs and the organism and healthy. Another good option happens for be doing by a liquid vaporizer and of course, for breathing clean and decontaminated air. Namely nothing of tobacco around you.

These that we tell you are some of the remedies to purify and to clean your lungs.

  • Food to fight the nerves
  • Food to fight the caries
  • Food to fight the depression

To purify the lungs to fight the cold

With the arrival of the winter cold, we all feel a little more vulnerable before the viruses that are in the ambience, and try to protect ourselves in a best possible way to have a healthy and strong organism. From this health blog we help you with advices and habits as of purifying the lungs to fight the cold.


The annoying cough, the mucus, the sneezes, the discomfort, … are some of the characteristics of the cold, which do that we are in bad conditions. To appeal to the natural remedies to fight the cold is a good option to brake these aspects that mine our organism.

Between the options to improve our respiration that is of purifying the lungs to fight the cold. Between the products that exist on the market we meet Depur Mon, which by means of natural ingredients will help you to clean your lungs. It is necessary to know that the lungs are exposed straight to the air that we breathe, and therefore, is good that could defend themselves from the exterior invasion of virus and bacteria cleaning them of toxins and impurities and purifying them of natural form.

The way of operating that they have this type of products in the lungs is that of promoting the immune system, increasing our defenses opposite to the external agents and facilitating the respiration.

Other options to clean the lungs happen for making pulmonary exercise breathe, that is to say, deeply for also, increase the pulmonary capacity. On the other hand, to continue a correct feeding also is key to support both the clean lungs and the organism and healthy. Another good option happens for be doing by a liquid vaporizer and of course, for breathing clean and decontaminated air. Namely nothing of tobacco around you.

These that we tell you are some of the remedies to purify and to clean your lungs.

  • Food to fight the nerves
  • Food to fight the caries
  • Food to fight the depression

Are you allergic to the medicines?

Although the spring is for ages the epoch of allergies, million persons suffer allergies to the medicines the whole year, these reactions increase in a 1 % every year. It is the third allergic cause after the rinoconjuntivitis and the asthma.


The antibiotics betalactámicos are those who more produce these allergies. These antibiotics are indicated for the prophylaxis and the treatment of the infections. It is a wide scale from the derivatives of the penicillin, cefalosporinas, monobactams, carbacefem, … There Are the most secondhand antibiotics.

In Spain they exist between 10 to 15 millions of allergic this number keeps on increasing, although our country is to the avant-garde in the investigation in the new skills of diagnosis of the allergy to medicines and one keeps on reducing the probabilities of which it is necessary to realize tests of location of the causative medicine.

Finally the medicines that cause in major measurement these allergies are first of all the antibiotics, secondly anti-inflammatory and in third the antibiotics quinolonas, anesthetic local, sulfamidas and macrólidos.


Although the symptoms of the allergies are evident in all the ages, in the infancy or adolescence, in this case it is in the women of medium age, where more it is detected, since the woman consumes more medicines and especially spent the forties. The most frequent symptoms appear in the skin, cutaneous, eruptions, reddenings, hives and inflammations. Secondly respiratory or digestive symptoms can appear and in third and like more serious fact the anafilaxia that consists of all these symptoms simultaneously and of serious form, weariness and discomfort, with danger.

To resist, a study is advised alergológico and later a study on the similar medicines that should not be harmful. The biggest causes of the allergy to medicines are the automedication and the abuse, especially in respiratory illnesses. Before any reaction it is the most important to stop taking the medicine and consulting with his pharmacist or much better with his doctor.

image pills

image pasillas2

  • Allergy or food intolerance
  • What is the allergic rinitis?
  • Resistant bacteria: impotent antibiotics

Friday, January 15, 2010

Urban development and health: topic of the World Day of the Health 2010

This health blog continues with the journalistic articles related to the balance realized by the World Organization of the Health about the facts and the most significant achievements of the year 2009. In this occasion, one will refer to the celebration of the past edition of the World Day of the Health.

Urban development and health

Since one has come reporting in the last days, the World Organization of the Health realized an interesting photographic memory with twelve facts or achievements most emphasized of 2009. Between the topics treated in this annual balance, there stands out that of the achievement of a new edition of the World Day of the Health.

Last April 7, 2009 there was carried out the celebration of World Day of the Health, the most important date used by the WHO so that the persons take conscience of the principal world sanitary problems, he reports the official web site of the international sanitary organism.

The motto of the past edition was “to save lives, sure hospitals in the emergency situations”, as there prays the balance of the WHO published in his web, which adds that in this frame one reported about ideal practices to make the hospitals and clinics sure in emergency situations.

It is important to add that the edition 2010 of the World Day of the Health will take as a thematic axis the urban development and his effects in the health of the human being, according to the web page of the WHO.

To finish this journalistic note, this health blog will publish the linkage to consult, if this way he wishes it, other articles about the balance 2009 of the WHO. If he wants to know more about this interesting revision, do not hesitate to enter to his official web site.

- Facts and achievements of 2009, according to the WHO
- WHO emphasizes the Flu To between the topics of 2009
- Summary of 2009: The financial crisis and the health
- Summary of 2009: WHO the Prince of Asturias received award

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  • World day of the asthma
  • World day of the AIDS on December 1
  • WHO: World report on Malaria 2009

how much selenium do we need?

From this health blog we keep on wondering on the ideal quantity of micronutrients that our organism needs to work correctly. After having analyzed the iron, magnesium or calcium, between others, there comes the turn to question to close to other of them: how much selenium do we need?

liver spinach

It is possible that the selenium is not known, at least in his participation in the food, but it is the same way necessary so that the organism works correctly.

But: how much selenium do we need? Approximately our body is necessary approximately 50 micrograms of selenium a day. A small but necessary quantity. Between the food that have major selenium contribution for our organism they emphasize the tripe shop food, that is to say, that food that belong to the animal but that are not a meat, like the guts (livers, heart, language, brains, etc.). But if this food does not convince you, also you can choose for the nuts or for the fish. Some cereals also contain selenium.

This way, we can prepare an ideal menu in which the selenium constitutes the finished base of our needs. For it, there are enough approximately 100 grams of rice accompanied by 30 grams of cheese of goat and 50 of almonds. You can add four oysters and of dessert 100 grams of cookies that should contain butter.

On the other hand, if you want to eat 100 % of the Recommended Daily Quantity (CDR) of selenium you can praise for 100 grams of liver and other 100 of broccoli, along with 50 grams of cheese Emmental, 100 grams of spinach and a tuna piece, to be able to be a fresh air. To finish off you can accompany it on a handle.

Between the properties of the selenium he emphasizes his antirust power and he is much recommended for smoking persons. The selenium is mineral that exists in organic and inorganic form. The selenium is fundamental to protect our organism of the free radicals as well as in the production of white globules.

  • Top 10 food with more sugar
  • How much iron do we need?
  • How much magnesium do we need?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Summary of 2009: WHO the Prince of Asturias received award

This health blog continues with the balance of the most significant facts of the year 2009, according to the point of view of the World Organization of the Health. The above mentioned summary is composed by twelve facts and achievements, as one has already reported in other occasions.

WHO building

Next, it will allude to one of these topics, which gave much that to speak during big part of last year: the WHO and the securing of the prestigious award Prince Asturias of International cooperation 2009.

Since it is of public knowledge, the World Organization of the Health prepared, to dismiss the year, an interesting photographic memory with the facts or the most important achievements happened during the last year. One of them was the news of which the WHO Prince was distinguished by the prestigious award Asturias of International cooperation 2009.

Under the title “I Reward the Prince of Asturias. World action in favor of the public health”, the WHO emphasized the securing of this most important award in his balance 2009. As he informs the web site of the international sanitary organism, the Foundation the Prince of Asturias recognized “the intrinsic value of the health for all the persons as this way also the most just need for a distribution of the benefits derived from the medical advances”.

As the record of the jury prays, with date of Wednesday, the 27th of May 2009, the WHO is one of the institutions most respected by his work of safe-conduct of the fundamental right of every human being to the health, as informed months ago the same blog.

To finish this note, and as regards these important awards, it would be important to emphasize that the same ones were created in the year 1981 and they are organized by the Foundation the Prince of Asturias.

To know more details on this interesting annual balance realized by the World Organization of the Health (WHO), do not hesitate to enter to his official web site.

Wikipedia image

  • The Nobel Prize of Medicine 2009 is for …
  • The Prince of Asturias of International cooperation rewarded 2009 for the WHO
  • WHO was present in the "Prince of Asturias"

Does the climate influence the illnesses?

When a scientist or an investigator decides to investigate, so many his things come to the mind that they could have relation that, to more of one he would surprise the results that are obtained. One of these studies is the one that the magazine Science publishes and that raises, in certain way, the following question: does the climate influence the illnesses? This health blog tells you more details.

climate illnesses

It is a question of a study carried out by the University of Washington in which there appear the possible incidences that the climate change will generate in a next future.

One of the principal ideas that get rid of this study is that, at the end of the century and as a result of the climate change and of the changes of temperature, alterations will take place in the harvests (especially of tropical zones) that will reverberate in a water as food shortage.

Immediately after this and although it surprises, the WHO has requested that includes the environment inside the health politics. On the other hand, and as it gets rid of I European Congress on Environmental Pathologies - celebrated in Rouen, France - it is estimated that close to 24 % of the pathologies and of the deaths that take place they are related to the environment.

Also, as a result of the increase of temperatures foreseen at the end of century, of between 2 and 6 grades, one hopes that the deaths should climb on a global scale between a 1 and 4 % for every grade of temperature that is promoted.

But really: does the climate influence the illnesses? Every time with more frequency the natural disasters and the consequences of the climate change affect to the areas in which they take place, generating infections, pandemics, respiratory problems, scarcity and worsening of the food, cardiovascular diseases, pollution, increase of the allergic pathologies, increase of the cancers, etc.

  • Illnesses of the bones
  • Top contagious Illness
  • Rheumatic illnesses

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The importance of consuming healthy food

A topic of the health with which the persons must fight every day is the feeding. That's why it is essential to acquire conscience and good nourishing practices. But especially it is necessary to bear in mind the importance of consuming healthy food.

Spinach beet

The promotion of health acquires an important roll in the process of campaign to raise public awareness of the population in general, so that habits are achieved for the consumption of a balanced and healthy diet. The different social agents, like the family or the school, they represent a fundamental role to promote the healthy food in the daily diet and the physical activity like part of the daily routine.

The good feeding not only has to do with the quantity and quality of the food ingestion, but also with the preparation and cooking of the same ones.

In this sense the Pan-American Organization of the Health (OPS), by means of different informative materials, offers to the persons numerous advices so that the feeding is really healthy.

For example, for the OPS the cleanliness of the hands is important before the food manipulation (the personal hygiene is fundamental at the moment of cooking); the wash of the kitchen tools and the fruits and vegetables with drinking water; there are fixed thoroughly the due dates of the eatable products; and not to allow to cool food to temperature ambience not to attract insects and bacteria.

Between other things, it would be ideal to begin to consult cookbooks that include plates that use food that, in addition to healthy, are nourishing and delightful. Remember that, acquiring small habits on having consumed every day healthy food, it will allow him to feel good with yourself and with his health.

As regards this topic, this health blog recommends a delightful spinach beet cazuelita to the cream. It is important to emphasize that this vegetable is rich in folato, vitamin that prepares, between other things, the anemia. Next, there will be published the recipe of this tasty meal.

It prescribes: Spinach beet Cazuelitas to the cream

First of all it is necessary to wash and boil a spinach beet bundle. Immediately, it is necessary to slip, to sting and to reserve. To cut and to sting an onion. To withdraw of the fire and to add two spoonfuls of flour, 1/2 cup of milk, salt and pepper to taste.

To rummage up to achieving a homogeneous miscellany. To cook ten minutes non-stop of rummaging. To add the spinach beets and a spoonful of grated cheese and rehearth two minutes. To set in cazuelitas for the stove. To dust with muzzarella grated and a fat teaspoonful. Finally, to grill gently.

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  • 10 food the most healthy Detox
  • Food against the cellulitis
  • Top 10 healthy fruits

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Summary of 2009: The financial crisis and the health

This health blog continues with the articles related to the photographic memory realized at the end of 2009 by the World Organization of the Health. The same one is composed by twelve facts and achievements happened during the last year. Next, it will allude to other of the topics that is mentioned in the revision realized by the WHO: the financial crisis and the health.

What left 2009 (Author: Milton Ferreira)

As one will report already, the World Organization of the Health realized, as revision, an interesting photographic memory with the facts or achievements most emphasized of last year. One of them was the financial and economic crisis and his incidence in the ambience of the international health.

On this topic, the WHO believes that the financial crisis might influence considerably and negatively in the sanitary and social expense, informed the web site of the international organism, that he added that a series of measurements has already been started to help to the nations about to development as for the negative consequences of the crisis.

It is important to add that, according to the opinion of the specialists in finance topics, the last global crisis for which it crossed the world has been the worst from the Big Depression of the year 1929.

To finish this journalistic note, there will be published the finished list realized by the WHO with twelve facts and achievements of the year 2009.

01) The financial crisis and health.
02) “To save lives, sure hospitals in the emergency situations”. World day of the Health 2009.
03) Pandemic for the virus H1N1 and the International Sanitary Regulation.
04) You vaccinate against the virus H1N1. Common risks, shared resources.
05) Reduction of the infant mortality for pneumonia.
06) Prevention and treatment of the infantile diarrhea.
07) The Prince of Asturias rewarded. World action in favor of the public health.
08) Woman and health. A reference frame to be employed at the future.
09) Four million persons receive treatment antirretrovírico.
10) The reduction of the world sanitary risks prepares premature deaths.
11) The antimalarial struggle can help to fulfill the Targets of Development of the Millenium.
12) Afghanistan uses new vaccine against the polio.

To know more about this interesting revision realized by the World Organization of the Health, do not hesitate to enter to his official web site.

  • The Vatican and the world health
  • The Prince of Asturias of International cooperation rewarded 2009 for the WHO
  • WHO: World report on Malaria 2009

Monday, January 11, 2010

WHO emphasizes the Flu To between the topics of 2009

In post previous, this health blog alluded to the revision of the facts and more significant achievements of 2009, according to the point of view of the current possessor of the Award the Prince of Asturias of International cooperation, the World Organization of the Health. In this occasion, and as part of a series of articles that will be realized as regards this topic, one will refer to two of these twelve topics that mentioned the WHO in his memory 2009: the appearance of the Flu TO H1N1 and the beginning of the making of a vaccine to relieve this world pandemic.

Flu TO H1N1

As one will report already, the World Organization of the Health realized, as revision, an interesting photographic memory with twelve facts or achievements most emphasized of last year. One of them, and perhaps the most important for his meaning, is the appearance of the Flu To and his rapid transformation in world pandemic, the first one of the XXIst century.

On the other hand, another event emphasized by the organism, and that is tied straight with the first one, is the making of a vaccine against the virus H1N1.

How did the WHO see these two facts happened last year? If there is consulted the memory realized by the international sanitary organism, it is possible to appreciate clearly that the appearance of the Flu TO H1N1 is the event emphasized of 2009 by the importance that it had and it still has.

In the year 2009 the world begun to be prepared for the first flu pandemic from 1968, informed the web site of the WHO, that he added that it was from here on that it was begun by the production of the vaccines against the virus H1N1, causative of the Flu To.

It is important to remember that the Influenza A has already provoked the death of approximately 12.220 persons everywhere of the world, being the most affected region of the Ámericas of all (it was in this place in which the first sprout of the illness began), he informed the web of the WHO. Although there is not already taken into account the entire number of patients affected by Flu To, the last number handled by the WHO was that of 622.482 cases (with date of November 27, 2009).

To know more about this interesting revision realized by the World Organization of the Health, do not hesitate to enter to his official web site.

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  • World pandemic of Flu TO H1N1
  • Vaccine of the Flu TO H1N1 would be ready in October
  • Resemblances between the Flu pandemic To and that of 1918?

The gastronomic fill of the Christmas

The Christmas is the epoch of the nutritive excesses, in which we eat more of the account. As soon as this epoch was finished, from this health blog we want to reflect on the quantity of nougats, very crumbly shortcakes, alcohol and food abuses that we do in this period of the year: the gastronomic fill of the Christmas.

With the Christmas there comes the typical and local stage in which we allow ourselves to go, stop taking care of our diet of the year and end up by stuffing ourselves of meal, especially from sweets: nougats, marzipans, very crumbly shortcakes, bonbons, … But also shellfish or meats are other food that do that the heavy digestions propitiated by the excess of meal, are the domineering keynote of the Christmas.

Namely we suffer an authentic gastronomic fill in Christmas. Copious meals, without habitual schedules, we eat at any time, without limit or control and eat any thing, nothing of healthy food. Since you will be able to understand, the Christmas is the queen of the bad nutritive habits and we finish, in the majority of the occasions, with detesting the meal, especially in the last days, when the Roscón does appearance act and we are bored of so much sweet and of so much eating.

Surf, acidity of stomach, vomiting, headache, gastritis, heavy digestions, I bore, … The Christmas, in the end, finishes with saturating us. It is necessary to look for healthy diets and to not to do excesses, since in the long run invoice happens to our organism.

The key consists in moderating the food consumption in this season to avoid the fill. It is necessary to try to combine the typical Christmas products with your habitual daily diet, in which you must introduce fruits and vegetables. He avoids the fats and abuse neither the meat nor the sweets. He looks for food light and easy to digest to avoid what frequently seems inevitable: the gastronomic fill of the Christmas.

  • How to Eat Recovered in Christmas
  • Consumption of Alcohol in Christmas
  • To take care of the Type in Christmas

Friday, January 8, 2010

How much iodine do we need?

From this health blog continúamos with the work of announcing the quantity of micronutrients that our organism needs. In this occasion we stop in one that is not of the most well-known but that nevertheless, it is necessary so that our body works correctly: how much iodine do we need?


The first answer might be that we need approximately 150 micrograms of iodine a day. How you can see, it is a question of a quite small iodine quantity, what does that it is relatively simple to consume it along a day.

Between the food that have major iodine concentration are the fish and the seaweed. This way, there are the food that we can consider to be the principal iodine source, along with the seafood and some vegetables. This does that if we want to prepare a menu with the necessary iodine quantity, we praise ourselves for a plate of scampi (rehogadas, for example), which we can accompany on approximately 100 grams of green Jewish women, a few radishes and half red onion. Since you see, the vegetable is key in this type of micronutrient.

But we have more ways of coming to that one 100 % of the recommended daily quantity (CDR). For example, the wholemeal bread (a slice), 250 grams of strawberries, a natural your, a small piece of black chocolate (one or two ounces, not more) or a milk glass. These are some of the food that make your ingestion of necessary iodine possible throughout one day. There is other food that also can help you to obtain the necessary iodine, like the sardines, the pineapple, the clams, the cockles, the Norway lobsters, the mussels or the garlic, between others.

One of the moments key to take the necessary iodine quantity is during the pregnancy. For it, this mineral is key in the development of the future baby.

  • The influence of the iodine in the organism
  • How many calcium do we need?
  • How much iron do we need?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Facts and achievements of 2009, according to the WHO

2009 went away and 2010 began. As revision, the World Organization of the Health (WHO) realized a photographic memory with the facts and the most significant achievements of the year 2009 as for topic of the health (like for example the appearance of the Flu TO H1N1). Next, this health blog will announce a little more of this interesting released article some days ago in the official web site of the WHO.

Flu TO H1N1, one of the most important topics of 2009

Since it is already a custom, this health blog cannot allow mentioning the news about the WHO. Really for this reason in this occasion one will allude to the revision of the events and more important sanitary achievements of the year 2009 that the international sanitary organism realized to dismiss the year.

The above mentioned photographic memory 2009 refers to diverse topics related to the world health like, for example, the financial crisis and health; the World Day of the Health; Pandemic for the virus H1N1 and the International Sanitary Regulation; you vaccinate against the virus H1N1: common risks, shared resources; reduction of the infant mortality for pneumonia; and prevention and treatment of the infantile diarrhea.

It is important to add that also it mentions that the WHO the Prince of Asturias of International cooperation received the important Award; woman and health: a reference frame to be employed at the future; a whole of 4 million persons receives treatment antirretrovírico; reduction of world sanitary risks prepares premature deaths; antimalarial struggle can help to fulfill the Targets of Development of the Millenium; and Afghanistan uses new vaccine against the polio.

Although all the topics mentioned previously are important, it is undoubted that the most significant was that of the appearance of a new illness: the Flu TO H1N1. Turned immediately into world pandemic, the first one of the XXIst century, this illness has already caused the death of approximately 12.220 persons, according to the last information spread by the WHO from his web page, which also indicate that the region of the Americas keeps on being most affected as for deaths.

To know more about this interesting revision realized by the WHO, do not hesitate to enter to his official web site.

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  • Of what are the teeth done
  • The Prince of Asturias of International cooperation rewarded 2009 for the WHO
  • Norway and WHO confirmed mutation of the virus H1N1

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Principal causes that they provoke ictus

It is possible that, in general, the ictus is an illness little known by the society. Nevertheless, it is believed that between 120.000 and 130.000 persons suffer a year this illness. For it, from this health blog we reveal you what are the principal causes that they provoke ictus, an illness that affects 9 % of the population younger than 55 years.


To start, we would have to know something more to close to the ictus. If we attend to RAE, he says to us that the ictus is a “morbid picture that appears in a sudden and violent way, like produced by a blow. Ictus apopléjico, epileptic, traumatic“. Namely an illness cerebrovascular that it affects to the blood glasses that give blood to the brain.

The ictus represents close to 10 % of the cerebrovascular infarctions, which symptoms happen for loss of the muscular force and of the vision. Also, it can happen in persons who did not have any type of precedent.

But centring on the causes that they provoke ictus, we have to depart from the base of which two types of patients exist. On the one hand they are those in that the ictus takes place as a result of a congenital pathology. In this case it is difficult to prepare them. On the other hand there are those who yes can get ready and that are motivated for taking a bad habit of life, propitiated by a bad control of the factors of vascular risk.

It is in this second case in which it is necessary to prepare. Therefore, between the principal causes that they can provoke ictus they are the mentioned bad nutritive habits the obesity, to take a bad diet, to have hypertension, etc.

On the other hand, the sex also influences. Namely between the men appear you cause like the alcohol, the tobacco and the cholesterol, while in the women they appear like principal causes that there provoke ictus the contraceptive oral ones that, in combination with other factors like the tobacco, can provoke a cerebral infarction.

Wikipedia image

  • Principal illnesses of the mouth
  • To have Migraine with Visual Symptoms Increases the Risk of Ictus
  • Causes and Solutions for the Constipation

Monday, January 4, 2010

How many vitamin C do we need?

From this health blog we him keep on turning to the quantities of nutrients that our organism needs in the laborious task of every day. In this occasion we have wondered: how many vitamin C do we need? After knowing the quantities of iron, calcium and magnesium, it touches him the shift to this important vitamin essential for our development.

vitamin C

One of the myths most honored on the vitamin C is that the orange is the food with more proportion of this type of vitamins. Without entran, to value, nor to discuss this affirmation, what yes is true is that as the orange, there is other food with a big vitamin quantity C in his composition. In this sense we have to stand out, over the rest, to the pepper.

But: how many vitamin C do we need? The answer we might appraise it in 110 milligrams a day. This is an approximate quantity, since also you can find other places in which they speak to you of 80 takes ó 90 mg. Of course, the vitamin ingestion C should be done of form distributed throughout the day. On the other hand, since we have seen earlier, both the fruit and the vegetable are the principal vitamin sources C.

Namely an ideal menu of ingestion of vitamin C might be composed by 1/4 of pepper and the same of grapefruit, 50 grams of canons, half a lemon and a pair of raspberries. An orange juice also has consistency sufficient to use himself. On the other hand, to take 100 % of Recommended Daily Quantity (CDR) of Vitamin C, a menu would be the following one: 200 grams of zuchini accompanied by an omelette of ham, 150 grams of mussels and of dessert a yogurt and a nectarine.

You know already, that the vitamin is missing neither in your menu nor in your diet.

  • The Vitamin B12
  • The Vitamin B9
  • Orange: vitamin source C

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Defeat of the vaccine against the flu A

Everything seems to indicate that the prevention campaign against the awesome flu A has not stayed any more than in that: a campaign. The big psychosis that they have put to us in the body with the problems that might generate the flu A, finally has been that: psychosis. Eye, from this health blog we do not mean that it is a pantomina, but the facts speak themselves: defeat of the vaccine against the flu A.

bovine flu A

And that thing about the vaccine is only an example of many other aspects that have formed the campaign of the flu A. A strong deployment of means that finally, and for fortune, has not been for so much. There is great Community Autonomous that, in Spain, already have deactivated the special prevention campaign against the flu A.

But the really significant thing that thing about is the vaccines. Of the 37 millions of vaccines that they were acquired (a drove of donkeys), it was anticipated that 10 millions would be needed. Well, in the first five weeks (from November 16 until December 20) that the vaccination campaign has lasted against the flu A almost two million dose have been used in Spain. This means that if it continues the current vaccinations rhythm, at the end of the campaign nearly three million vaccines will have put themselves.

What means this, something very simple: defeat of the vaccine against the flu A. Of the 37 millions of acquired vaccines, three millions will be necessary only. One of the errors that have been committed is that it was thought, when there were bought the vaccines, which would need two doses for patient. Another error is that vaccines wanted to be bought to cover 60 % of the population, instead of 40 % initial (and that that the high-risk groups are less than 20 % of the population). But the worst thing of everything is that any more than 45 % of persons of the high-risk groups has not been vaccinated.

Therefore, it seems clear that something one has harmed. And the question now is: What will be done by 34 million vaccines that have not put themselves?

  • The vaccine against the flu
  • The United States and the vaccine against the Flu TO H1N1
  • They prove vaccine against the Flu To in Australia