Thursday, March 25, 2010

Types of food cooking

At the time of preparing the meal and of cooking the food, there are a lot of possibilities of doing it: fried, grilled, boiled, cooked, attacked, raw, to the steam, … From this health blog we are going to assemble them to speak to you about the different types of food cooking. At least, more personnel, since you can always surprise some new cooking method.

to cook pasta

Between the most used cooking methods we meet the following ones:

  • Boiled. It is most used to cook the food. In fact, many people think that they can only be cooked immersing them in water. Of course, to boil the food it must be completely immersed in the water. On having cooked the food, there will diminish the quantity of microbes and bacteria, but also nutrients and vitamins can get lost.
  • Cooking to the steam. It is different very advisable to cook, especially the vegetables and the vegetables, since nutrients quantity gets lost less.
  • Grilled roast or grilled roast. There are no scarcely differences between calling it of a way or of other. In this cooking method there is carried out an evaporización of the water of the food, which is going to depend on the thickness that has the proper food.
  • Roast to the stove. It is slower than the previous one, therefore it is ideal for big pieces of food (like big meat portions). A more intense flavor of the food usually takes place on having roasted it to the stove.
  • Frying. Similar to the grilled roast, there are reached high temperatures that do that the proteins of the food coagulate. The muffled up one is used to avoid the step of the oil to the interior of the food that is cooked.
  • Microwave. The new technologies are contributing new methods in the kitchens. The cooking in the microwave is rapid and cheap. Also, the food loses little nutrients.
  • What knowledge on frozen food
  • Food Rich in Vitamins
  • Top 10 food saciantes

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Flu pandemic TO H1N1 until March, 2010

The world is still to enter at the rate of station both of his hemispheres: autumn in the South; spring in the North. As this event is always related to the human health, in this occasion one will refer to the actuality of the first world pandemic of the XXIst century, the Flu TO H1N1, that, according to information of the WHO, has provoked until now approximately 16.813 deceases.

Flu TO H1N1

To one year of brought the first case of Flu TO H1N1, this sanitary topic keeps on being a news for one or another thing.

Less than one month ago, and then that the World Organization of the Health was hardly criticized for thinking that the pandemic of Influenza A fue such, the seventh meeting of the emergency Committee was carried out, route teleconferencing, to which there became present authorities linked to the area of the health, like for example the general manager of the WHO, doctor Margaret Chan, who was who presided at the day.

The same one served so that the World Organization of the Health could inform, of good source, the situation of the Flu To in every point of the planet.

After analyzed the information, the WHO has decided that the countries must not close his borders to restrict the international traffic and the commerce; to support the alertness of the pictures gripales unusual and of the serious pneumonia; and he advises himself to postpone the trips if one is in the presence of illness, he reported the web site of the organism of international health.

To be closing this journalistic note, it would be important to refer to the last official numbers of the World Organization on deaths for Influenza A. With date of March 19, 2010, the web site of the WHO informed that the Flu To ha caused about 16.813 death in the whole world.

Only in the countries that shape the region of the Americas, nearly 7.622 deaths have been brought, being this one the area where there were more deceases.

If he wants to read more about this respiratory illness, you can consult a special paragraph that was realized several months ago in the same blog.

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  • A Flu pandemic is imminent TO H1N1
  • World pandemic of Flu TO H1N1
  • Sanofi-aventis will donate vaccines against the Flu TO H1N1

Friday, March 19, 2010

The medicinal marijuana to debate

Both the public opinion and the expert doctors, are divided in his opinion about the use of the Cannabis like palliative. There are studies realized in illnesses in which the current treatment does not provide mitigation or does not improve the symptoms of the patient.

cannabis plant

cannabis plant

This is a topic of debate that takes more than 100 years of polemic, and that at present not only is a juridical matter not politically, but a matter of all. The Cannabis has in his against several points, does not enjoy good image, and that a big sector thinks that the efficacy of Maria is based only by anecdotes and information contributed by patients, but the reality is that the studies realized in the University of Washington on 33 clinical essays from 1971 until 2009, they affirm that the cannabiodes are extremely sure like analgesics, with a minimal toxinicidad. There it continues the polemic, while the medical community in general ignores in general the use of the Cannabis, more than 7.000 doctors prescribe his use to more than 400.000 patients in USA.

14 the States in USA have legalized the medicinal consumption of the Marijuana, which more promotes it is California that has even clinics and moves his sales services. He is followed by Alaska, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington. His therapeutic use remains prohibited in 36 states.
At present scientific clinical processes keep on being studied and of the 5 completed ones they showed that the Hemp can relieve the pain in accidents, nervous system diseases and the pains produced by the multiple sclerosis. There is studied in California the therapeutic potential of the hemp and the products with a suppressed Cannabis high place.

An investigation realized in Canada reveals that the adolescents of this country are between the biggest consumers of this product and analyzing it defines that his daily consumption can cause depression and anxiety, as well as an irreversible effect in the brain. From Australia there comes another study published in the press that it indicates that the young people who have used hemp during a long period of time, can have hallucinations or present psychosis symptoms.
In the United States it seems that the therapeutic benefits that the Cannabis contributes advance before the reservation of a the majority of the population. According to surveys realized in 3 areas of USA. in 2009, on the east coast of the country 48 % supports the legalization of the marijuana, in the center and south 37 % and on the coast west, in a report published in January, 2010, 58 % thinks that the marijuana should be paid regulated like the alcohol and the tobacco.
The population keeps on contributing information on proper experiences in patients with multiple sclerosis, spasticity, immobility, cancer and other illnesses, trying to contribute information that demonstrate that the Cannabis has a big therapeutic potential and it is necessary to have it in consideration for a next future.



  • What You Must Know On the Cannabis
  • Curative uses of the Marijuana
  • Risks of the Cannabis

Thursday, March 18, 2010

They will commemorate the World Day of the Tuberculosis

Next Wednesday, the 24th of March there will be carried out a new edition of the World Day of the Tuberculosis, an international celebration that thinks about how to make aware the persons about the validity of this illness in the world. In this occasion, this health blog will allude to this important world commemoration.

World day of the Tuberculosis

As informs the WHO, across his web site, the tuberculosis is an infectious illness it usually affects the lungs and that, with an advisable treatment and on time, it is possible to prepare and to recover.

There is such the importance that the international sanitary authorities give him, that for years this illness tells with an annual date to try that all the persons should take conscience about the tuberculosis and everything it related to her.

Next Wednesday, the 24th of March there will be realized a new celebration of the World Day of the Tuberculosis, illness that it infects to about a third of the inhabitants of the world, although only 10 % contracts actively the illness, he informs the web page of the WHO, which adds that approximately 1,77 millions of persons died in the year 2007 because of this illness, principally in developing countries.

As he tells the web site, this important international date was created so that the persons understand that this illness keeps on being an epidemic largely of the world.

Why was it chosen on March 24 for this commemoration? The fact is that it was in this date, but in the year 1882, that the winner of the Nobel Prize of Medicine, the German doctor Robert Koch, announced the discovery of the cause of the tuberculosis, he published

It is important to add that the World Organization of the Health (WHO) is working untiringly after achieving in the year 2015 a decrease of the valuation of predominance and of deaths for this illness, he informed the web of the WHO.


  • What is the tuberculosis
  • World day of the Alzheimer's disease
  • They celebrated the World Day of the Heart

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The man also worries for his weight

One of the big myths of the health and the beauty is of that to the men does not import his aspect. Well, as we have already analyzed from this health blog in previous occasions, the man also worries for his weight and about supporting a presentable aspect, as they order the cánones of beauty of the XXIst century.

man scales

The beauty that is chased at present is more definite than formerly. In fact, the men are already so conscious of their own weight like the women. More and more men they point to continue some type of diet to slim, with the intention of losing weight.

The modern man also shows interest in his own aspect with major force still that does not a lot of time, something that many people had not even imagined. For it, the modern men worry for a more conscientious and elaborated cleaning beginning for choosing better those cosmetics for his ritual of hygiene, as there are the shower, shave, clipping of fingernails, hair or beard and creams for the face, etc.

But not only that, since the men also feel inspired in big features for gaining and strengthening muscle in an attempt for achieving the perfect body, therefore the hours in the gymnasium are other of the big spaces of the contemporary man. Also, it is necessary to bear in mind an extra cost, as it is the good feeding that, together with the exercise, they do that the loss of weight for that the man looks materialize.

Another aspect to bear in mind is the masculine cosmetics destined to burn fats, thought to eliminate the adipose fats that are concentrating on the belly and waist, since for his caloric effect it liquefies the fats and these say goodbye across the urine.

  • The danger of losing too much weight
  • Healthy diet to gain weight
  • Top 10 keys not to recover weight

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Jam: miscellany of fruit and sugar

If they were asking you to explain with few words of what the jam is done, of course you would have to quote the two that we propose to you in this health blog on the jam: miscellany of fruit and sugar. A good breakfast needs that the toasts are accompanied by the jam.


To start well the day with a consistent breakfast to fill with energy the organism is practically essential to have a full day. In this breakfast the toasts cannot be missing with jam.

The jam, according to the Spanish Royal Academy (RAE), is a “conserve of quinces or of other fruits, with honey or sugar”. Namely we can synthesize and say that the jam is a fruit and sugar. Also, it is necessary to make clear that the jam is not the same as the jam, although they share certain qualities, since the jam is much more concentrated than the jam and has more sugar quantity. Let's say that they are different as for texture it refers.

The jam begun being made concerning the 30s. At present, there are great the types of jams that you can find in the supermarkets. Jams of all the flavors and qualities. They are of cherry, of orange, of raspberry, of strawberry, of peach or of plum, between many others. Precisely that of plum is one of the most advisable, since it favors the intestinal transit.

Also, it is a healthy and natural product, therefore the jams low in calories suppose one more incentive to be praised by them. Precisely, as for calories it refers, a daily ration (of 20-25 grams) contains nearly 45 calories.

On the other hand, the jams do not take preservatives (or they should not take them). The sugar is an excellent natural preservative. In fact, the jam was born to preserve the fruit of a natural way. Allergies are not known to the jam.

  • Differences between the White Sugar and the Brown Sugar
  • The fruit and his benefits, health source for our organism
  • What the benefits of the sugar are

Monday, March 15, 2010

Treatment for the celíaco: a diet without gluten

In previous editions, this health blog began to treat the topic of celiaquía, an illness that affects approximately one of the hundred persons. In the latter journalistic note, there will be mentioned some information to have account and that are really important.

On the celiaquía

Different types of celiaquía exist; each of them with your own characteristics. Although the classic celiaquía is the easiest to detect, according to the Wikipedia web site, also they exist the potential; the silente; the latent one; and the refractory one.

The loss of weight and of the appetite, fatigue, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of muscular mass, delay of the growth and abdominal pains, there are some of the symptoms across which this illness is evident usually, as he publishes the web site of the Federation of Associations of Celíacos of Spain (FACE).

Although in some cases the celiaquía is asymptomatic, of having some of the symptoms previously described it is necessary to consult the personal doctor, because no person is free to contract this illness, since it can to appear so much in the childhood, in the adolescence, in the youth in the adulthood or in the old age.

Free gluten diet

At present, and in the full XXIst century, the only way of treating this illness is to support a completely free healthy gluten diet (some of the recommended food, and that yes can be consumed, are the milk; fresh meat and fish; eggs; fruits and vegetables; between others). It is important to emphasize that this diet will have to be realized of strict form and of for life.

As regards this topic, the most common complaints of the patients celíacos are related at the current prices of the foodstuff without gluten, since these are many other expensive ones than the common food.

It is important to add that, some months ago, the Senators' Chamber of Spain listened to the voices of all the persons who suffer of celiaquía, who live in the Spanish territory, and who for time ask think about them.

In this occasion, it was solved to approve a series of measurements directed to the coeliac ones as, for example, the necessary inclusion of menus with free gluten plates or the correct labeling of the food that do not possess gluten, he informed the web, which gathered informations of the agency EFE.

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  • Coeliac, to Live without Gluten
  • Symptoms of the child celíaco
  • How to begin a diet to slim

Friday, March 12, 2010

What is the criolipólisis

From this health blog we keep on looking for new terms and new medical applications to explain them to you in a way as simple as possible. This way we consider to answer you the question: what is the criolipólisis? Well, in a rapid and intuitive way we can say that the criolipólisis is the elimination of corporal fat by means of cold.

corporal fat

Therefore, the criolipólisis can be summed up saying of her that it is a skill that thinks about how to eliminate the unesthetic michelines using cold. They have put this novel skill into practice in the University of Hardvard, in what they name the first not invasive system capable of eliminating the fat locally by means of the cold.

It is necessary to emphasize that the criolipólisis eliminates the corporal fat without need to use anesthesia, therefore the risks which the patients have to face are minor.

From the University of Hardvard they demonstrated that the greasy cells are more vulnerable to the cold that other textiles of the skin. For it, the specialists of this skill that is already applied in Spain point out that the criolipólisis does not damage other parts of the human body to the being a selective skill. Also they make sure that it is a question of a painless skill, therefore the patients who surrender to this skill can continue his daily life of a rapid way after surrendering to the operation.

Also, the areas of the body more inclined to be submitted to criolipólisis are the wings of the waist, the abdominal area and the back. This skill uses an external gap applicator. The treatment lasts nearly two hours, during which the applicator transmits the cold to the chosen area.

The experts make clear that the criolipólisis is not an alternative to the liposuction, nor a way of losing weight or of fighting the obesity. Let's say that only it is used to eliminate the fat.

  • Ultrasonic cleanliness against the Impurities of the Skin
  • Dewlap liposuction
  • What is the Frutoterapia

What is the celiaquía

This health blog will realize two interesting journalistic articles about the well-known illness like celiaquía. In this occasion, and to begin treating this interesting sanitary topic, a brief introduction will be realized telling, in a possible clearest and simple way, what the celiaquía is and what his principal characteristics are.

On the celiaquía

However much one raises it repeatedly, really it is difficult to imagine to live without being able to consume food prepared by means of gluten, as it is the case of the bread, a food that they say cannot be missing in the hearth.

For approximately 1 % of the population of the world, this is real. This percentage of persons must be able to live together with the prohibition of consuming this type of food prepared with this ingredient for so called celiaquía to endure an illness.

What is the celaquía?

The one who suffers of celaquía, suffers from a permanent intolerance to the gluten of wheat, barley, rye and it is probable that also to the oats, there informs the web site of the Federation of Associations of Celíacos of Spain (FACE), which adds that this illness is characterized by an inflammatory reaction in the mucous membrane of the small intestine what makes difficult the absorption of macro and micronutrients.

As well he explains the web site of the Wikipedia, the gluten is a protein that is in most of the cereals. It is important to emphasize that 70 % of the foodstuff, which sell to themselves in territory of the Union Europe, is composed by gluten, he tells the web page of the Association of Coeliac of Madrid.

Analyzing this high percentage, it is deduced that only 30 % of the food is free of gluten and can be consumed by the persons who must live with this illness.

In next editions, the second and last note will be realized on this illness. If you want to know a little more about her, do not hesitate to visit, official web site of the Federation of Associations of Celíacos of Spain.

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  • Coeliac, to Live without Gluten
  • Symptoms of the child celíaco
  • Campaign to raise public awareness days

Thursday, March 11, 2010

What is the leptospirosis?

With the topic of the floods that happen in different parts of the world, it is possible that illnesses appear how, for example, those who are transmitted by vectors (mosquitoes or rodents) to the human beings. As regards this topic, the fact is that this health blog will refer to a well-known illness like leptospirosis.


In last weeks, the international press has done to itself echo of diverse natural disasters that they have affected to several countries of the world. For example, in Uruguay, till recently time, one was living through a situation complicated enough in several of his cities due to the intense rains and the overflowings of the rivers, what led to provoking serious floods.

On this topic, some days ago the means of press of Uruguay reported about the appearance of a case of leptospirosis. Possibly, of going so far as to confirm this clinical case, one would be in the presence of a serious illness arisen from environmental topics (floods).

As regards this topic, it would be important to tell a little more on what it is the leptospirosis.

The leptospirosis is one of the most well-known zoonosis, as tells the web site of the Wikipedia, that he adds that it should be feverish pathology is caused by a bacterium known as Leptospira interrogans.

Considered one of so many people world problems which there faces the public health, this illness fond principally of the inhabitants of humid tropical and subtropical areas, he publishes the web page of the Pan-American Center of Fever Afotsa, also known as Panaftosa (of the OPS/OMS).

The above mentioned illness is usually transmitted by the urine of the infected animals, like the case of the rodents (rats). The time of incubation of this illness can change from two until four weeks and the symptoms are numerous, reports Wikipedia.

It is important to add that this illness can cause the death to the persons, if it is not treated appropriately.

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  • The war declares the United States to the Flu TO H1N1

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Top 10 of clinics of detoxification in Spain

From this health blog we keep on treating a delicate social question and in which it would be necessary to pay more attention. For it, we propose to prepare a small list with the top 10 of clinics of detoxification in Spain. To go out of a situation in which the drugs are the base is necessary for the personal developmentdrugs.

The most important detoxification clinics are, in general, in Madrid and in Barcelona. But also, also there are others distributed by the Spanish geography.

Be as it will be, these that we tell you are in the top 10 of clinics of detoxification in Spain:

- Center of detoxification Control and Consulting. It is placed in Mataró (Barcelona) and offers the addictions treatment to substances psicoactivas for the patient and his environment. Phones: 93 758 97 98, and 661 301 722. Also, there is offered you all kinds of information about treatments and therapeutic programs. Web page.

- Clinic Capistrano: Center of detoxification placed in Miquel Rosselló, number 46 (Palma – Balearics). It is a question of a private and secular center of rehabilitation specializing in the treatment of the addictions, inaugurated in 1988. Phone: 971 401 484. Web page.

- Center of detoxification Sinesis: I center for the treatment of the addictions without need for substitute drugs. It has head offices in Madrid and Barcelona and they are in charge of developing rehabilitation programs in residential diet. Phone 938 60 57 00. Web page.

- Man planned: It has head offices practically in the whole Spain. An educational - therapeutic program for the treatment and prevention of the drug addiction. Phone: 902 88 55 55. Web page.

- Narconon Mediterranean: It has a center in Madrid and two in Andalusia, in which that of Seville stands out (Alcala of Guadaíra). To help the persons to finish his narcotic addictions, alcohol, analgesics, and any other addictive substance. Phone: 902 101 501. Web page.

- Yrichen Canary foundation: Itineraries or individualized ways of treatment are prepared. It is an organization without lucre fortitude, apartidaria and secular. He is born in the quarter of The Pardilla, municipality of Telde (Grand Canary). Phone: 828 025 418. Web page.

- Intradi. Antonio Machado of Malaga is placed along with the new seafront. The recovery farm is in the Vale of the Guadalhorce. Phone: 952 350 401. Web page.

- Institute Castelao Gallicia. Placed in the street Maria Soliña, 2, in Santa Cruz of Oleiros (Corunna). Private institution specializing in the patients' treatment that they present a disorder for dependency on substances psicoactivas. Phone: 902 922 346. Web page.

- The Huertecica: It is an Association of social Initiative. They work in Cartagena and Murcia. Phone: 968 52 46 56. Web page.

- Tavad. His name gathers the initials of Advanced Treatment of the Addiction and has big programs quantity. They are in the Avda. Fuentelarreina, 8 (Madrid). Phone: 902 100 197. Web page.

  • Clinics of Detoxification in Madrid
  • Centers of Detoxification in Spain
  • Clinics and Centers of Esthetics in Madrid

Detoxification clinics in Barcelona

From this health blog we affect again in the importance of the detoxification. When a person falls down to the abyss of the drugs, it must have enough aptitude to know that it has to go out of this deep world. For it, we propose some of the clinics of detoxification that you can find in Barcelona.


Barcelona is the second biggest city of Spain, after Madrid. There you can find detoxification clinics how are you:

- Blue Consulting. It is placed in cardinal Barcelona (C / Cardinal You Live i Tutó, 49). It is a question of a center deprived of detoxification prepared to help you to leave the drugs ó to help your family ó to this person who so much worries you.
- Institute Hipócrates. (Avda. The Montseny, s/n). Placed in a place privileged in the Nature reserve of the Montseny, this center of detoxification is specializing in treating the dependencies on substances psicoactivas: alcohol, cocaine, cannabis, psychotropic drugs, drugs of design, etc
- Dog Galimany is a farmhouse located in full nature to 4 Km of Pontons (to 70 Km from Barcelona). For more information to call 678779536. Web page.
- Appointment - clinic. They take more than 28 years of experience in the ambience of the chemical dependencies. Treatments in internment diet and ambulatory. They are in Cal Xicaret, Dorius. In train to go down at the Mataro station and to take taxi or bus up to Dosrius. Web page.
- Clinical Galatea. It is a clinic of private rehabilitation specializing in the treatment of addictions (the alcoholism, the cocaine, the pills, etc.), food, psychiatric, psychological disorders or of personality. Tel. 932 019 856 – 932 095 814. Web page.
- Sinesis. The centers of detoxification Sinesis continue with the tradition of the Therapeutic Center of the Vallés, located in the Garriga, pioneering center in the treatment of the addictions in the widest sense. Phone: 93 860 57 00.
- Therapeutic center Marenostrum. Clinic deprived for the treatment and rehabilitation of addictions: alcohol, cocaine, drugs of synthesis, marijuana and psychotropic drugs. It is in the street Gallecs, 68 (Mollet del Vallés).Telf. 93 871 46 00.
- Center Bonanova. Treatment and detoxification of the consumption of toxicants. They are in August Route, 229. Phone: 93 201 98 56. e-mail: Also in the street Raset, 14 encore (corner Ganduxer). Phone: 93 209 58 14.
- Control&Consulting. Control&Consulting és a center detoxification that offers addictions treatment to substances psicoactivas for the patient and his environment. They have two centers: C/Castanyer 23, esq. Balmes
telf. 661 301 722. And in Mataró, C/Riu Llobregat nº24. telf. 93 758 97 98. Web page.

  • Clinics of Implants
  • Clinics of Detoxification in Madrid
  • Centers of Detoxification in Spain

Monday, March 8, 2010

They think about how to diminish deaths for transit accidents

Approximately 1,3 millions of persons die annually because of transit accidents, according to numbers handled by the World Organization of the Health (WHO) in his web site. Due to the big number of deceases that take place a year for road accidents, it was solved to declare the “Decade of Action in favor of the Road Safety”, between other things, to try to lower greatly the number of deceases.


An interesting debate on the road safety happened in the frame of the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization. The same one was carried out last Tuesday, the 2nd of March in the city of New York, the United States.

It was in this frame that it was solved to proclaim the “Decade of Action for the Road Safety 2011-2020”, informed the web site of the UNO, which he added that the above mentioned initiative will be an important engine to try to diminish the number of deceased and injured men in transit accidents in routes and streets about the world.

As regards this topic, it is important to remember that almost 1,3 million are the persons who die for accidents of transit and about 50 million human beings those who suffer some type of damage, he informed the web page of the World Organization of the Health.

Since it could not be otherwise, the WHO praised the above mentioned proclamation promoted by Russia, across an official bulletin published in his official web site.

The international sanitary organism received with taste the proclamation of the “Decade of Action for the Road Safety 2011-2020”, he says the bulletin of the WHO.

This initiative will help to confront what in the year 2030 might become the fifth prime mover of mortality in the world, he tells the bulletin that did to itself echo of the words of the assistant general director of not Transmissible Illnesses and Mental health of the WHO, doctor Allah Alwan.

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  • Cervical lash and traffic accidents
  • Is it possible to diminish the cellulitis?
  • Diet to improve the intestinal transit

The orgasm to fight against the depression

Well it is true that there is no clear recipe to be happy. But what also is true is that to be happy one has to do what he likes. The sex is usually one of these elements of the life that gives us pleasure. For it, there are scientists who show the idea of supporting the orgasm to fight against the depression. From this health blog we tell you more details.


Then, it remains clear that to be happy and to liberate us of the depression we have to do those things that we like. There is not any more, really. It is necessary to extract time to do what we like. Between these things is the sex: the orgasm is ideal to fight against the depression.

In fact, when one is in full task, that is to say, at once sexual, the brain liberates certain type of molecules that go to the blood irrigation, and these produce benefits in the mental state of the person. Also, during the orgasm this sensation is accentuated.

In particular, there are three substances that are liberated when a person has an orgasm: the dopamina, the oxitocina and the serotonina. For it, the liberation of this type of neurotransmitters has direct effects in the mental state, but also in the physical state. This takes us to the conclusion of recommending the orgasm to fight against the depression: what better medicine than the sex.

In fact, if we center on one of these substances, the serotonina, we see that it takes those as principal functions of regulating the appetite and the sexual desire (also the sleep). These functions are inevitably related to the mental state. The oxitocina for his part, is a hormone that produces affectivity towards the couple and the dopamina it is a substance that produces cerebral pleasure.

  • To detect the Depression
  • How to overcome the depression
  • How to overcome the depression caused by the work

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The pumpkin, a very finished food

Fruits, vegetables, vegetables, vegetables, … are a series of necessary food to take a healthy life. From this health blog we want to contribute to it, therefore we tell you which the best properties of this food are. In this occasion, there has come the turn to know the benefits of the pumpkin, which is composed basically of water.

pumpkin girls

It is a food with many benefits for the organism, more even of those that you had thought. The pumpkin is composed of 90 % of water and 5 % of sugar. And s rich in vitamins and in mineral salt and also it has good antirust properties. In the same way, the pumpkin has a high place contained in fibre and has a low calories contribution: 40 for every 100 grams.

This way the pumpkin, a food appears with good properties for the organism. On the other hand, also we are so then the pumpkin is good to fight the cholesterol. Also it is good to fight the hypertension or for those persons who have a slightly flagging immune system.

The pumpkin also is diurética, it has laxative effects and it is a food saciante. Other of the elements that they emphasize in the composition of the pumpkin is the caroteno, which turns into vitamin A, that it is good for the vision or the growth of the bones, between others.

On the other hand, we can say that the pumpkin also presents dose to be born in mind of magnesium or potassium, therefore it is good so much for sportsmen as to eliminate liquids. In fact, the majority of vegetables (for not saying all) is rich in potassium.

Finally, we can point out that the pumpkin pips are good to fight the cancer of prostate or the illnesses of cardiac type, especially if they eat up the native, that they keep all the properties. So, already you know, to eat more pumpkin.

  • Benefits of the peach
  • Benefits of the nuts
  • Top 10 healthy vegetables

Friday, March 5, 2010

That is not missing waters down in your diet

From this health blog we have told you in other occasions the importance of incorporating the water into your life and of hydrating your body. In this occasion we want to recommend to you not to be missing it waters down in your diet, so that it is an ideal complement to take it at any time, since the water is extremely important for our organism.

diet waters down

To drink water is essential to balance the metabolism, and not to do it he can suppose problems of health.

In fact, many persons suffer problems of retention of liquids and because of it, you inflate the extremities. Before such a situation, it is never necessary to reduce the water consumption, since this one is vital. The problem resides in that the water accumulates in undue places. So that the kidney could eliminate these liquids, he needs an extra water consumption contribution for our part.

For example, there is often that we feel that we are hungry, or whim of eating something. It is usually at about 11 AM or at about 5 PM. Ésto not always means that let's want to eat, but it can be an indicator of the body to say to us that he needs that we drink water. When this happens to us, the best thing is to drink two water glasses and concerning ten minutes this incidental whim will have passed to us and but, since you can eat up a piece of fruit, which also will bring you liquid.

This way, it is advisable to do special emphasis in those fruits that have a high place contained in water, as they can be: the bananas, kiwis, grapefruits … If for what we look is to lose weight, we must be specially careful in the consumption of nuts and avocados.

The truly important thing is that you remain with the idea of that the water must be missing neither in your diet nor in your daily feeding. You must take at least one liter and a half of water a day.

  • Benefits of taking water
  • Water consumption in other countries, care when you travel
  • Diet of the area

Amaxofobia: panic to be led

A distant, complex world is the phobias in that who more who less can fall down without realizing, and turn wrapped in a panic wave before something that is going to mark his life. The amaxofobia is the panic to be led, and this health blog tells you how this fear affects to between 10 and 33 per cent of the Spanish drivers.

fear to drive

Of course you meet someone who cannot take a frill. It is paralyzed. The fear invades the body and it is unable to move only one muscle. There suffers what technically it is named amaxofobia, that is to say, panic to be led. It is a fear that does that the person who endures it remains paralyzed, be blocked and be unable to react.

According to some studies prepared by the AAA, 75 % of the persons who suffer amaxofobia in some moment of his life, manages to put themselves again to the frill of the car, overcoming, therefore, this fear that they docks. Also, also they make sure that in 95 % of the cases they are produced by irrational thoughts, factor that should be treated by a psychologist.

The phobias to the frill can arise from many ways. One of the principal alarms that usually take place they happen when a person begins to put excuses not to take the car, not to drive. Let's say that the fear of admitting that a phobia is suffered can be one of the principal problems. Also anxiety usually appears when there is taken a frill, sensation that disappears when one treads on firm ground.

It is necessary to analyze and to see why it is afraid, why it is suffered amaxofobia. As soon as the root of the problem was located, it will be easier to catch it. Of course, it is more than advisable that one comes to a professional. A psychologist will help you to overcome your amaxofobia.

  • Types of existing phobias
  • Fear of flying

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The automedication provokes allergies

From this health blog we have treated in other occasions what the automedicarse dangers are. In this occasion we want to tint a little more to reveal that the automedication provokes allergies. This leads us to having one more motive for exiling the automedication of our habits as for medicines refers.


In particular, it is believed that close to 15 per cent of the population he can endure some adverse reaction of allergic type after having consumed a medicine, as confirms the Spanish Society of Alergología and Clinical Immunology (SEAIC). Of course, scarcely in seven per cent of these cases it is confirmed that really there has taken place an allergy (small fact but after all, a fact to be born in mind).

Namely the abuse that many patients do of medicines that they do not need, it can derive in some type of allergies. One of the aspects in which the ingestion of these medicines turns out to be more usually fond is as for treatment of respiratory illnesses.

For it, the easiest thing that a patient must do is to limit itself only and exclusively to what the doctor prescribes to you, and to discard the automedication to avoid an allergy or an adverse reaction. Also, also it is necessary to respect the medicine quantity that the doctor indicates you, that is to say, the dose and also the duration of the treatment, therefore it is not necessary to lengthen the capture of medicines any more time than they have said to us.

Now then, it is relatively common that a patient has adverse reactions to a medicine, for what he can suffer morning sickness, vomiting, sickness or annoyance, between others. Any medicine is capable of causing an allergic reaction in the organism, therefore it is necessary to discard the automedication and to consult always with the doctor to avoid any type of anomaly or problem.

  • Mediterranean diet Reduces the Asthma and the Nasal Allergies
  • To discover Food Allergies
  • Allergies in Autumn

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Argentina received vaccines against the Flu To

Although the government of Argentina, across his sanitary authorities, is fighting a hard battle against the fastidiousness, it does not stop paying attention to the situation of the Flu TO H1N1 in his country. As regards the above mentioned, it is important to emphasize that, in the last hours, the vaccines came to prepare the Influenza A, an illness that to the date to caused about 15.921 death in the world.

Last Tuesday, the 23rd of February came, for the first time, a vaccines lot against the Flu TO H1N1 to territory of Argentina. The manager of receiving the doses was the proper Argentine Minister of Health, doctor Juan Manzur, who was useful to apply such an awaited vaccine to him against the above mentioned illness, as tells the official web site of the State Department.

In this occasion, the leader told that this shipment that has just come to Argentina is shaped by a million dose of vaccines, published the web, which he added that the same ones will be distributed by the country to immunize the population and to defend it from an illness that causes thousands and thousands of deaths.

In the frame of this important event, Manzur realized the official presentation of the National Campaign of Vaccination against the New Virus of Influenza A (H1N1), informed the web of the Department of Health of Argentina.

Before finishing this journalistic article, it would be important to add that, according to the last official information of the World Organization of the Health, the Flu TO H1N1 has caused, until now, a whole of 15.921 deaths in the whole world, he informed the web page of the WHO, which added that most of the deceases has happened in the territory of the Americas.

If you want to know more on the Flu TO H1N1, this blog invites it to read the special paragraph on this illness.

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  • Spain will install a vaccines factory against the Flu TO H1N1
  • Sanofi-aventis will donate vaccines against the Flu TO H1N1
  • Flu TO H1N1 in Argentina

Monday, March 1, 2010

Decalogue to avoid stress and excess weight

The scientists keep on investigating and relating problems of health in our organism. One of these studies rebels the relation of the emotional stress with the excess weight. For it, from this health blog we tell you a decalogue to avoid stress and excess weight.

The stress and the excess weight are related, since the ingestion of slightly healthy food or the rupture of the nutritive habits can end in the absence of some nutrients and in the consequent descent of defenses. This does that our immune system weakens provoking physical stress that, at the same time, causes episodes of emotional stress, which we try to mitigate car rewarding us across the meal. It is, undoubtedly, a vicious circle of that it is necessary to take care.

For it, you can continue this decalogue to avoid the stress and the excess weight:

1. To avoid to drink coffee and alcohol, or take it of moderate form.

2. Go in for sport at least three times per week. The moderate physical effort stimulates the segregation of endorfinas, which influence positively our frame of mind.

3. Support a balanced diet. It will help you to improve your frame of mind.

4. It consumes food rich in vitamins A, B and C and in minerals. The fruits and fresh vegetables, as well as the dry fruits and the fish to the steam are convenient for you.

5. He sleeps 8 daily hours. He tries to continue a sleep routine avoiding to sleep little between week and increasing the hours of sleep excessively the weekends.

6. Take at least 15 minutes every day to close the eyes, to breathe deeply and to leave the mind in target.

7. Face to every day a positive attitude. He thinks that everything happens and thinks about how to reward you of the bad moments otherwise that it is not eating.

8. From time to time, he writes your values scale in the life and verifies if it corresponds to the time that you dedicate to each of them.

9. He accepts the help of those who more love you.

10. He learns to enjoy the small pleasures of the life, smiles more and tries to control your emotions avoiding to fall down in the temptation of sheltering in the meal.

  • Labor stress
  • Symptoms of the Stress
  • Recommendations to Prepare the Obesity and the Excess weight

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Medical insurances: Mapfre

To have a medical insurance is a service that increasingly, the society demands. Every person, can personalize the type of medical insurance that better is convenient for him, what it makes much more flexible to enjoy these services.

Mapfre is one of the companies specializing in more important insurances of Spain, life insurances, for accident, car and doctors are the most well-known subject-matters. But especially today, we want to speak about the medical insurances, very demanded and basic form for the clients.

Types of medical insurances

Mapfre offers multiple medical insurances personalized for every client and situation. For it, the first thing that interested party is necessary to do if one is is to try to fit maximum your insurance, in such a way that I waited for all the medical needs of the patient.
The types of medical insurances that Mapfre offers can be different, the service sure doctors for the worker and his family is one of more defendants because one of the biggest worries, both on the part of a company and on the part of his personnel, is to increase the well-being and the social protection of those who are her part.

The insurance familiar Mapfre, answering to the demand of the market, has especially for them the insurance Box Familiar Health. This insurance allows to the companies to hire a collective medical insurance that guarantees the biggest quality and the best sanitary services to the workpeople and to his families, with the professionals and medical centers of major prestige.

About Mapfre

At present Mapfre is a big company intern acional of all kinds insurances, although when it began in 1933, it was announced like the Owners' Group of Rustic Farms of Spain. Later in 1966, nacionalizí of the industrial accidents insurance and hence is believed the MAPFRE MUTUALITY and MANAGEMENT MUTUAL MAPFRE of INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS.

  • Insurance companies of Health in Spain
  • Dental insurances
  • The doctors allow to become convinced

Medical insurances: Sanitas

Since we have already commenting in some occasion in cosasdesalud, the medical insurances are a guarantee so that our health does not turn out to be affected and could be improved and controlled periodically. For it, the companies of medical insurances offer insurances personalized for every client so that the needs of the patient and all kinds of medical control is complete.

In particular today we speak to you about Sanitas, company specializing and dedicated entirely to the health insurances. The health insurances take almost always many changes as what is important that the client or patient, realizes well what he needs and what he wants to hire.

Types of medical insurances

Sanitas offers different plans or health insurances depending the type of patient, therefore we must differ between: the autonomous individuals, pymes and big companies. If you are an individual diponen of the following types of medical insurances:

  • Insurances of medical picture
  • Medical refund insurances
  • Health Serivicios
  • You investigate for major

These are the most demanded principal medical coverages, but also all these forms can personalize and adapt every patient.

About Sanitas

Sanitas is today the company leader as for clients of insurances deprived of medical care and health in Spain: 1,96 million persons have entrusted to us his health.

As specialist and leader in health, the Sanitas target is to take care of the well-being of the persons along all his life: from his birth and infancy up to the ripeness, in the labor ambience and in the familiar life, even when we become major and need the help of the others.

  • Insurance companies of Health in Spain
  • Dental insurances
  • You prescribe medicines: doctors or nurses

Friday, February 26, 2010

A healthy diet for a healthy mind

This health blog has already transmitted you frequently what the benefits of a healthy diet are for our organism. But in this occasion we want to go a little further on to verify the relation of a healthy diet for a healthy mind. To have good nutritive habits can improve your optimism state.

To eat I recover to have a better perception of the life this is what gets rid of one of these multiple studies on nutritive habits.

In this occasion, it has been proved how a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, fibre, skimmed milk and lean pork, it improves the physical and mental health, according to the specialist Felice N. Jacka of the University of Melbourne, manager of carrying out this study. For it, the investigators evaluated the diet and the psychiatric examinations realized to 1.046 wives of the Australian population for ten years and the result was that 925 had mental disorders and 121 depression or anxiety.

Between the obtained results, the study demonstrates that an abundant diet in hamburgers, white bread, pizza, chips, sugary food and beer, is associated by more than 50 % of possibilities of developing depressive disorders. On the contrary, a balanced feeding supposes 30 % less probabilities of which the women endure this type of illnesses.

Also, the excess weight increases the risk of presenting diverse serious problems of health like the diabetes or the hypertension. The most useful measurement to determine if excess weight exists or obesity is the Index of Corporal Mass.

It seems that with this type of studies there breaks the idea of that the fast food improves your frame of mind, and as they tell that it is the other way round: a diet recovers for a healthy mind. Be as it will be, to eat always recovered it is the most advisable option.

  • The Ideal Menu for a Healthy Diet
  • A healthy diet: entertaining and appetizing
  • Healthy diet to gain weight

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Disorders of the blood

As all the substances of the body, the blood also can have problems. From our health blog we have wanted to realize a synthesis of the principal disorders of the blood and his circulation, being one of the vital elements.

Well, synthesizing the concepts, the principal disorders of the blood are the following ones:

- Aneurisma. It is the anomalous dilation of a blood glass.
- Arteriosclerosis. It is characterized by the hardening of the arteries, produced by the accumulation of fat inside the walls.
- Anemia. The red globules do not contribute enough oxygen to the textiles. It can be for lack of hemoglobin or for lack of red globules.
- Cianosis. It is characterized by a bluish coloration of the skin, and is a sign that the arterial blood is become oxygenated badly.
- Isquemia. It is the absence of irrigation with blood become oxygenated in a concrete area of the body.
- Leukemia. An illness that it affects to the leukocytes of the blood, in which the number of leukocytes increases but these are bad, and rest of substances of the blood do not allow to work to.
- Arterial hypertension. One of the most common. It is characterized by the high pressure or tension in the arteries.
- Low blood pressure. I joust the opposite that the previous one. Here the tension is lower than the normal thing (lower than 120/80 mmHg).
- Hemorrhage. Technical word with which it is named the action to bleed.
- Thrombosis. It is the formation of a clot (or thrombus) in a blood glass.
- Trombocitopenia. The number of thrombocytes diminishes or trombocitos that circulate along the blood.
- Toxemia, bacteremia and septicemia. It is the poisoning of the blood.
- Policitemia. It is the increase of the number of blood cells.

Also there are other disorders of the blood like the peripheral vascular illness, purple, factor Rhesus (Rh), illness of Raynaud or the shock.

  • Blood donation
  • Reasons to donate blood
  • Is it possible to create blood?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

World situation of the Flu To in February

How it has done it in numerous occasions, this health blog keeps on reporting about the illness known as Flu TO H1N1. As in other occasions, one will refer to the current numbers that the Influenza A leaves. According to the WHO, until now about 15.921 deceases have registered on a global scale because of this illness.

As it will be remembered, last January the same blog referred to a declaration of the World Organization of the Health (WHO). The same one was carried out to clarify that it is true that a world Flu pandemic is living through the world To and it was expressing, between other things, that no type of scientific foundation exists to make sure that the WHO created a false pandemic to provide economic benefits to the pharmaceutical industry.

This clarification owed to the appearance of the numerous opposite voices that they believe that it was too much to put the pandemic sign to this illness.

Although they still continue the aftereffects on this most important topic, it is not necessary to forget that this respiratory illness still causes the death of thousands of persons everywhere of the world.

Many people will be wondering what the world situation of the Flu is TO H1N1 to the date of today. According to the last numbers handled by the WHO, with date of February 19, 2010, the Influenza A ha caused, until now, 15.921 deaths in the whole world, he reported the official web site of the international organism.

It is important to add that most of the deceases has happened in the territory of the Americas, the area most affected by this illness and where the Flu arose To. There has taken place the death of approximately 7.433 persons, he published the web page of the WHO.

If you want to know more on the Flu TO H1N1, this health blog invites it to read the special paragraph on the first pandemic of the XXIst century.

  • World pandemic of Flu TO H1N1
  • The Flu pandemic To es unstoppable but stable
  • WHO does not update any more the daily numbers of the Flu To

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What is the drop

The illnesses that the human being suffers are of all kinds, and from this health blog we are to analyze them. One of the questions that we have risen to ourselves is on an illness on which it is associated with the uric acid: what is the drop.

In a rapid and intuitive way we can say that the drop is the inflammation of the joints, and that it is usually joined to a big uric acid quantity.

The uric acid is one of the products that the body does not want and rejects it. When the drop takes place, if the uric acid quantity is high, a few glazing forms in the shape of needle that settle inside the joints, and it is here where the inflammation takes place. This glazing can stay along with the textile of the joint or under the skin. With the time, this supposes a problem, since it can generate arthritis. On the other hand, the glazing can stay at the kidney, by what there would be generated the well-known calculation and the stones of the kidney, which so much finds it hard to expel them.

To a great extent, the drop usually appears in the joint of the base of the big toe. With minor frequency, it can appear in other joints, as those of the hands, dolls, elbow or ankles.

The drop usually comes without warning and in the night, with an intense and strong pain. The drop attack takes place for an increase in the uric acid levels, well why their big quantity has been consumed or because the body has not been capable of eliminating them.

The consumption of alcohol, which inhibits the expulsion of the uric acid for the kidneys, or of shellfish, with big percentage of this acid in his composition, they can worsen the drop. There is some medicines, like the diuretics or the acid acetilsalicílico, that can worsen the drop.

  • Benefits of the Lemon
  • How to Eat Recovered in Christmas
  • Plants that Purify the Organism

Italy and flu A: suspicion for the excessive alarm

There are many countries and many areas of the world in which the alarm caused by the flu A has gone too much background, and the population has begun to think if it will not have taken place for interests of any who have wanted to benefit. From this health blog we tell you the case of Italy and the flu A: suspicion for the excessive alarm.

Interests of pharmaceutical companies, of laboratories and another type of institutions that possibly have benefited from the enormous alarm that they have created with the flu A, are those who do that in countries as Spain or Italy there is serious suspicion for the excessive alarm concerning the flu A.

In fact, in the transalpine country a study has been realized, in charge of Key-Stone, in which one has asked 600 Italian families. Well, the results show that the Italians have reacted with ripeness and conscience, without observing irrational positions.

97 % is against of the flu vaccination A and only in 5 % of the families at least one of his members has surrendered to the vaccination. As for the decision not to be vaccinated the suspicion exists towards the vacinas in general (25 %).

On the other hand, in the information he emphasizes the role that the doctor plays for 29 %. Internet has been used in 17 % of the cases to look for information about the flu A. Also, 80 % declares not to have any fear before the flu A. In fact, the reactions to the news have been principally of calmness and confidence and only 20 % has shown worry or fear. The calmness corresponds mainly to the persons who have requested information their own doctor.

In 69 % of the families illnesses symptoms have appeared gripales (not only of H1N1), but 43 % has thought, reasonably, that it would have been a question of a normal flu, and there has been at least a case of infection of H1N1 in 17 % of the families.

  • Infantile hypertension, he alarms for the adults
  • Symptoms of the flu A
  • Medicines against the flu A

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Spanish: conscious of that they suffer excess weight

But above they do not repent of it it nor produces dissatisfaction to them. Namely they are satisfied or are happy with his excess weight. From this health blog we analyze a study realized by Herbalife on nutritional habits and the perception that of the weight the Spanish have: conscious of that they suffer excess weight.

excess weight

The excess weight is one of the principal problems of health which the Spanish have to face. In fact, the Spanish, especially the Spaniards, are conscious of the excess weight that they endure but only it produces dissatisfaction to half of them.

This way, of the polled Spanish who are considered to be worried by his excess weight, only 17 % has taken some measurement in the last year, being more appealed the diets and the regular practice of exercise. For example, in 2008, the percentage of those who were declaring to take measures was significantly a Superior, close to 40 %.

For it, with this fact, the realized study shows here an inflection point, since there is invested the tendency of persons' growth that they were worrying for his weight and were taking some type of measurement, and we can derive, in a somewhat risky way, that the Spanish are conscious of that suffer excess weight but they do not take measures to solve it and are happy.

On the other hand, bearing in mind the attitude of the population towards his weight, the study shows us that one of the three individuals thinks that it has excess weight, especially the women of medium age. This fact is similar to that of the study realized in 2008, where five of every ten women were showing to be to grief with his body, especially the segment of age understood between 35 and 45 years. Nevertheless, the only one of the five interrogated persons declares himself unsatisfied with his weight, what it indicates us that an important part of the Spanish with excess weight do not consider to be necessary to take measures and to change life style.

  • Million persons do not know that they suffer hepatitis B ó C
  • 6 of Every 10 Spanish Suffer Chronic Pain
  • The Pineapple Against the Excess weight and the Cellulitis

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Aerobic exercise to burn corporal fat

From this health blog we put ourselves the clothes of the gymnasium again to sweat and to burn calories. In fact, the sport contributes big benefits for the health of the persons with excess weight and for it, we propose to do aerobic exercise to burn corporal fat.

exercise you weigh

To practise a little of exercise of regular form throughout the week, is a necessary and positive task for our organism. Also, with an hour of aerobic exercise of a moderate intensity they are wounded to be burning hot about approximately 300 calories and if it is the sufficiently intense thing, a high metabolism level is supported for several hours after the activity.

Now then, it is necessary to be careful with the aerobic exercise that is practised, since with this type of aerobic activities muscular fibre does not develop. Also, the combination of an excessive quantity of exercise with a low-calorie diet can produce a loss of muscular textile, with what in the long run, the person who is to diet can finish thinner but also more limp.

Another aspect to bear in mind is that the calories that are not burned are stored in the shape of fat and, as minor thickness has that the muscle, it is possible that, although one is supported in the same weight over the course of time, the waist for example experiences a continuous expansion, that is to say, every time muscular and greasier mass is had less. It is the typical "float" that goes out for us in the belly.

Namely if you try to slim, what it is necessary to do is to diminish the percentage of corporal fat and not the entire corporal weight. For it, you must combine a diet balanced with a suitable caloric contribution, more aerobic exercises of average intensity. Also you can do exercises of force (with weight, for example).

  • Butter: fat source
  • To burn Calories Without Effort
  • To eat lean

Monday, February 15, 2010

Skills to slow down the ejaculation

That it remains clear that we do not try to say that it should be good to slow down the ejaculation that it is not even bad, simply we propose a series of skills to you to slow down the ejaculation. We will leave for the experts in sexología the benefits or the disadvantages of her slowing down. This health blog simply tells you some of the skills to achieve it.

to slow down ejaculation

As I say, you can find specialists who tell you that it is not necessary to slow down, since it is bad, but on the contrary, there are others who assure that to slow down the ejaculation brings benefits to the organism. Be as it will be, simply we tell you some of the skills to slow down the ejaculation.

The first thing that there is that knowledge is that it is fundamental to train the pelvic muscles, to have entire domain and control on this area. For it, you can exercise them, controlling the urine flow, interrupt it and resume it to will. It is a question of a simple exercise, which can be practised several times a day and strengthens the whole pubic region. (I insist, this is only a skill, since you will be specialists who say to you that this practice is negative for the prostate).

Another skill than you can practise to slow down the ejaculation is to contract and to dilate the anal region, which is good gymnastics to have domain and control in this area of the body.

On the other hand, before there is experienced the need to ejaculate when a sexual relation is had, you can withdraw slightly the penis of the vagina and apply a soft pressure in the glans. To breathe deeply and to relax. It is normal that at first whole gets lost or partially the erection, but the practice this will happen less and less. This the specialists do not usually recommend it either. The important thing is that you learn to recognize the internal times.

Another method that favors the retention of the semen is the point pressure I fled Yin located in an intermediate place between the testicles and the year. This must be done during the excitement period, before the desire to ejaculate appears.

It always consults a specialist to know if to slow down the ejaculation supposes risks for the health.

  • 10 advices for the care of the hands
  • Tricks to give massages
  • Food to fight the depression

Friday, February 12, 2010

The leprosy still persists in the world

When one thinks about the illness of the leprosy, one goes back to ancient epochs. But it is important to emphasize that, regrettably, the leprosy is still not extinct illness, which persists in the current world, which affects thousands of persons. In this occasion, one will allude to this topic and to his situation in the world.


Before starting with this note, it would be important to define that is the leprosy. It is a chronic illness caused by the bacillus Mycobacterium leprae and that until beginning of the year 2009 it was affecting about 213.000 persons, informs the web site of the World Organization of the Health (WHO), that he adds that the most affected continents are Asia and Africa.

It is important to add that the leprosy is curable, if it is that the stated treatment of a precocious way is received, he published the web of the WHO, which added that this avoids all form of disability associated with this illness.

At the end of January there was carried out a new edition of the World Day of the Patients of Leprosy. In the frame of the above mentioned international date, from the Vatican there was realized a series of declarations related to this illness that at present fond of the world in the full XXIst century, in spite of being a sanitary problem that collaborates mistakenly to remote epochs.

In occasion, the president of the Pontifical Advice for the Pastoral one of the Health, monsignor Zygmunt Zimowski, said that the date chosen to make aware the world population about an illness as serious as the leprosy is not only a day of reflection on the victims of this pathology, but also is for solidarse with the brothers and sisters who are suffering, reported the official web site of the Vatican.

Between other things, it called the international community and the governments of all the countries to develop and to strengthen the necessary strategies to fight the leprosy, published the web.

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  • World day of the Alzheimer's disease
  • The world is alert for the flu H1N1
  • Flu To: 2.000 million persons in the world

The hair-removal laser in men

The small contemporary man has to do with the ancient male. Perhaps the cultural tendencies have changed and the context in which we move also. For it, from this health blog we verify how the hair-removal laser in men is in increase. The elimination of the hair is a more and more habitual question between the postmodern males.

depilated man

I remember that phrase that was said formerly: "the more downy the more beautiful man and the bear the”. Undoubtedly, this idea has gone on to the trunk of the memories since, nowadays, the man looks after very much and the corporal hair is an element that for him it usually bother. This way, the inhibition of the growth of the hair is one of the last tendencies that are blooming in the field of the masculine personal care, as the reports experts' in the sector show.

For it, the men's quantity that resort to the laser or to the photohair-removal to reduce or to eliminate the presence of hair in certain parts of his body, is on the increase. From professionals of diverse sports ambiences that use these methods of hair-removal like bodybuilders, swimmers, cyclists or soccer players, between many others, the demand is increasing. There are sectors much defined inside the world of the sport, which use the hair-removal to eliminate the hair and to improve, this way, his competitive services.

This way, the man chases to finish with the hair not wished in practically any part of the body (let's say that everything is capable of being depilated, except the genitals, the aureoles and the spots, in general).

It is possible that, beyond encouraging the sports yield, the hair-removal laser in men has a direct relation with the self-esteem and the confidence that the men adopt today so much is his personal lives as professionally and, of course, not all the men can be depilated to show body: is not it true?

  • What the best hair-removal method is
  • By installments laser: cutaneous rejuvenation
  • Why do the women have more disorders of the sleep than the men

Thursday, February 11, 2010

More than 90 cases of avian flu in Egypt

The earthquake of Haiti, which caused several weeks ago numerous ravages and a big quantity of mortal victims, provoked that the international community and the world press have put his attention to through what one was living in the Caribbean country. But it is not necessary to forget that also serious problems exist in sanitary matter. In this occasion, this health blog one will refer to the situation of the Avian Flu in the territory of Egypt.

The avian flu in Egypt

The problem of the Flu is still latent TO H5N1, commonly so called avian flu or it would get ready, an infectious illness of the birds caused by the vines type A of the virus of the flu, as he informs the web site of the World Organization of the Health.

One of the countries most affected by this serious illness is Egypt and it is on this topic that one will allude next.

According to official numbers of the sanitary authorities, which have been published on the web page of the WHO, up to the date there has been confirmed a whole of 96 cases of avian flu A (H5N1), of which 27 have caused the death of the patient.

As regards these cases, it is necessary to add that the last two patients to which the illness was diagnosed in Egyptian territory had been exposed to sick or dead poultry, he informed the web of the WHO.

As regards the avian flu, it would be re-feed important to remember the conclusions of an investigation of the Hospital of Infantile Investigation St. Jude (Tennessee, the United States), which were already announced several months ago.

Across this study, which was already indexed in this blog, one managed to conclude that the persons who manage to survive this flu can go so far as to endure cerebral illnesses in the future like, for example, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson.

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  • World pandemic of Flu TO H1N1
  • The Flu pandemic To es unstoppable but stable
  • Flu To and common flu in Spain

Butter: fat source

The debate between the butter and the margarine seems not to have greatly sense, since both are food rich in fats. For it, from this health blog we want to reflect on 750 calories for hundred grams that the butter has: fat source. The best option is to replace it with the olive oil, so Mediterranean and so our.

toasted butter

The early-rising toasts are accompanied by jam and butter. But it is possible that we do not know with certainty the problems of health that can cause the butter to us, that we include it in our menus with enough agility. The butter is an unsaturated fat source, since it is composed of 80 % of fat, and it has a big caloric contribution.

Also, the butter is neither a food that scarcely brings proteins to the organism, nor carbohydrates, although it has in his composition vitamin A and D. It is necessary to point out that the butter possesses fat of animal origin, which usually comes from the milk or from the cream.

Another option that seems to push many consumers is that of replacing the butter with margarine, when in the fund, it is two very similar food. The margarine also contains high percentages of fat and brings slightly less of calories to the organism that the butter, but it is not also to throw rockets. It is possible that the only difference, theoretically, between one and other one is the origin of the fat: in the butter it is of animal origin and in the margarine it is of industrial origin.

For this high place contained in fat, it is advisable to eliminate the butter of our diets and to replace it with olive oil much healthier and beneficial for our organism. Therefore, the pleasant toasts with jam and butter we should eliminate them of the diet, although we can do an exception occasionally to take them.

  • Carrot, Source of Vitamins
  • Orange: vitamin source C
  • To eat lean

To obtain the ideal weight before gaining muscle

A question as daily as to come to the gymnasium to strengthen the muscles and to those put biceps big that they get accustomed to seeing for these places, it is a task that needs, the less, a previous reflection: to obtain the ideal weight before gaining muscle. From this health blog we give you more details.

muscle you weigh

To come to the gymnasium, this way, without much ado, is not usually advisable. First, it is necessary to know why he wants to go away: to strengthen, to strengthen, to extract muscle, to support the form, … namely it is necessary to be sure of what loves.

For it, the man or the woman who should want to obtain muscular definition doing weight, will have to insure herself first that is in his weight adapted before beginning with the mission that has been proposed. In this sense, the first thing will be to bear in mind how much it is the corporal fat with which the person who comes to the gymnasium will feel comfortable before beginning the training cycle.

Therefore if you choose to work the muscular definition, you must begin for obtaining an appropriate weight considering your height and corporal constitution of the bones. This is the more adapted before being employed at your muscular mass, and this is what most of persons must do before going to the gymnasium: to obtain the ideal weight before gaining muscle. There is habitual the idea of trying to begin queriendo to become "big" and to have a few muscles well defined from the beginning, spending for high the aerobic phase, which is usually most bored commonly for all, but the same way necessary for the development of your proposal.

Also, you have to continue a healthy diet that should be accompanied properly by a few rules of rigorous training for those that think about how to enlarge his muscles. Finally, if you decide to take some product so that it helps you to accelerate the growth of the muscle, you have to consult with some specialist in sports nutrition.

  • How to obtain a smooth skin
  • Healthy diet to gain weight
  • How to obtain habit of the sleep in the children

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How is it possible to prepare the cancer?

In the frame of the celebration of the World Day against the Cancer, this blog keeps on informing about this important international event that it is used for someone years so that the persons take conscience about this illness, which provokes the death of million persons. Although it remains clear that the motto of this year is “The cancer also can get ready”, it would be interesting to inform the reader about how it is possible to prepare this illness.


After developing last Thursday, the 4th of February, the World Day against the Cancer will think about how to leave the most important message to the world population. And the fact is that, although this illness is one of the principal causes of world mortality, the cancer yes can get ready.

But how is it possible to prepare? 40 % of the cancers is potentially prevenible, tells the web site of the world campaign World Cancer Campaign, organized by International Union Against Cancer, that it offers a series of recommendations to be less exposed to the appearance of this illness.

According to the web, the UICC tells that the risk of developing cancer can diminish in a significant way across the implementation of simple measurements (which also have been published by the World Organization of the Health on his official web page).

The above mentioned recommendations are: 1) to Stop the tobacco consumption and to avoid the exhibition to the second-hand smoke (to remember that the nicotinism is the second cause of mortality, according to the WHO); 2) to Moderate the alcohol consumption; 3) to Avoid the excessive exhibition to the sun; 4) to Support a healthy weight by means of a healthy feeding and the regular achievement physical exercise; and 5) to Be Protected opposite to the carcinogenic infections.

It is important to add that knows each other already on what topic the edition will be centred 2011 of the World Day against the Cancer. Next year will look to teach the children and the adolescents to avoid the exhibition to the beams UV.

Image subject to license CC

  • Advices to Prepare the Cancer
  • “Live through the resistance”, campaign to prepare the womb cancer
  • The importance of preparing the leather cancer

Monday, February 8, 2010

How to separate the fingers given with glue

The ultrastrong glue, of rapid clinging or commonly so called “superglue“, has the disadvantage of which when you use it, as you do not do it carefully, you can stick the fingers. From this health blog we give you a rapid and simple recommendation to know how to separate the fingers given with glue.

fingers glue

With this idea that the industries of the glue have of doing ultraclinging glues, our fingers, sometimes, cover danger if we cannot take the opportune measures. For it, one of the questions that we all have done one day when we use these products is how to separate the fingers given with glue.

The first thing that we have to do, as always, it is to have precaution: better safe than sorry. This way, when you are going to use extrastrong glue put a few gloves to avoid the contact of the "superglue" with your fingers. In fact, the proper manufacturers recommend the use of gloves.

But skylight, already it is too much late and, after being be too tight so that there sticks the piece of vase that has broken you, you realize that in addition to the ceramics, your fingers also have remained beaten. Well, in this case, as soon as possible let's react better. Normally, pulling the fingers with little force you will manage to separate them, but you will have left the glue, the same way, in both fingers. At least we already have them separated. In case of do not be able to separate them, the trick that we recommend to you is that you apply to yourself acetone (nail varnish remover), a product that will act against the glue and to you will allow to separate the fingers and to eliminate it of your skin with facility.

Finally, a simple advice: it never happens to you to try to separate the fingers that you have clingings with glue, with a knife, scissors, lime or anything similar, since the only thing that you could obtain is to cut you or to take you a finger piece ahead. So, already you know: precaution.

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How to arrange the food in the refrigerator

The food preservation in the icebox is important to obtain the good state and conservation of his properties. For it, from this health blog we wonder how to arrange the food in the refrigerator. A key task so that the food has all his intact characteristics or that they do not deteriorate in excess.


On the one hand we have the freezer. There, it is suitable to label the food with the date of buy, to have a certain order and to avoid risks on having defrosted. Also, the defrosting must be done gradually, going on from the freezer to the icebox.

Another important aspect in the order of the food in the icebox is that of the milk, which must be placed in the top shelves of the refrigerator, since they are the most warm and allow to preserve better the milk and his derivatives. In an intermediate area of the icebox there must be located the drinks and the food that are of immediate consumption (in a pair of days).

A step below these there must be located the prepared plates and the made meals that keep in the icebox. Namely they have to be in the lowest and cold part of the refrigerator. For below his there will only stay the fruits, vegetables and vegetables, which will be located in the drawers for his best conservation, avoiding the moisture.

Finally, we can say that both the butters, and the open drinks or the sauces - type Ketchup, mayonnaise, etc - must be placed in the different compartments that the door has. In fact, all the refrigerators are prepared to arrange them this way.

On the other hand, the temperature of the refrigerator must be between 0 and 5ºC, to avoid the bacteria formation. Also, it is advisable not to place in the same shelf raw and cooked food and to wrap the food with a plastic movie to isolate them of the bacteria.

  • Expiry date of the food
  • Conservation and Cooked of Food in Summer
  • He organizes your Refrigerator

Sunday, February 7, 2010

More than 20 years of cosmetics for men

The idea of that the women were the only ones who were worrying if physical aspect some time ago that stopped being something exclusive of the feminine sector, since more than 20 years ago of the cosmetics for men. The treatments of health and beauty for the men it is a fact of the contemporary society and this health blog tells you more details.

cosmetics men

The world of the cosmetics has always fixed his look to the woman, looking out of the corner of the eye at the man. This one tendency has seen assaulted in the last 25 years with the entry in the sector of the beauty the cosmetics treatments for the man. At first, only a few signatures saw the man of the XXIst century as to a potential public and 25 years later there is already no mark of cosmetics that has not prepared its own masculine exclusive line.

The cosmetics treatments for men are for all the tastes: antifall to regenerate the hair and scalp, products for the personal care, moisturizing, anti-wrinkle, reaffirmants, greasy lotions, masks, shampoos, conditioners, perfumes, depilatory, tanning creams, exfoliants, fire, etc. Practically the same line of products of cosmetics as for the women, but applied to the man.

In empirical terms, the world entire market of masculine treatments (without counting the perfumes), reaches almost 1.500 million euros. Also, in a period of five years (2002 – 2007), the consumption of products of cosmetics for men multiplied for five. The products that more have grown, 67 % is the anti-age. That less, the makeups, which only it uses a 1 %. In a next future one of the three sold cosmetics will be masculine.

It is curious how more than 20 years ago the cosmetics marks only saw the man as an absolute products consumer like the shaving foam or the alter-shave. Since then, the masculine public has entered strongly the world of the cosmetics.

  • Neurocosmética and neurodermatología, towards the intelligent cosmetics.
  • What is Geocosmética
  • Heyday erotic cosmetics