Monday, February 15, 2010

Skills to slow down the ejaculation

That it remains clear that we do not try to say that it should be good to slow down the ejaculation that it is not even bad, simply we propose a series of skills to you to slow down the ejaculation. We will leave for the experts in sexología the benefits or the disadvantages of her slowing down. This health blog simply tells you some of the skills to achieve it.

to slow down ejaculation

As I say, you can find specialists who tell you that it is not necessary to slow down, since it is bad, but on the contrary, there are others who assure that to slow down the ejaculation brings benefits to the organism. Be as it will be, simply we tell you some of the skills to slow down the ejaculation.

The first thing that there is that knowledge is that it is fundamental to train the pelvic muscles, to have entire domain and control on this area. For it, you can exercise them, controlling the urine flow, interrupt it and resume it to will. It is a question of a simple exercise, which can be practised several times a day and strengthens the whole pubic region. (I insist, this is only a skill, since you will be specialists who say to you that this practice is negative for the prostate).

Another skill than you can practise to slow down the ejaculation is to contract and to dilate the anal region, which is good gymnastics to have domain and control in this area of the body.

On the other hand, before there is experienced the need to ejaculate when a sexual relation is had, you can withdraw slightly the penis of the vagina and apply a soft pressure in the glans. To breathe deeply and to relax. It is normal that at first whole gets lost or partially the erection, but the practice this will happen less and less. This the specialists do not usually recommend it either. The important thing is that you learn to recognize the internal times.

Another method that favors the retention of the semen is the point pressure I fled Yin located in an intermediate place between the testicles and the year. This must be done during the excitement period, before the desire to ejaculate appears.

It always consults a specialist to know if to slow down the ejaculation supposes risks for the health.

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