Sunday, February 7, 2010

The battle to the fastidiousness is gained by prevention

The fastidiousness is an illness for which there is no vaccine, a treatment recommended for the affected ones does not even exist. That's why the sanitary authorities urge all the persons to whom they begin to implement a series of measurements to prevent the transmitting mosquito from being reproduced. In this occasion, this health blog will detail which these recommendations are.

Water suspended outdoors

This is not the first time that this blog treats the topic dal fastidiousness, an illness that affects principally the inhabitants of tropical and subtropical zones, he informed the web page of the WHO.

In this opportunity, this journalistic article will refer to recommendations offered to the international sanitary authorities, including the World Organization of the Health, to achieve that the mosquito female of the species Aedes Aegypti, vector of this illness, could not reproduce.

After a vaccine exists neither against the fastidiousness, nor even specific antiviral medicines against the illness, according to the web site of the WHO, it is important to bear in mind certain measurements to avoid the appearance of larvae of the transmitting mosquito of the illness. The only way of preparing the transmission of the virus of the fastidiousness is the struggle against the mosquitoes Aedes Aegypti, she informs the web of the WHO.

How is it possible to prepare this illness? To avoid the appearance of larvae of Aedes Aegypti, it is recommended to clean tires, vases, bottles, packings of plastic forgotten, canisters or other objects that accumulate water and where this insect can lodge his eggs.

In the last time, several countries are using a novel technological mechanism that emulates the respiration of the human being (they produce CO2) to attract to the mosquitoes and then to catch them. This blog has already alluded to this topic in occasion of a few realized tests some weeks ago in Argentine territory.

It is important to remember that, of not acting on time, this illness can be contracted for about 40 % of the world population, according to numbers handled by the international sanitary organism in his web site.

  • What is the fastidiousness?
  • Argentina and his combat against the fastidiousness
  • It fights to the fastidiousness

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