Thursday, March 18, 2010

They will commemorate the World Day of the Tuberculosis

Next Wednesday, the 24th of March there will be carried out a new edition of the World Day of the Tuberculosis, an international celebration that thinks about how to make aware the persons about the validity of this illness in the world. In this occasion, this health blog will allude to this important world commemoration.

World day of the Tuberculosis

As informs the WHO, across his web site, the tuberculosis is an infectious illness it usually affects the lungs and that, with an advisable treatment and on time, it is possible to prepare and to recover.

There is such the importance that the international sanitary authorities give him, that for years this illness tells with an annual date to try that all the persons should take conscience about the tuberculosis and everything it related to her.

Next Wednesday, the 24th of March there will be realized a new celebration of the World Day of the Tuberculosis, illness that it infects to about a third of the inhabitants of the world, although only 10 % contracts actively the illness, he informs the web page of the WHO, which adds that approximately 1,77 millions of persons died in the year 2007 because of this illness, principally in developing countries.

As he tells the web site, this important international date was created so that the persons understand that this illness keeps on being an epidemic largely of the world.

Why was it chosen on March 24 for this commemoration? The fact is that it was in this date, but in the year 1882, that the winner of the Nobel Prize of Medicine, the German doctor Robert Koch, announced the discovery of the cause of the tuberculosis, he published

It is important to add that the World Organization of the Health (WHO) is working untiringly after achieving in the year 2015 a decrease of the valuation of predominance and of deaths for this illness, he informed the web of the WHO.


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